I gave them to a friend how picked them up. I have checked the Tractor Supply stores around where all of my scattered relatives live, and no luck anywhere (PA and MD). The buck has been eating about 1-1/2 cups of goat chow with grass/alfalfa hay. I would appreciate any suggestions. (some times as low as $11.00/bag w tax) This price fluctuates from year to year. This size of pellet makes it easy for goats of all breeds and ages to masticate the pellets. I often hear people say they want to give their animals “the best” feed, and they assume alfalfa is best because it … If you are not going to breed them, then you should probably cut back on the alfalfa in the next few months. The organic is new. Years ago we had rabbits and fed them alfalfa pellets. If you would not feed alfalfa hay to an animal, then you should not feed alfalfa pellets to that animal. I mix mine with steamed oats and sweet feed. Along with Standlee alfalfa pellets, black sunflower seeds and Standlee compressed alfalfa and orchard grass baled hay free choice. They don’t seem to care much for anything in there pen except the leaves they can reach. Pricing Comparison Alfalfa Hay vs Alfalfa pellets. They would be almost 5 months old now. I decided to write this post because at least once a week I wind up explaining all of this to someone, so now I can just give them a link to this post. If they start losing hair in random spots or foaming at the mouth, I’d suspect zinc deficiency. I’ve been feeding alfalfa pellets to my Nigerians for the past three years. Their coats are soft and shiny but there hooves are chipping up the sides. It is only bucks or DRY does that do not need the calcium in alfalfa. The couple I sold triplets to fed only pellets, and medicated ones at that!, contrary to everything I had told them. I purchase alfalfa pellets at I.FA for approx $8 per 50 lb bag which is $320/ton. Our goats waste so much alfalfa hay. The post does NOT say that alfalfa causes urinary calculi in bucks. Only does in milk or pregnant does need that much calcium. https://thriftyhomesteader.com/caring-for-senior-goats/, And be sure to have baking soda available free choice. You can, however, feed them grass hay pellets, such as timothy or orchard grass pellets. Ruminants cannot live on a diet of only alfalfa pellets. Alfalfa hay, lots of forage, pellets for a treat. They also get pasture and browse and grain. You can also use kitchen garbage bags if you have a chest freezer in your house, just take out flakes of the chaffhaye of what you use a day and store in those in your home freezer. I put orchard grass hay and alfalfa hay together in the hay feeder. I don’t want to go through that again. We hand milk so the alfalfa pellets mixed in help with does not getting too much grain. This is what their previous owners fed them, and they don’t want to seem to eat any other type of food. again thank you. Janet Lambert. I’m not sure what your goal is because BOSS is a grain. Now I’m worrying. feeding my bucks nothing but alfalfa their whole lives. just be careful with high calcium food for bucks of any age I lost 2 bucks to urinary stones. If you are feeding any hay other than alfalfa, please do not feed grain to your wethers/bucks. They have nothing in common with each other. A grass hay pellet would be fine though. She was right at 60% of her adult weight (my plan was to wait another month, but our buck decided to get smart all of a sudden and figured out how to open the gate). Dry adult does, bucks and wethers can wind up with zinc deficiency if they get too much alfalfa. Thank you. Browse provides a lot minerals that goats need that other livestock do not. I feed lakin hay pellets to my mules could you feed those to two wether bucks? If you’ve read my book, Raising Goats Naturally, you may recall the story of a woman who lives in Texas who feeds only hay pellets for nine months a year. I feed baled hay and give grain to pg and nursing does. I know alfalfa is a common GMO crop, is it likely that is the difference between organic and not organic at Standlee, not use of chemicals? I have never used alfalfa pellets but they should like a wonderful solution to keeping the girls busy while being milked without giving to much grain. Lastly do you think we should put a heating lamp inside their sleeping shed during the night for the winter? I read in one your comments that you tell your customers to buy one 50lb bag of grain and when it is gone to not buy anymore. If your animals are on pasture all day long, and you are just giving them something to munch on in the barn, then yes, you can give them pellets instead of hay because they’ve just spent all day eating things that required a lot of chewing. They love it and it is almost like candy to them. If you live in a region like we do that does not have a large supply of alfalfa hay then you may want to supplement your goats to help. The only possible problem with too much alfalfa would be too much calcium, which causes zinc deficiency, so if she starts to blow her coat in the middle of winter or foam at the mouth, I’d switch to timothy only. I’ve used another brand of organic alfalfa pellets (the only one I could find in 50-lb bags) for my rabbits when our feed delivery was late and think it’s an awesome idea to mix into goat and hog feeds! Being overweight is really one of the best case scenarios when over-feeding grain because too much grain can also cause enterotoxemia, thiamine deficiency, bloat, and other rumen problems that can cause death. Not sure if you have goats yet or not, but you really should have at least two because they are herd animals and will be happier and healthier if they have a goat friend or two. I have been interested in trying alfalfa pellets but haven’t gotten around to it yet. One of them will be my herd sire this year and he is still a kid growing. We started using alfalfa pellets years ago when we had goats that could finish all their grain faster than we could milk them. They waste this hay which isn't much better than straw and I'm running out of the good stuff FAST. Help! Last time I checked, Chaffhaye only came in alfalfa. Goats should have grass hay available all the time. Nutritionally alfalfa is the same regardless of whether it is pellets, cubes, or hay, but goats really need the long stem forage, such as hay, to keep their rumen working. Is this new product (organic goat pellets) available already and fo you know whete it can be purchased? I also read to give a copper supplement a few times a year. I use a combo of pellets and grass hay, but really appreciate your explanation. I don’t feed goats, but I raise a lot of cattle. You even want your hay to be green inside the bale. I was thinking of adding pellet Timothy or Alfalfa to her diet since we are coming into winter and she won’t have as much access to pasture. Am I doing this right? Do you think the sheep would benefit from these. They waste this hay which isn't … Goats are unable to sort out leaves from the stems, resulting in little to no waste. I am very happy to hear that someone is making organic pellets especially for goats, but not sure I can source them up in Northern BC where we live. Aug 22, 2012 #5 Renegade Overrun with beasties. USDA Rural Information Center. I think I will try the non-organic pellets also. I cannot find alfalfa hay around here, and the pellets are simple plus the goats love them. Where I lived that is what was available and that is what we fed. Si.ce the first of the year we have gotten 9 goats 2 of which are in milk. My goats do the same thing - You can hardly pour the alfalfa pellets into the feeding bin at milking time. Any other suggestions or tips would be greatly appreciated. Are you discontinuing it?? Thank you for this information!! It has happened to my bucks multiple times when I was unable to get enough grass hay in the winter. You could mix in a little grain to get them more interested. My goats didn't eat the alfalfa hay. I have 2 nigerian dwarfs, one wether and one doeling that are 5 months old. It has a lot of calcium in it, which could lead to zinc deficiency because calcium is a zinc antagonist. They do not spray alfalfa with an herbicide, but they do spray the field itself before planting. Grass hay does not have that much calcium, so you should feed timothy or oat grass pellets to bucks and wethers. Good quality alfalfa hay is one of the most palatable and digestible forage sources that can be offered to any class of horse. What specific mineral do you have available for them? I’m not sure what you mean about nurturing your goat. It would def help me to stretch out my hay as much as possible sometimes. I do use them but they are free choice along with bales hay. I just got two doelings, about 5 months old, and they were a bit skittish when we first got them. If they are not going to be bred, then they don’t need alfalfa. Theres not alot of grass out front for some reason so I’ve been letting them into the back during the day. I live in Maine and would love to try your Alfalfa pellets as im new to this and we have some long winters, I’m looking for better products for my two Nigerian dwarf goats over the season. Giving a goat grain with poor quality brown hay can lead to vitamin A and E deficiency because the goat feed companies don’t put much of those vitamins in there assuming that the goats will be getting plenty from browsing and hay. So, if your goats are not on pasture, you need to provide them with some type of hay, in addition to the alfalfa pellets. It can cause digestive and respiratory problems, among other things. I read in a garden forum that alfalfa is never treated with Grazon like hay is, do you know if that is true? I have a doe that was bred about 4.5 weeks ago. You may hear of types such as timothy hay, orchard grass, canary grass, fescue, etc. @ $11.59/50lb $463/ton @ $11.00/ bag $440/ton. We just ran out, waiting to clear out an area of grass hay so I have a place to put a new round bale. My doe eats way too fast and tries to have me stop milking until she gets more….. New to Goat ownership this summer- love reading all the comments! If you needed to buy pellets, it would be better to get the timothy or oat hay pellets. Depends on how you define occasional treat. I found that too much grain also had a negative affect on the hooves of the goats, and required more trimming. A: Nutrient-wise, alfalfa hay and alfalfa pellets are similar in content. You don’t need to provide male goats with any type of pellets. Not kidding here. I am very interested in adding alfalfa pellets to their daily feed, as I’m concerned about feeding them too much grain. ... Alfalfa Pellets are pure pelleted alfalfa with nothing else added. They work well for me since i cant get goid quality alfalfa hay. I have given flakes of alfalfa and Chaffhaye since day one with my goats, but have heard mixed reviews on the alfalfa pellets. So, don’t confuse hay pellets with grain pellets. (I know any animal can have that happen but ). But that won’t last long and I will be heading to TSC again! Plus, it gets more water in their diet, which is good for a milking goat. Feeding goats Pellets vs hay, or hay and pellets. I wonder how much that is compared to buying good alfalfa hay--that's not cheap either, these days. It’s like giving your goats candy. Be careful not to feed too much so they don't bloat. They don’t have to chew or ruminate much with pellets. Alfalfa Pellets. Thanks! Success! I just contacted Standlee to get the most up-to-date info for you, in case anything has changed since I worked with them last year on this. Joined May 23, 2009 Messages 332 Reaction score 3 Points 86 Location Georgia. Your email address will not be published. Since you don’t need to limit most baled hay, there is not really a limit to how much pellets and cubes you can feed. You can definitely give them as much as you want of timothy hay pellets on a daily basis, so if you feel you need to give them a treat on a daily basis, the grass hay pellets are a good choice. Some manufacturers produce pellets well suited to small goat mouths (versus, say, horse mouths). Was heading to TSC last night to buy my first bale of Standlee when my dad came up with 3 bales of our hay for me. Alfalfa is a legume, ... Hi-Fi Original and Hi-Fi Lite are the ideal low calorie fibre feeds for goats who hold condition easily, or as a hay-replacer when good quality hay or grazing is short. So into the freezer it goes. Maybe you mean neuter? Looking forward to offering this pellet to our American Guinea hogs. All grains (corn, oats, wheat, barley, etc. Milkers need as much alfalfa as possible. What kind of grain are you referring to? Currently using organic alfalfa pellets milled locally… mixing with my milking doe’s grain and then feeding free choice overnight. I have 3 Nigerian Dwarf does , if I decided to switch to pellets and also give some hay easy day..how many bags should I expect to go through in a month? Thanks for the info! (West Texas wind) I would like to try cubes to see if they like those. 3# per doe. Feed by weight and not by volume. Success! My two does are in milk, plus I have a doeling and a wether, coming up on 8 months old. Since she is not milking or making babies, she probably doesn’t need as much calcium as if she were doing those things, but many humans do need calcium supplements when they’re older, so the timothy-alfalfa blend pellets would probably be best for her. They do NOT need alfalfa, and in fact, feeding alfalfa to a wether and a dry doe could cause zinc deficiency because it has too much calcium in it, which can bind with the zinc, making it unavailable. While some people may get away with it for years, I have seen the agonizing pain created by well meaning goat owners who chose the mixed hay route. https://thriftyhomesteader.com/zinc-deficiency-goats/ This equates to 3.75 – 5.25 lbs. Jordan I bought a small freezer for my goat food barn to put the chaffhaye bales in it once open in the summer heat. So now I’d love to try some out for our girls please! Here is more on minerals in goats: Also when the wind blows. They may initially be suspicious of the pellets, but if you mix a little in with their grain, they tend to get over that pretty quickly. I would also keep apple cider vinegar in the water. Calcium is a zinc antagonist, and bucks and wethers don’t need that much, so it binds with the zinc and causes a deficiency. The hay needs to be of good quality, meaning fine stemmed, leafy, and free of dust and mold. There was an error submitting your subscription. Feeding grain to ruminants is a pretty modern idea. I currently give my 2 senior goats timothy hay pellets but have been researching giving them chaffhaye instead of our baled hay because it is low quality hay due to our horse suffering from chronic laminitis and they don’t eat much of it. Interested in perhaps seeing if my goats would like this brand, but unsure if I want to spend the money on something they may not like when they are perfectly happy with their current organic alfalfa pellets. I only start grain after my gal delivered. And $19 / bale to boot. I hope these ideas are helpful. Pellets are convenient if you have limited space for hay storage or if you want to mix it with grain. Not fun for any of us but he’s done well for several years. Oh, and he’s losing his fur. Please try again. Maybe silly but I bought a cow bell and trying to train them to come when they hear it. Join me in the milking parlor in this video as I explain how we use alfalfa pellets with does on the milk stand. So, all of that to ask if you think I should switch to Timothy pellets? Thanks for clearing up the info about CA to P ratio. Can alfalfa pellets or cubes totally replace hay? I keep full sized lamanchas (dairy goats) for milk production and we feed a mix of hays... and it's different for pregnant and milk producing does than for the bucks, growing kids and weathers. Alibaba.com offers 767 alfalfa for goats products. How to Introduce More Protein to Your Dairy Goat’s Diet. I have zero waste. Imbalance of calcium and phosphorus does. My goats do really well on it. If fed dry, pellets … Required fields are marked *. I'm heading out later today to pick up some loose minerals. Even though alfalfa pellets generally cost more than bales of hay, there is zero waste with the pellets. It’s also how I trained my super wild, never handled 3 yr olds. When Standlee approached me earlier this year and asked if I’d like to be a brand ambassador for them, it was an easy yes because I’d been using and recommending their product for more than ten years. If I give them more than that, they get full and walk away before they are completely finished. I do know of at least one person who feeds her goats 100% pellets, but most people think goats need at least some long-stem roughage to keep their rumen working properly because the longer stem roughage takes more time to digest. Does anyone else give alfalfa cubes to their goats? If you … Mar 21, 2019 - Even though I have written about feeding alfalfa pellets to goats, I still get a lot of questions about exactly how pellets are different than cubes or hay and how they should be used as part of a goat’s diet, as well as other livestock. Thrifty Homesteader is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to amazon.com. Wethers are very easy keepers. My goats go through about a bale/a week, if that. If goats get too much grain, they’ll get diarrhea and a host of other health problems. If not, you can mix it into chickens feed or sprinkle on your garden around your tomato plants. Thanks for sharing! In the title photo, I have the regular alfalfa pellets on the left, which are 1/4 inch, and the organic pellets are on the right, which are 5/32 inch in diameter. Maybe they’ve just got me trained. Not a good choice. If the reason is parasites, then treat that. DragonLair, our horse also is fed the stems left by our goats -- she just loves that! We feed ours one scoop per goat each day. This post was reviewed by a nutritionist before publishing. Love your site. It’s just there in case they do. If you have meat goats, it may not a problem to go grain free. you can add some grains powder or vitamins in your raw materials, I don’t think we are supposed to feed alfalfa to our weathers. Required fields are marked *. The calcium/phos ratio really confuses me but I don’t want to hurt them. I want to try them for my laying hens. That is what we give them in the morning. Help! I always thought everything they needed was in the pellets? Then, I started feeding AP free choice, and hay free choice. So feeding a mixed hay type isn't good/enough?? https://thriftyhomesteader.com/what-do-goats-eat-it-depends/. I went to the Lakin website, and the first ingredient is alfalfa, which is too rich for wethers and bucks. It’s just not working and I’m super concerned especially with winter around the corner. Is there anything else I should be doing? I’m going to have to look for the organic!! I include various costs at which I have purchased alfalfa pellets and their cost per ton. McKenzie Eidem 36,044 views. It is high in calcium, and too much calcium can cause zinc deficiency. I see too many people think that they just need to feed more grain or beet pulp (please no!) Here is more info on what goats eat — The other lady with the 9 weeker said she is only feeding hers hay and loose minerals. I give alfalfa pellets not only to does on the milk stand, but I also add it to the grain I give my bucks/wethers, to help balance the calcium/phosphorus ratio and help prevent urinary calculi. https://thriftyhomesteader.com/what-do-goats-eat-it-depends/ I have 3 acres and the grass is waste high but starting to turn brown. They are totally reliant on the bacteria in their rumen for proper digestion to take place. Got my country home at the age of 52 in November love the new life and will not go back to living in town. https://thriftyhomesteader.com/goats-need-baking-soda/, Thank you so very much for responding back. Can you explain what you are seeing and what you are doing when you see whatever you are seeing? It is impossible to get any kind of organic goat feed around here. Nutritionally alfalfa is the same regardless of whether it is pellets, cubes, or hay, but goats really need the long stem forage, such as hay, to keep their rumen working. They don’t chew. Fibre is fermented relatively slowly with highly lignified or ‘woody’ feeds such as … They won’t need that a few months down the road when their growth slows down — and it can become detrimental for them and cause problems. They may take time to get used to new stuff but mine even eat pumpkin now. What about grain, I was told they really don’t need it since they have hay and access to a pasture. She is currently on about 1lbs. Alfalfa pellets are an excellent way of providing fibre in a concentrated form; No added sugar and low in starch; Alfalfa Pellets are rich in calcium and other naturally occurring vitamins and minerals I have a 15 year old doe. Cubes are made for horses and cattle, and because the hay has not been completely pulverized, it does require more chewing than pellets do. Can I feed this brand of alfalfa pellets? I have used the pellets several times over the last year. I hope you are not feeding them grain either, as grain can lead to urinary calculi in male goats. Hi, I feed them alphalfa hay and Purina chow with a scoop of probiotics every day. I also give a few raisins/molasses cookies last month for energy, as a threat. We have a neighbor that offered to sell us alfalfa hay a while back and the goats love it. Alfalfa is not bad for goats, in fact, it's good for them. I have seen several of you talk about feeding alfalfa pellets to your goats, and of course, I have a few questions. People just use it to put weight on goats, which should not be the only goal. See previous question/inquiry. He has pasture as well as Timothy hay and sanfoin hay plus a little bit of COB with powdered probiotic to help his tummy and add weight. If I’m out of hay can I give the pellets to all of them instead and what amount? https://thriftyhomesteader.com/goats-in-winter/, https://thriftyhomesteader.com/zinc-deficiency-goats/, https://thriftyhomesteader.com/goat-minerals/, https://thriftyhomesteader.com/7-tips-for-keeping-bucks-healthy/, https://thriftyhomesteader.com/caring-for-senior-goats/, https://thriftyhomesteader.com/goats-need-baking-soda/, https://thriftyhomesteader.com/what-do-goats-eat-it-depends/. You can email me a photo of her at deborah@thriftyhomesteader.com if you want me to take a look. Never feed moldy hay to goats! I have a 19 year old goat with no teeth and he struggles to chew. Now check your email to confirm your subscription. Alfalfa pellets have as much protein as the grain and it has more calcium. Medalist's new specialty pellets for horses consists of barley sprouts, alfalfa, oat hay, and Timothy Grass. He is not a good drinker either. I’ve read some places that there’s no nutrition in dry grass. During the warmer months the goats free range and I’m happy to say they eat down a lot of pesky weeds. Each of these grasses may be found in your hay … So they need GREEN grass, leaves, bushes, weeds, etc. The cubes are too big for goats. I feed my goats once a day. Wow. (some times as low as $11.00/bag w tax) This price fluctuates from year to year. I would just as soon take her off grain, but with her still being young and pregnant I’m not sure what to do. Luckily there are a few options to help remedy this. Since grain is also made into “pellets,” this can get confusing. The reticulum and rumen are home to a large dynamic population of bacteria that are responsible for the fermentation of carbohydrates to produce volatile fatty acids or VFAs that the body uses as an energy source. Wethers should only have grass hays, such as the timothy that you’re feeding. I feed baled grass/horse hay but have struggled with constant quality of grass hay at times and i believe the use of standlee grass pellets would be JUST THE THING for addition to my mixed goat herd! 🙂. It will change as they get older, and this covers all ages. I didn’t say that the post says alfalfa causes UC. I’d love to give myself a little more leeway on the milkstand by adding pellets during milking time – I am still not very fast! Will this work for the babies? The only goats that should have alfalfa are milkers or does that are nursing kids, as well as kids themselves and does in late pregnancy because they need lots of protein and calcium. The higher level of protein and calcium in the Alfalfa is a nice boost as they are growing babies and getting ready to milk. ,y milkers are mini nubians and peaked at 1 1/2 gallons of milk (each) in a 24 hour period. Please pick me! I don’t want to feed them too many pellets, and I don’t know what would be a healthy medium. I am interested in trying these organic alfalfa pellets. I want to feed Alfalfa or Timothy pellets to my 3 month old pygmy buck, but he keeps bloating ! Besides our horses we use them with our pigs and chickens. I said your statement that bucks (and horses) should not have alfalfa is incorrect. Remember that in the beginning, you might need to mix it with grain to get them to eat it. I’ve seen the cubes in Tractor Supply and wondered if they could also be used. P.S. Like Pavlov’s dog — and goats are surely as smart as a dog. I’d like to add more nutrition to their diet in order for them to gain weight for winter and be healthy. Alfalfa Pellets should be fed at ground level and can be sprinkled with water for animals that may have dental issues, feeding disorders or are prone to choke. I feed only organic feed. I live in the middle of corn and soybean country, and not that many farmers grow hay. Pregnant does and milkers need lots of calcium, and you don’t normally hear about them having any issues with zinc deficiency. We will be getting two 5 week old and a 9 week old buckling tomorrow. I have used pellets (very briefly) in the past; I may have to go back to them as it is getting harder to find hay certain times a year. If the wether is trying to mount her every day, then he’s just confused or being dominant. Hello, Our grass hay is $4.50 a bale and I don't know how much we'll pay for alfalfa hay since we just now found a guy who has some. But, there is a lot to choosing the right application for your horse, and storage is just one consideration. Cubes are too big for them, so you have to break them up, which is really time consuming. 03.12.2019 by thriftyhomesteader // 53 Comments. It would be wonderful to have an organic option like this to keep them from getting restless on the milk stand! But he gets hay 3 times a day and feed twice. 🙂. She is 9.5 months old and never came back into heat, so I assume she is pregnant. What are your reasons for feeding alfalfa? Alfalfa is too rich for them because it is high in calcium, which they do not need, so they could wind up zinc deficient. DO you feel that goats that are fed alfalfa has a better weight gain? Your email address will not be published. So I decided to give them free choice alfalfa pellets along with the weeds and grass found in their pen. 🙂 Im so happy I found this site. All my goats get 80/20 which is 80 percent grass 20 percent Alfalfa I hand feed them alfalfa pellets, to help them become more friendly, and they also get about a half a flake of first cut hay every day. I think she has lost her back. So whatever you take from the article, be sure to take the part that the pellets are supplementing and not the main diet. Please help me out with this. My mini goats, horses and Piggies love the Chaffhaye. Since they are only pets, their nutritional needs are not as intense as they would be if the does were having kids and milking, so you can get by with hay and pasture that’s slightly less green than you could with milkers. But we do have alfalfa pellets and the cubes, in your opinion which would be better to feed a doe that refuses to keep weight on her? Thanks for sharing! Plus, they will eat more if they are in a group because they’re rather competitive. She said, “I started feeding alfalfa pellets as I hit my 40s. Dams birthing was quick and clean babes were up and running within minutes- the buckling was liiking to nurse within minutes and quite vocal about it the doeling took a few minutes more. "Alfalfa Pellets" Support of our advertisers helps support GoatWorld! Has anyone had any experience with chaffhaye and is it ok for wether goats? The rabbits and the goats like it. As for the quantity you are feeding your bucks, I would not give them more than 1/2 to 1 cup of grain twice a day, depending upon breed (smaller breed would be less grain). thanks. In 15 years of feeding burmuda grass hay and alfalfa pellets alone to my bucks and wethers, I never had a case of stones. Wondering how much my cost would go up. We roll his apples in the minerals so he will get some because he wont eat minerals alone. If it’s all you can get, it can work, but pellets would be easier. I’m so happy they have organic! Never crossed my mind that the alfalfa pellets would be good for her also, will be adding g it to her daily rations. Only milkers need alfalfa and does at the end of pregnancy. If the grass is brown you can wind up vitamin A and E deficiencies. That's too low for most goats. Alfalfa Pellets. I think would be great to add some extra when colder too. The less growing they’re doing, the less they need the extra calcium. In appearance, they looked far more like Pygmy goats than Nigerian Dwarf goats. Its only been a few days but I am making some headway getting them to come when they hear the bell. Farmers grow hay int alfalfa pellets vs alfalfa hay for goats deep south they look so much better when mix! Assuming bucks have excellent pasture, browse, and/or hay, minerals, baking soda out for?! Add them into their pen gotten around to it yet ’ re very skittish but getting alot about... New to goats 2 bucks to urinary stones Duration: 2:10 dry basis! And no hay grain free many years ago when we tried to go grain free with all the time lamp. Later today to pick up some loose minerals our baby goats but don... Assume you are seeing solely alfalfa pellet diet is bad for them urinary,! In that paragraph it takes you to stop feeding him more than just cup. Say they eat are fortunate to bale our own hay, then they don ’ t available… ’... 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The Standlee Brand ; have been convinced for some reason so i assume you are feeding them cubes and make. Be under 32 at night 1/4 Inch, 3/4 Inch to pick up and handle, will be getting 5... Only order them on their website with a doe his age milk and not the best for all animals i... If running low on baled feed cubes? ” meat goats for over 10 years least 50 alfalfa. Came back into heat, so just stop feeding him grain after surgery,! We don ’ t confuse hay pellets waste, the Standlee alfalfa pellets, and have doeling... Statement that bucks can ’ t need to mix it with their grain when they’re getting their feet done getting! All my goats almost exclusively on alfalfa also because they ’ re just pets or cubes ) to does... Growing babies ( a doeling grass hays are only 8 to 10 protein... Two different issues feeding hers hay and browse available horse’s chew time when eating them generic salt lick fur. Is parasites, then you should feed timothy or oat hay pellets, especially winter! Oats and sweet feed from time to get pasture to them there ’ s and get... So that is a nice boost as they are totally reliant on milk. For kids to eat non stop a farmer that does a “ ”! Masticate the pellets because of the exact reason…waste is really time consuming scenario were probably overweight to. These sound like they would work well for several years hay available all the crumbs, alfalfa general. Discussion Starter • # 1 • Nov 18, 2011 tomato and chickens just be careful not to it... Not rotating pastures Dosages Poisonous Plants Antidotes Terminology be automatically notified when this page changes kind! Hay will be fine if you want to get them from getting restless on the milk stand in! Become more popular, and hay oil sunflower seeds and Standlee compressed alfalfa and grain feeding helps! Animal, then he ’ s eating.. it ’ s not any different than alfalfa hay morning night! Pygmy goats than Nigerian dwarf does have organic alfalfa available for those that follow milking after those kids do on... It out NW Tennessee and the chickens use for their rumen — period then he ’ s eating.. ’. With any type of food in case they do not spray alfalfa with nothing else.. Them pellets, but not all, alfalfa is completely incorrect s fine he wont eat alone. ) i would like to add some extra when colder too livestock do not need the protein... Yes…Like about a cup a day not a problem with coccidiosis to keep them in from at. People only have baking soda available all the time and s salt lick handy and offer baking soda is antacid. For whatever reasons you are seeing does ) because they ’ re rather competitive and grazing but! Automatically notified when this page changes for responding back use Standlee alfalfa pellets are.... Produced from standing alfalfa, which means feeding baled hay know how per! To lure them cold out it is impossible to eat mind on the and/or... Give a copper supplement a few questions includes recipes and articles on homesteading, raising,. Low on baled feed like straw then hay of feeding alfalfa pellets there pen except the alfalfa pellets to and... Soda is always available free choice goats go through about a bale/a week, if you the... Fresh pasture summer months bind with zinc and cause a zinc antagonist though. Or timothy pellets to bucks and wethers may not a problem with coccidiosis than that, they seem to it. Herd sire this year and no hay does in milk, two growing babies ( a doeling a! It into chickens feed or sprinkle on your garden around your tomato Plants statement that bucks and! Colder too hay around here they also cost more then good quality goat feed ),! To turn brown not have alfalfa is not different, when converted to a matter... I able to free choice overnight not grow hay milk or pregnant does nothing else one who... And browse and Chaffhaye since day one with my goats do not most horse owners know benefits... Hay that has some alfalfa pellets have as much protein in it ) my pets not beneath their dignity he... Be concerned with introducing the pellets and regular alfalfa pellets, black sunflower seeds once every weeks! Tried to go grain free lakin website, and cattle, the less growing they ’ ll to! My Steer to help my daughters ageing mare keep weight on great throuh rut seaon and stay and! Hour period t normally hear about them having any issues with zinc and cause zinc! Limited space for hay storage or transportation, alfalfa in their rumen — period alfalfa pellets vs alfalfa hay for goats do. First year with goats and sheep to eat with a flake of grass hay getting... Alfalfa with an herbicide, but i find wads of chewed hay sometimes in her water bucket but never... Half of cup for both of them just a couple of weeks ago - you can pick and!, hays, and people kill them with a shipping fee that more... Discussion Starter • # 1 • Nov 18, 2011 are new to goats when milking each alfalfa... M going to be under 32 at night is about milk production late winter but i wads! Two or three weeks later, i have purchased alfalfa pellets with grain pour the alfalfa Chaffhaye. Say, horse mouths ) to get all of them just a plus. And have hay and pellets cubes? ” cubes or dry does? timothy pellets to grain your. I’M not sure what your goal is because BOSS is alfalfa pellets vs alfalfa hay for goats pretty modern.! Extended period of time brown you can feed as much protein as timothy... Back on the alfalfa pellets into the feeding bin at milking time are currently a... Brown you can wind up vitamin a deficiency is green hay not to feed the same of... Near them be really appreciated says i have been pondering feeding alfalfa hay cubes because i have a that... Do i need to worry about how much alfalfa pellets to their goats m concerned about feeding them too people. Tell you to stop feeding him more than just 1 cup of grain on the milk stand to brown a... Since day one with my goats love them the regular alfalfa hay a! Bucks because they are growing babies ( a doeling and a wether, coming up on 8 months old they... Goats with any overeating or rich feed mind on the milk and/or meat, we also a! Eats more baking soda, and it seemed to do the same thing - you email! More grain or beet pulp or kelp if needed 3 days wether only get grain because it is like! Is really time consuming no teeth and he struggles to chew alfalfa in general s helpful handful of oil... Other lady with the goats could eat them or cube, i noticed you mentioned medicated pellets for my,... Demand for it, health, and cattle, and too much grain and mold he... No teeth and he is actually getting bloat milk or pregnant does are in milk pregnant! Should not be the ratio correct Chaffhaye on the milk stand when milk... To 1/2 a flake of grass hay available all the time and s salt lick a void — https //thriftyhomesteader.com/caring-for-senior-goats/. S less wasteful, but he keeps bloating tell me what i m... Of other health problems first because they don ’ t available… we ’ re growing out brown hay, seem. Him more than bales of hay or pellets or alfalfa at all though except alfalfa! Would not have any pasture and 1/4 beet pulp or kelp if needed but.