The steps went away because of the cat, I believe. Now I have a bad feeling again, a scared feeling and last night my cat was acting so weird. Some feline observers have found their cats staring continuously at a particular spot, from which they later found unusual sounds coming. I couldn’t live without cats in my home…people do need them. We are trying to help her with spirit essences for confidence building. It seems they just love being around myself and my husband non stop whether lying on top of us in bed or wherever we sit down. He got scared. They're one sect of the countless Fixer Offices trying to survive in the City. The past week she has to actually have her head laying on us all the time. She didn’t hiss or anything she just looked up at the window that was beside me. Thank you! It’s like a shadow, everywhere I go. i own the house but know i live by my mother, as i had burglers brake into it and destroyed all rooms, last time i cleaned my bedroom and music room up again and boarded several backwindows. Thankfully, he is slender and not a chunky monkey. If there are evil beings present and are actually affecting you, it means that either someone who came into your house brought them in or you brought them in by getting involved with the spirit world (doing magic, communicating with spirits, etc.) Our house has had only three owners, including us. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. First time when i just got home from out side. He was also just sitting in our recliner staring into our dining room like something was there with his pupils dialated and ears pulled back like he hears a high pitched sound. I could feel her presence and her breathing, sniffing her way to me but then backed up , however she did not left me, she made a short growling noise. I was advised that the next time it happened, I was to say aloud ‘I understand you’re trying to get my attention but could you please get my attention in a nicer way, Thank you’ I’d put him on the floor and ignore him, give him affection on my terms to break his habit. How do I try to make her feel more secure? She staid where she was and send out a long growling as an warning. Sounds stupid huh? Try exercises down, your kitty comes over demanding to be petted, then you may have a clingy cat. He has licked like feathers from my head.He was sick and near death when I found him. I work and have an elderly shid-Tzu-14 1/2 Yrs. It is mandatory to procure user consent prior to running these cookies on your website. I can’t even read a book as cat interferes. HE COMES N THE HOUSE WHEN I CALL. Ask for the angels to protect you. If the person then either ran, or even just walked, toward the door, still in possession of this valuable item, the kitties would, en masse, “bum rush” him, covering the thief in most ferocious cat claws and teeth. When I go closer he hidden his head. I don’t get how u guys think this is real. However, when your precious furry bundle of joy begins to take over your pillow, or significant portions of your mattress, demoting you to the small corner where the coil spring pokes your back – you have a clingy cat issue. At night she has always lay at the bottom of the bed, but recently she wants to be right up beside you, like she can’t get close enough. He would be in 7th heaven if I would carry him around like an infant. The cats, however, were very interested in the corner of the room. Thats intseresting, and your cats sound like saviors to me, Cats are weird when I was in a friend’s room a cat is staring at a really dark room and I use a spirit detector and in fact there is a spirit (a demon spirit) we nicknamed. Another thing, he has no real voice so he makes so little noise I put a bell on his collar. Thankfully I’ve taught her not to do it on my door, so it’s really everyone else that suffers from that. Fight for freedom of what seems to be negitive outside us by filling up with so much joy and truth ( don’t buy into the darkness – just don’t give it any power any more. But nothing seems to help the clingy behavior. But today he was scared of it. I DREAMED the other night that a cereal box was a ghost and was saying something to me but I couldn’t understand it but it seemed mad. They feel certain vibrations, and that seems to be the reason they despise people who are not fond of cats. Wow. The weirdest thing at 12am my dog comes get me going crazy and my daughter comes tell me there is a cat on our kitchen table. Do not mess with this! There was a dumpster with lid inside was a kitten in a garbage bag, he was ginger and i took him out he was barely alive, they maybe tried to get rid of him cause he looked weird he had his chest out like a chicken. She’s never been a very vocal kitty. I would’ve dismissed it as a sleep-induced dream, except for the cat watching it too! But I can honestly say I love it me and her always had a special bond but I just don’t know why she changed after 10 years ? The past week it is getting worse, she is restless & not sleeping like normal as though she has become super obsessed. Anyway, he used to be super sociable and come up to people, etc. Any funny stories to tell us about your super-powered psychic cat? She sleeps on me or right next to my face all night. she dive bombs me over and over evan if I squirt her with a water bottle. By clicking “Accept”, you consent to the use of ALL the cookies. showing up on the camera., my cat, grange, came to the window, the spirit orb stopped, then he growled, it must’ve scared the orb away, in the morning i woke up early, and mum showed me this, she was lucky, because the camera only just started saving the footage last night, and if it hadn’t, i would believe her. I FEEL HE IS MY PROTECTOR WHEN MY HUSBAND WORKS AT NiGHT. I thought it might have been due to the move but it hasn’t stopped. I feel like they are trying to get ahold of me for a reason and I don’t know why. Telepathically. I kept looking at camera feed even until I walked into the camera and it was still there but I didn’t see it with my eyes only on camera. One of them sees the cat spirit in the house as he watches it at cat height and his moves seem to be that! I had three cats the mother cat passed in the last few days. Then suddenly my cat started to stare at the door without blinking his fur getting up i looked at the door, the handle started slowly to move i was in schock freezed of fear, the handle spring slowly go down the door opened slowly outwards the corridor. The spring in the doorhandle is strong its not natural. If your religious get a preist from your religion to do a before dawn expulsion and bless the house and each room with holy water. It is way too much. Do you think Tanner sees TomToo’s spirit? What can I do about this? And it still happens now. I have had him since birth and adore him. He doesn’t care. Other examples include cats that sense ghosts and stare at the stairway like someone is walking up and down. I’ve tried giving get an hour of playtime a day after work and leaving toys out for her. They were raised and trained by my ways of kindness and my everyday routine. The 400 Meter Meow. He immediately stood up stopped purring and moved closer to the foot of the bed and spent the night there. When you look at the engagement metrics, Meow Cats (the only one to use ads, not purchased likes) comes out ahead as the most successful page. Ever since I have encouraged my cats to sleep with me. This was when I was living with my GF at the time in an apartment(he wasn’t allowed outside), so I think the fact he had no escape prompted him to get used to people coming over and dealing with noise, etc. We’re now used to the footsteps, and I know since the cats are not frightened I don’t think we have anything to worry about. Our other cat came up from the basement and looked around, but nothing strange in his behavior, ( he’s a Persian and doesn’t seem to have our domestic guys insights…) it was freaky, it scared us!! One cat belonged to my sister and the spheres were often around him. So I walked to corner where light was and it disappeared. If a cat died, everybody in the owning family had to shave their eyebrows. When they were six months old the orange one died because of a heart defect. And mum thought it was a mouse, she went in to take her from I’m glad others have reported their experiences so that it confirms my theory. I could try and play with him all day, he dosen’t even care, “where are your hands.” My house is in chaos. -Try exercises that require distance The cats are like my husband and my children (lol) however they are super needy! We have Moms ashes, but she was a cat lover. They both watched it go over and above me where I was standing. Ive had cats since 3 yrs old and they have always been attracted to me..ferals…strays..whatever. Thanks! It seems as if I know have a Guardian Cat looking over me based on the reactions from the other two. And, in addition to this sensing ability, he describes an even more fascinating behaviour of these kitties. I truly think I’m the only logical one here because I don’t believe in any of this hippie crap. Time to get an exorcism ? Try changing her food and set a regular feeding schedule. It’s greatly appreciated. My only concern is that he might feel abandoned when I take him to my parent’s home and leave him there without seeing me for 7 days :(. instead, prais them and wish they go to were they belong, no matter what. But she seems healthy nothing changed. Cat Farting Causes, Symptoms, & Treatment, Making Cat Food: Homemade and Raw Cat Food Diets Explained, Heavy Breathing Cat – The 3 Types of Heavy Breathing and What They Mean, Eccentric Cat Behaviors that are Actually Adorable, The Truth About Grain-Free Diets For Cats. Here are a few tips that might help: But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. They just sat there and kept hissing at the door. NO COYOTES SO FAR.. He will chase something all around our room like he’s playing catch with a mouse only nothing is there when I turn The light on. The thing is, she also gets annoyed very easily, so if I move too much or a certain way, or if I just do something she doesn’t like, she’s up and at the door ready to be let out. There has been a few times when she appears to be crying, but I’m not sure if it is crying or just strange meowing . I have tried to redirect his attention away from the ceiling but he is fixated on that spot. then that person i new she had a box with some kind of demons wich you were forced to talk to them and ask them whatever you want .. i was scared and due to i was scared once i got my little demon (it looked like a ear with eyes and hands and legs ) i didn’t even know what to ask him and i just asked him some shits about school and if it was okay(questions that i shouldn’t ask him , i had the feeling that my questions where not what the demon expect ) then the demon answered me back but then i put the demon immediately into the box and then i just felt that i woke up and i looked right and left and then i had a feeling that something was around me and i got under my blanket and closed my eyes then i had the feeling that someone was walking on me and it was trying to choke me and i felt it so real that i started crying .But i did had the feeling that it was my cat who did that to me ,but no he wasn’t .. once i woke up for real now, i couldn’t move any part of my body i just had a sleep paralysis and then once i got up i saw my cat on my desk which that means that it wasn’t my cat who was choking me and scratched me … i stand up and went to the mirror and trying to see myself and answer me what happened .. i wanted to see my scratches because i felt that my skin was burning but i was too scared that if i was gonna see the scratches something it will happen’s been 2 weeks approximately since i had that dream and since then my cat every night he’s standing to the wall behind my desk and he’s just staring to the wall with no reasons.. some times he’s sleeping and he’s woking up just to go next to this wall and staring at it .. My cat sparrow jumped on my lap last night for his usall coudle before sitting down he heard something looked at the door and then went completely still head down but eyes watchful he was like that for more than twenty minutes after which he then settled down for his usual nap, Your email address will not be published. First off we dont have cats and have not idea how this cat got into our house. Other cats associate it with your actual departure and realize that they will be alone, I am a single lady for a few ears. These cookies do not store any personal information. I lifted up the sofa skirt and he was hiding and actually shaking. My cats did this and once filmed and I re-watch tape, flying and floating, self directed pastel coloured orbs are present. Clingy cat behavior decides where you are – whether you sit, stand, or sleep is a matter that requires their approval. I am intrested abit this. We give her lots of attention when we are home and never turn her away. Everything from a disembodied human to a djinn and anything in between. Incorporate mood-enhancing foods into your cat’s diet. Even though your cat may be clingy, melancholic or just silly, the fact that you mutually understand each other can feel very rewarding. When I come back, I can hear her all the way from the elevator down the hall I love her very much and want her to be more comfortable alone. You should find a change in your cats behaviour once the negative energy has gone. A long growling warning! Then, I feel cool pressure hands like touching me. She still loves to play, so we do that. According to this monk, all kitties are telepathic. Thank goodness I work for a vet that allowed me to take him to work with me everyday for fluids and to force feed him. I don’t have any cat in my house but it looks like cats likes my house,every now and then cat comes in wears the defferent cats and I don’t know what’s really going on ,I even thought it’s a an evil cats .pls help. Some kind of spirit he saw. Can a spirit follow from where the passed on he looks at the walls like he sees something and hides like he’s scared of something anything will help. Thoughts? Is she suffering separation anxiety because he is not here? My cat has always been in tune with my families emotions. As I got sicker she would stay with me in bed not moving unless going to catbox or to eat a little..right back to bed with me. But is a shadow cat. Following me everywhere. Much as I love the boy this is a problem and has been for sixteen years and nothing has worked. I said out loud, “how did you get back in here?” I brushed it off thinking maybe he snuck back in before I closed the door. Yeah,I had one heck of an experience long ago back in 1997-8 forgot when,my cat suddenly shouted and make a loud low meowing voice as he jumped from the shoe cabinet,where the window was,hiding and cowering in fear as he stare glaringly out of the window pane,well my window was an old fashioned window with lever to open and close with 8 window glasses stacked horizontally together,there was one missing glass and the lowest one,I know he saw something thru the missing glass panel,but I could not find what it was,it was about 10-11pm at night when this strange incident occurred,I search multiple times and went outside to search what it was,that’s making my cat so frightened,but he kept staring at the same spot for about 30mins… He calmed down afterwards and it never happened again,this was an old story and my cat had already passed away,been 22-3 years,i will never forget that experience because I knew he saw something supernatural because his black pupil became so large and his ears were going downwards…idk if it was a spirit or an evil one,thanks for reading 😀. I was almost asleep when I heard somebody whistling behind me, it was some kind of song and was really loud like it was in my room. Something is definitely going on. So whether you spoil your cat silly or your cat demands attention, you’ll still have a loyal friend, eager to spend time with you! Next . But not in a threatened way. My husbands step dad is finishing up his classes to become a pastor, but he said he didn’t sense any negative energy. I could hear the jump that it did off the couch and on to the floor and then the steps went away. Any idea , what this might be..? It has been six years, three different apartments under all weather conditions, night and day. The cat is one such species and apart from communicating with their owners, they have a connection with each other as well. She’s only been clingy when I come back from a long weekend, but recently I’ve been staying home so I don’t understand why she’s doing this…Well I didn’t until the other night. But since my cat “shadow” and “ Tange” stay close to me at nights I feel there strong shield they keep up at night to protect me from the evil energy that surround me my whole life. Well, Cats love to get attention (especially) when you’re asleep or busy watching TV. Lots of folklore tales claim that dogs bark in the night in order to ward away any evil spirits. what can I do?? I have several pets and I put them outside in the fenced backyard so I could vacuum. No toys, no animals nothing, all while making weird trolling noises. I still fight the spirits everyday, I still have nightmares so real, I feel terrified as if it really happened in real life. Another well-known trait they posses, is understanding when their caretaker is sad or hurt. She just sits in front of me and stares for hours. Me and the cats went in and – no one. Since day one the male cat walks around meowing all night. Thanks! I close my eyes and stay there still. So my cat has all these signs. I’ve been ill since 16 with Crohns..and when i got her my Crohns was a little bit in remission. I’m just wondering if there is really a spirit in my restroom, most of the time I feel calm, and then the second I feel slightly scared. Clingy cat behavior involving meowing– cats calling out to get their owner’s attention is quite common. Hope this will also help. So I don’t know what to make of it but it was very strange . We also have a 6 month old Maine coon mix that we’ve had since she was 6 weeks, her name is Binxie (and yes she is black if you caught the name). Years later when the cat sickened and died, my friend became ill with cancer. Use of this site is subject to our terms of use and privacy policy. Its confusing and annoying. there is spirits, and sometimes people experience more that others, so I can see were that comes from. I have never experienced something like this and I don’t know what it means. -Eliminate anxiety-inducing food and/or drink from your cat’s diet (Fewer low-quality carbs). Each time you make a purchase through one of our independently-chosen links, we’ll receive a percentage of the proceeds. 4: Choose Your Own Garfield It can be bothersome enough when you are at home, but the meowing can become constant throughout the owner’s absence. Even when she is outside and I am inside speaking in tongues and praying she will come to the door and just sit there meowing loudly. Why does she just not just go exploring or to sleep and give me some peace and quiet??? Sbut she always slept on top of me at night time. Hi Liv, I began filming this and what they would play with were dozens of pastel shades orbs. spirits do exist sometimes when im alone my bedroom door will open and close and my cats starts growilng agressivley, So I’ve had my cat since she was born and she’s been my baby since, but recently she’s been super clingy and refuses to leave my room. It’s odd. I know because I could hear the steps as if it jumped down from the ceiling again. Did something happen here before we bought this place? I closed my eyes and stayed still as I feel the slow steps coming toward me. The good news is that she is so very loved by you and that will give her the strength she needs. Any thoughts? Mother had a litter, moved each, one by one, but never came back for Jack. HIS NAME IS MITTY. That’s called Sleep Paralisis, when you sleep your brain doesn’t let your body move so u won’t act out your dreams this can sometimes happen if you don’t sleep enough or don’t sleep early enough but it might be spiritual too. Thats awesome…My cat watches spirits around me, Im thinking they might be orbs or something, but she always lets me know they are there. Woke up and looked up the ceiling and kept meowing. I took a rosery around my entire house last night rebuking evil spirits. I acknowledge his behaviour and say to him ‘is it nana, can you see nana’. Don’t overwhelm your cat with many guests. He then started at the staircase for 20 to 30 minutes, except when he went behind the couch briefly . I used to get high and several times I was sexually over taken by these demonic entities. She continued to hiss and growl for severel seconds–stopping only when the dent on the edge of the bed was gone. Interview with Darcy Albert, Founder of Kitty Mom’s Rescue, What to Do if You See Blood in Your Cat’s Stool, The Truth About Grain-Free Diets For Cats. Can cats see spirits, and our cats are like my husband, 2 kids & are... Me at night, she is so very loved by you and that seems have. More like a woman yelling at kids, crazy, scary smiles i was looking at his chair living the. Of great pain ) or lay at my direction but over my bed and woke me up to.. Don’T even sense anything so i wondered about what to make of it observers have found their cats staring at! How they would be in my house growling and throwing up more more affectionate to the cats over. Information on the reactions from the couch going down with every step us about... Meow ’ s cat i live in an apartment and visit my family on the reactions the! And watch over me based on the cinder block is flying over her or crawling on the,... 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