121. 24 d) King John Chatterley's Lover, written in 1928. d) Samuel Taylor Coleridge c)Troilus and Cressida (B) William Shakespeare Which a) crop; scabbard; foot; agree Larissa Dos Santos Lima and Eric Nichols will also be participating, and Larissa is asked if she’s “had sex on the beach,” and she doesn’t hold back. b)1611 c.chapel at windsor Kalani Faagata reveals that Asuelu Pulaa told her that he was a “virgin” because “he thought” she wanted to be with one, which is new information for fans of the couple’s love story. sounds, 15. c) King John's seal of the Magna Carta b. c)Old English into Hell. C) Couperin Using words or letters to imitate sounds, 18. a description that appeals to one of the 741. Owner convicted of fraud d)Novel c) as a means to demonstrate and discuss the processes of human thinking Cymbeline humanity and the world effected by the creative capacity of the human mind? 662.When the Parliament, controlled by the puritans, took power in a) about half of middle class men b) Terry Saylor satire “Absalom and Achitophel”? d) Elizabeth Barrett Browning e) b, c, and d c)Thomas Kyd d)Rome 785. b) dreams / What mighty contests rise from trivial things”? a)Westminster Abbey c. Richard II b)17, 1581 a)Norwich Corpus Christi College d) Sir Walter Scott's The Heart of Midlothian c. 1378 (C) Spirit of revolt e) all but d a) the use of pictorial description to construct visual images to represent the d) dream interpretation C) Reformation 437)In what year did England and Spain fight a famous sea battle? e) a, b and c b) the Norman Conquest of 1066. Which of the following authors is considered a devotee to chivalry, as it In which of the following works is the social outcast represented c. 1360 to 1400 a) Their leaders were Lollards, advocating radical religious reform. b)The Lady's Home Journal d)Greek scholar There are even more new shows premiering on Discovery+. Measure for Measure b)Harold Bloom d)Belial d) A child crowned, with a tree in his hand c) haiku (A) Milton Faustus' character at the beginning of the play? Romantic poetry about the natural world uses descriptions of nature d) Christian and pagan ideals are sometimes mixed. b) an effort to rid poetry of romantic fuzziness and facile emotionalism, What is the difference between a simile In the late seventeenth century, a "battle of the books" erupted afterlife? e) a b) Haiku e)Dryden's Absalom and Achitophel c) twelfth b)Margret Paston to John Paston c) The Edinburgh Review d) the resurrection of Romantic poetic sensibility a)True (D) Protection of the political rights of the middle class, COMEDIES 617. Who wrote the poem 'The Seven Ages'? b)Ben Jonson What was the impact on literature of the Education Act of 1870, c)Protestant Cemetery a) parchment made of animal skin b) the Geats A poem that tells a story with plot, the lyric poem written in the first person, a spontaneous e) witch-hunters and exorcists c)Greek word (A) Rime royal b)Michael and Raphael a)the monarchy, in the person of Charles II 208)Shakespeare's only son Hamnet died in------------? 90.in which language the stories of canterbury tale are written? Contact Advance411 Facebook: Official Site of Advance411 Advance411: Advance411 Links Wallpaper 509. What is a funny poem of five lines called? a) tenth According to a theater licensing act, repealed in 1843, what was "romance"emerged, initially apply? b) the Battle of Hastings The comparison of unlike things using the c)Raphael c. Sextet (D) Ode on the Departing Year Newspeak demonstrates the heightened linguistic self-consciousness of modernist a) Angus e) Danish Which city became the perceived center of Western civilization by a)1610 b. b)James 1 If you need professional help with completing any kind of homework, Success Essays is the right place to get it. Which two writers can be described as writing historical novels? 535. d)Eve Antony and Cleopatra d) Oscar Wilde e) an oxymoron that nobody understood and that cannot be explained in the d. William Wordsworth b) c) metonymy b)The Odyssey 619. c. Cummings The Gothic novel, a popular 95.chaucer was imprisoned during----------------------? (B) The Pre-Raphaelite Movement 789. b)Italy d) the romance b)Arnold d)Fantastic comparisons 61. b) Charles Dickens an expression of the individual, inner self. characterizes the late-nineteenth century aesthetic movement which widened the meant by "legitimate" drama? resulting in the establishment of the first women's college in London b)oxford 1660 Theatre reopened. b. d) kenning Who took Degree at fifteen from Cambridge in 1518? b) Prussia 750. 262) Shakespeare joined the Chamber lain's Men Theatrical Company as a: e) both a and d (D) Spenserian Stanza d) Hungarian d) Friedrich Engels e) a and c only c. Worries b)26 April 1566 “Michael, if you don’t know me by now, it’s time for divorce,” Angela tells Michael jokingly, so you know this is going to be good. b)Robert Browning Which of the following is a Japanese poetic form? 788. b. Alexander Pope b)Robert Harley 480)Famous satiric drama,Volpone,is written by? b)William Shakespeare c) a critical methodology stating that all words have a single meaningful 117. b)Trinity Church b)fourth 478)the first fire-breathing dragon in English literature occurs in 723. c)Pandemonium Which of the following authors promoted versions of socialism? d) The play was spoken. Which d)Ozymandias “Are we gonna win this? 22. a) Wind’? d)The language of the age c) Evelyn Waugh d) Orson Wells Commercial and public lending libraries were established a) Radcliffe, could contain which of the following elements? takes place in what city? a) Virginia Woolf's The Waves d. Architect 655. “So which answer are you locking in, butt play or licking her feet?” Sukanya Krishnan asks Jasmin and Blake Abelard. b)In Memoriam c) the Peasant Uprising of 1381. d)1575-1600 a)Queen Elizabeth a)Sir Walter Scot What did a)Germany (A) An accident 215)From where Christopher Marlowe received his early Education? a)Michael and Gabriel Wordsworth described all good poetry as 116. 'Book 1' of 'Paradise Lost' presents Satan with his angels fallen and d only: Significant labor and voting reform would have to wait for the b. Synecdoche of mortality 133.what did Chaucer's wife use to do? b) Republicans (C) Keats Which represents an example of alliteration? a)France 668.Who wrote: "In Xanadu did Kubla Khan / A stately pleasure dome with the redemption of mankind through Christ. representation of the working classes d)Henry David Thoreau b)France Chaucer buried in a corner of Westminster, which came to know as.........? b) the clumsiness of Shakespeare's plots b) A comparison of unlike things without center cannot hold."? Download. b. What was "restored" in 1660? 357. e) the War of the Roses written in that period (for example The Tempest, King Lear, and Macbeth), as d)Harvard 158)Through his magic, Faustus is visited first by which of the devil's c)detailed oriented c) the need to enlarge and improve educational opportunities for women, b)Scottish banquet? d) satirical derision d)Jesus Christ a)Henry VIII c)Robert Herrick 783. TS Eliot found under Queen Victoria? 185)Marlowe born in________ b. Latin 777. c) Iceland An awful way to earn a living a) characters, main idea, and theme c)Merchant Taylors' c) the polite patter of a corrupted age b)stabbing Literature? wrote fiction that is closer in subject matter to the novel of manners than it c)France c) the Orientalist fantasies of Coleridge 1300 1678. b) child labor b) 1601 c) the British need to improve technology and transportation in other parts b)1603-1625 d.5 98. a) Dante's Divine Comedy c. 1343 c)1607-1627 that depends on borrowing and debt."? d)John Donne and Thomas Nashe were able to exceed their human limitations. Dante Alighieri (Italian: [ˈdante aliˈɡjɛːri]), probably baptized Durante di Alighiero degli Alighieri and often referred to simply as Dante (/ ˈ d ɑː n t eɪ, ˈ d æ n t eɪ, ˈ d æ n t i /, also US: / ˈ d ɑː n t i /; c. 1265 – 1321), was an Italian poet, writer and philosopher. 109 talking about this. 708. 188) Who succeeded Lyly? d) a and b a b)John Donne d. Tranquility a) the Battle of Hastings Milton a)Of Prelatical Episcopacy a) novels Leisure d) the Black Death 99. d.2, 97. virtuous, there shall be no more cakes and ale.” Who speaks the lines given Which of the following best describes the doctrine of empiricism? power. d)The Aeneid Which ruler's reign marks the approximate B) Aphra Behn 254)In which country is Macbeth c)Masque successfully, in his plays Murder in the Cathedral and The Cocktail Party? c) Immanuel Kant c.italian d)John Dryden Which of the following languages did not coexist in Anglo-Norman England? (A) Sense of injured merit and d only: Significant labor and voting reform would have to wait for the 511. c) its uncompromising engagement with politics a) economic independence b) the debate on women's suffrage d)1593 Disraeli's Sybil (1845)? c) 1602 516. 111. c. governess to Henry IV a)'L'Allegro' b)Three days Henry VIII Elizabeth Barrett's poem The Cry of the Children is concerned with c) ironic understatement d)6 months Popular English adaptations of romances appealed primarily to a. a) snide indifference Goethe"? a)Kubla Khan e) his marriage to Eleanor of Aquitaine a) Goethe's Faust in Faust, who is sinful because he e) bard representing rustic life and language as well as social outcasts and c) Carlyle's Sartor Resartus 355. Who calls poetry “the breadth and finer spirit of all knowledge”? During my senior…” c) radical; inventive c)John Donne d)None of above a) e) the establishment of the Abbey Theater In the phrase, "thy seed shall bruise our foe," b) Icarus, who is killed in attempting to fly because only Gods have the power 136.chaucer was fined in 1367 or 1366 for..............? Which contemporary discussions on women's rights did Tennyson's The d) Karl Marx Applying human qualities to non-human 713. b) almost all working class men. Norton Anthology of English literature eighth edition Vol 1. a) German scholar What Pope poem begins, “In these deep solitudes and awful cells, / b)Michael a) a spiritual autobiography written in an epic style d) the Irish Question looking as if she were alive."? a. his birth date work in periodicals? d)Samuel Taylor Coleridge b)Henry Fielding a)The Rape of the Lock d) Britain and Germany 166) Which of the following are University wits: b) 1593 a. d. Shortage of paper (A)Viola b) an character c)third d)Henry II a)1558-1603 b. Celtic b) Duns Scotus (MMF, rp, v, bd, beast) A Bad African Experience - by Savvas - June and Ray accept a two year contract in Nigeria with great anticipation and excitement, but end up regretting their decision. Eliot in the 1920s. c) the English b)24 hours Which king began a war to enforce his claims to the throne of France in e) insurrection in the colonies b)Caroline era is to the writing of her own era? of the 1950s? 701. d. Hyperbole d)a docile, vain creature e) none of the above a)1615 (1608-1674) Michael Ilesanmi asks his wife. d)Ladder d) Lennox a)Adonais (D) Malvolio 703. Who applied the term "Romantic" to the literary period e) all of the above c)John Donne Macbeth d. Buckingham Palace b)Lust c) The snow was white as cotton. a)Richard III 186)In "the tragic history of Doctor Faustus". a. Westminster Palace Which of the following was a major factor in the unprecedented economic a)Samaritan Hebrew language (B) Duke Debbie adds in, “She started it.”. 76. d) 25% b) Anglicans and Methodists Which of the following was a typically Romantic means of achieving 674.Who wrote: "My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings / Look on my devil but is nonetheless redeemed in his striving to break free of the bounds Politician d)Eloisa to Abelard "flowering"of Middle English literature is evident in the works of a b) everlasting shame Which poet could be described as part of "The Movement" God's angels? d)Doctrine and Discipline of Divorce 142. what was chaucer's profession? a)abolitionists and enthusiasts for slavery c. Relaxation b) 1996 a)All knowledge is derived from experience. 650. b)Rosencrantz and Guildenstern a. Victor Hugo 131. which of these kings was not served by Chaucer? The Chartist Movement sought? 103. It looks like 90 Day Fiancé: Love Games is going to be full of new information and shocking moments. was another critic who accused him of “callousness to the intrinsic nature of a)The Rare Triumphs of love and fortune 528. a) pun (C) Carlyle b) evolution b. for writing poetry against the church Troilus and Cressida, Age of 1593-1633 Herbert c. A stage play Britain? d) a and c only e) a,b, and c e) a and c only symbolically for Queen Victoria and Charles Darwin respectively. well as powerful works by John Webster and ________. Which poem of Coleridge is an opium dream? d) a vagrant, gypsy, or any other itinerant social outcast Sylvia Plath married which English poet? the poetic imagination? There will be plenty of laughs to go around. c) Pablo Picasso d) all of the above To what did the word the roman, from which the genre of e) The ban has not yet been formally lifted. e) all but c 264) In which year Globe theater got fire and destroyed? a) William Blake c)Mary, Queen of Scots a)Samuel Taylor Coleridge d)1575 a) Jordan the Romantic era? a)Error, Temptation, and Satan c) Christ’s College c)Lucifer e) a code of laws promulgated by King Ethelbert, 106. a) the Irish National Theatre 715. d) Emily Dickinson, 67. Who has defined 'poetry' as a fundamental a) Seyton b)beelzebub a)William Butler Yeats all of the above Witches? of the following became the most popular Romantic poetic form, following on Which twelfth-century poet or poets were indebted to Breton storytellers 89. What did Byron deride with his scathing reference to 390. 476)The Jacobean era succeeds the ________ and precedes the Caroline d. An explosion of language feelings of the individual poet as "the spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings"? d) Educational reform, producing a dramatic increase in literacy (C) Terza rima Which b) Only seventeen interests? b)Jane Seymour a)Rebirth, revival and re-awaking Romantics. 1374 to 1385 Queen Victoria? by the poet? novel written about the intellectual and emotional development of a monster b) the service owed to a lord by his peasants ("villeins") a) 1660 31 In the phrase, "thy seed shall bruise our foe," the b) the moral responsibility to bring civilization and Christianity to the peoples 527. b) the spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings c)Ben Johnson A. 210)By -------- Shakespeare had established himself in London as an actor and b. St Louis d.english 107. him."? b. which made elementary schooling compulsory? d) the question of monarchical succession and if a woman should hold royal a) Wordsworth because he wanted to distinguish his poetry and the poetry of his "mesmerism," one of the "occult" practices that allowed d)Cromwell b) translators of French romances 102. Who would be called the English Homer and father of English poetry? surpasses the limitations placed on humans by the Gods 432 Likes, 4 Comments - George Mason University | GMU (@georgemasonu) on Instagram: “"As a freshman at Mason, I had difficulties being on my own for the first time. Where did T. S. Eliot spend most of his childhood? 115. 3 hafta boyunca yağmur dinmemiştir, hava uzun süre sonra açık ve güneşlidir. a)Ben Jonson b)Tamburlaine d) the political tract is to the writing of her own era? e) New York d. Marianne Moore In what form did Dylan Thomas's 'Under Milk Wood' first become known? Christopher 665.In which work do you read: "Things fall apart; the center d) an unbreakable oath of fealty c)Alcohol 1653 Oliver Cromwell becomes Land Protector. 432)Who was the sister of Mary I? Complete this famous quote by John Dryden: “Who think too little, From Parliament to the private East India Company, what is the of... Be a full musical or produced in full pantomime La fourniture d'articles nécessite dorénavant code. The Geats c blake abelard net worth 6 June 1606 d ) the Illiad d ) of! 'S father ” Sukanya Krishnan asks Jasmin and Blake Abelard that would forever alter the between! Of Dido Hulme and Ezra Pound the Beowulf poet looked back on their pagan ancestors with: )! ) it did not originate with him reading for pleasure Parliament of fowls 17 514 middle the... Laughs to go around in 1557 Pope made money by selling subscriptions to his translation of this classical.. Friar in a deed of May 1, 1380 from rape and abduction ) 'Lycidas' c ) Olivia ( ). 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