All possible measures have been taken to ensure accuracy, reliability, timeliness and authenticity of the information; however does not take any liability for the same. In addition, coconut water may be useful for hydrating the body due to high levels of electrolytes. Read on to know more. He graduated from SRM University, Chennai, and has been in the digital media field for over six years. Tender coconut also contributes in decreasing the oxidative stress of the body. Do you know coconut water was traditionally used as a source of safe drinking water for Pacific Island natives? Benefits Of coconut: You must have heard a lot about the benefits of coconut water and coconut oil, but today we are going to tell you the benefits of eating coconut. Coconut water rich in a lot of minerals and neurites makes … You might have heard it, but drinking a lot of coconut water will not help you cure of serious medical conditions, such as cancer, diabetes and other diseases stated in the media or in other bogus marketing presentations. Hope this article was informative enough for you. 9 Side Effects Of Castor Oil You Should Be Aware Of, 11 Health Benefits And Uses Of Castor Oil, Coconut Oil Side Effects: High Cholesterol, Diarrhea, And More, Apple Cider Vinegar: 8 Possible Side Effects And Dosage. Not Good For Allergic And hey, it is sodium that aids rehydration, right? This is why you must drink it in moderation as then it will only provide hydration and energy boost. Carbs In Coconut Water: Total carbohydrate content is 8.9 grams or 3 % of the overall liquid. Thus, an excess of coconut water is not advisable. Coconuts water is slightly sweet a subtle, nutty flavour. Because it is naturally low in sugar and calories, coconut water is healthier than most fruit juices and a tasty alternative to water. While this drink has always been known for its benefits, there can also be certain disadvantages of coconut water like. This natural drink has been always considered as an elixir for health and body but recently, we came across some disadvantages of coconut water. Sunflower Oil Vs. Olive Oil - Which Is Better? But then, the same factor can make coconut water deadly if consumed in excess. However, with the increasing demand for coconut water, more people preferring coconut water, studies were conducted, and conclusions were drawn. In case of any medical exigencies/ persistent health issues, we advise you to seek a qualified medical practitioner before putting to use any advice/tips given by our team or any third party in form of answers/comments on the above mentioned website. Don't drink coconut water as way to increase salt levels if you have cystic fibrosis. 1.
Health Benefits Of Drinking Coconut Water Daily & Is It Okay To Drink It On An Empty Stomach? Coconut Water Disadvantages 1. Potassium In Coconut Water: 600 mg or 17 % of the overall mineral content. Disadvantages of Coconut Water. Coconut water and shells are taken out by digging a hole near the mouth with a sharp knife or drinking coconut water directly from there with a straw. List of the Pros of Drinking Coconut Water Daily. Might Cause Electrolyte Imbalance. Friends, we have often consumed coconut water to get rid of the heat during the summer. But today we will talk about the benefits from it. If a person consumes an excess of coconut water, then the potassium content in the body would increase causing electrolyte imbalance and inviting serious health complications. After opening the coconut, drink the water immediately. Simply press straw into the soft part of green coconut and start drinking. Coconut water is also known as magical or natural water as it has lots of benefits. Coconut, being a tree nut may aggravate allergic reactions in the person that would lead to illness and may also turn severe in some cases. Coconut water might lower your blood pressure, and in case you are already taking medications for high blood pressure, it might cause your blood pressure to go way too low. As little as 11 ounces of coconut water can contain upto 60 calories (2). The following two tabs change content below. Coconut water might contain too little sodium and too much potassium. Coconut water has got certain disadvantages if you happen to consume it in excess. Coconut water might lower your blood pressure, and in case you are already taking medications for high blood pressure, it might cause your blood pressure to go way too low. Other edible parts of the coconut include the coconut milk liquid, which is surrounded by a layer of flesh, or coconut water which is extracted from the milk. For a patient of hypertension or high blood pressure, coconut water can be fatal! People with blood sugar should give it a miss in between and not drink it every day. Should Be Consumed Right After Cutting It Open. He happened to consume a whopping 88 ounces of coconut water, which resulted in a condition called hyperkalemia, eventually leading to a serious condition (5). Since coconut water is a natural laxative, it might not be suitable for some people who have problems with their bowel movements. Coconut water typically comes from young coconuts about 6–7 months of age, though it’s also found in mature fruit. As coconut water comes in the pure form so it is very helpful during pregnancy. If it is left open for some time, it loses all its beneficial nutrients. Too much of coconut water consumption can be dangerous. 1. Although a mild amount of coconut water has hydrating properties, too much of its consumption can be unhealthy. If you are interested to know more, keep reading. Fats and Fatty Acids In Coconut Water: Total fat content is 0.5 grams or 0.1 % of the overall liquid. High levels of coconut water can cause the body to purge water instead of retaining it. Around 0.3 litre of coconut water contains 60 calories. But again, it may not suit people who are chilly in nature otherwise. The coconut water is freshest when it comes directly from the directly from in coconut. Drinking too much of it can have laxative effects on your digestive system (6). The best solution is to drink small amounts of coconut water every day. Coconut water may not fall under sugary drinks but still it does contain carbohydrates and calories (7). Hi friends, Here you can find few disadvantages of Coconut water... Hope you enjoy and support us --Bowwu Team. And hello, it is sodium that help rehydration, right? Consumption of more than require coconut water has many disadvantages for health. In fact, drinking coconut water increases urine flow. Do Purple Potatoes Grow Naturally? So, it is advisable for the people with high sugar levels to avoid it or not to take it regularly. This means too much of its consumption might require you to take a break and visit the loo a number of times. Have a look at the disadvantages of coconut water below. While the rest of the world is sweating out to decrease calories, I don’t think you would want to do something opposite. StyleCraze provides content of general nature that is designed for informational purposes only. An unhealthy stomach can cause severe … List of Cons of Coconut Water. All rights reserved. Then you shouldn’t miss this post – the coconut water disadvantages! Because the amount of sodium plain water contains is unarguably more than that present in coconut water. Coconut water possesses diuretic properties and you may end up taking frequent trips to the washroom if you drink it in excess. The high potassium content of coconut water is one reason it is a marvel drink. #Garlic for Weight Loss: Know how garlic helps in shedding pounds #Foam Roller Exercises for Pain Relief #Turned 25 and want to grow taller? Coconut water disadvantages. The amount of sugar in coconut water ranges from 6 grams in 8 ounces of plain coconut water to 20 grams in a 14-ounce serving of chocolate-flavored coconut water. May Lower Your Blood Pressure Too Much. Too Much of a Good Thing Coconut water is very high in … If you love coconut water, you must take your doctor’s permission. Although it is consumed with great fervor throughout India, it is especially used in South India. Until now, we all have been talking about the benefits of drinking coconut water for hair, skin and the health. 9 Best Hair Oils Of 2021 For Dry And Damaged Hair, 11 Best Hair Dryers Of 2021 For Frizzy Hair, 15 Best Non-Slip Neoprene Dumbbells With Reviews, Neem Oil For Hair: Benefits, How To Use, And Side Effects, 10 Best Weighted Blankets – Reviews And Buying Guide, 8 Side Effects Of Neem You Should Be Aware Of, 25 Amazing Benefits Of Coconut Oil For Skin And Health, 11 Potential Benefits Of Vitamin E For Skin, Hair, Health. Coconut water is not water with coconut flavor added. Benefits and disadvantages of coconut water // 95 per cent of coconut is made of water and a coconut contains about 200 ml or more of water. An excess of coconut water can even lead to hyperglycemia; Especially if your are suffering from diabetes. Coconut water can even act as a laxative that can disrupt the digestive … That's why I choose virgin coconut oil over other coconut oils for my daily health and skin care.

People with blood sugar must give it a miss out on between and not drink it every day. Natives have consumed coconut water for centuries, knowing it is helpful for building a strong immune system. In our Tinangol Community Centre we failed to continually inform and seek consent to use coconut wood throughout the 3 year construction process. But most of these so-called downsides do not really apply to me or affect me at all. Yes, you read that right. Copyright © 2011 - 2020 Incnut Digital. It offers a taste that you might not like. He considers himself a sculptor born to chip away at content and reveal its dormant splendor. Water and air inside the young coconut can be under extra pressure, so when you cut the mouth of the coconut, a little water often comes out. The content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Also Read: Handy Tips To Order Healthy At A Restaurant. The high potassium content of coconut water is one reason it is a wonder drink. It should ideally be consumed right after cutting it open. List of Cons of Coconut Water. It offers a taste that you might not like. Though coconut water doesn’t contain as much sugar as many sports drinks and fruit juices, it does contain a bit too any calories. Otherwise, it may act more like a laxative than a … 2. Yes, the cons of coconut water. Talking about the mineral content in coconut water, sodium is low and potassium is high. Plain water is just as hydrating and does not come with some of coconut water's disadvantages. Coconut is a food that we get easily in the entire season. Now, ‘calories’ would be a harmless term just if they are low, right? In such a case, avoid coconut water. The most noteworthy change was that I stopped having coffee on an empty stomach and it … List of the Cons of Drinking Coconut Water Daily. This is one of the major side effects of coconut water. We would love to know your opinion and read your comments on these coconut water side effects. But then, the very same reason can make coconut water fatal if consumed in excess. By continuing to use our website, you agree to our, Disadvantages of drinking coconut water in excess, This website follows the DNPA’s code of conduct. Read these disadvantages before so that you do not risk your health. Coconut as a fruit, its flesh, coconut water, its milk, and coconut oil have been known to have a great influence, especially in the lives of those belonging to the tropical countries. It is a nutrient-rich fluid. Benefits and disadvantages of coconut water // 95 per cent of coconut is made of water and a coconut contains about 200 ml or more of water. This theory is also true for coconut water. 1. Otherwise, the oxidative stress increases the body's disease risk. Though there are some disadvantages of coconut water in pregnancy, taking it at a certain amount can reduce the digestion problem very easily. Using any information provided by the website is solely at the viewers’ discretion. So coconut water is a type of juice. Disadvantages of Coconut Water. After a good jog, we fetch coconut water to satisfy our thirst and give the required boost of energy. 1. He started his career as a research writer, primarily focusing on health and wellness, and has over 250 articles to his credit. It May Affect The Sodium Levels According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, a single cup of fresh coconut water contains 252 mg of sodium. Hence, remember to consult your healthcare provider in such a situation (9). Talking about health drinks, the first name that strikes our minds is coconut water. This is the reason why most doctors recommend drinking coconut water in case of urinary tract infection. Checkout Side Effects of Coconut Water. Want to know what they are? It might have many benefits which are virtually absent in other drinks. Coconut water is not only a panacea for heat, but it is also able to overcome many physical problems. You can consume it in any season. Excess of anything is bad. But most people consider coconut water to be just a drink. Outside of the tropics, some markets carry pasteurized canned or bottled coconut water, and sometimes it is also possible to buy whole young coconuts which can be sliced open for their coconut water. It Is Not The Ideal Drink For Athletes, 3. Ravi believes in the great possibilities of abundant health with natural foods and organic supplements. This article intends to make you aware of those disadvantages. Coconut is basically a tree nut. Hence certain people who consume coconut water might be prone to tree nut allergies as well as other forms of allergy. People prone to cold and chill environment should give it a miss because coconut water is cool and it may further make them cooler (8). He has a Professional Certificate in Food, Nutrition & Research from Wageningen University. 1. You may be wondering whether or not it is good to drink coconut water every day. Ravi Teja Tadimalla is an editor and a published author. doctors using expensive intravenous feeding in remote hospitals. Using coconut wood in construction of community based construction projects can be a sustainable choice but requires careful design and project management. After a rigorous workout or practice session, your body becomes dehydrated. Health benefits and disadvantages of coconut water. Those on medication should avoid coconut water as it may take their blood pressure levels to the extreme low. Hope this article was informative enough for you. Not Good For People Vulnerable To Allergies, 9. And talking in terms of health, it probably is the most preferred drink. [ Read: Pineapple Juice For Weight Loss ]. We bet, most of you don’t know that coconut water has high-calorie value. The Disadvantages of Coconut Water. Also Read: Get Your Vitamin C Dose With These Non-Citrusy Foods. Sodium In Coconut Water: 252 mg … Here are the pros and cons of drinking coconut water daily to begin thinking about. My grandmother always stressed upon the importance of coconut water in one’s life. Today we discuss 5 disadvantages of coconut water. Health benefits of dry coconut for blood cholesterol You can control your blood cholesterol by consuming coconut regularly . This is not true, while the consumption of coconut water was not high, as it has many disadvantages and side effects too if it consumes more than enough. But, to most people’s surprise, coconut water has disadvantages too. If it loses its nutrients, it is no longer considered a healthy drink. You wouldn’t want to up your calories, or do you? So if you consume it more than enough then you can face conditions like weakness, unconsciousness and lightheadedness. Simultaneously, coconut will likewise show water misfortune. Disadvantages of coconut water Increases blood sugar level Though coconut water is not considered as a sweet drink but still contains a lot of carbohydrate and calories. However, they may drink coconut water in moderation but regular consumption is not advised. Coconut water proves to be a panacea for our health and beauty. But that doesn’t mean you can become a sole survivor of coconut water, does it? You may be wondering whether or not it is good to drink coconut water every day. It comes with fallible claims. This in turn may make them suffer from cold more often and add to their discomfort. However, much to the shock of all, coconut water has various side effects or disadvantages too. The water from a single coconut provides enough Vitamin C to meet the daily requirements for the average person. This is also dubbed as nature’s drink, magic drink and what not! People who are exposed to heat and humidity should be extra careful as drinking coconut water may expose them to a condition called hyperkalemia where the person may even fall unconscious. This is another disadvantage when you consume too much of coconut water. Most people believe that drinking coconut water offers only advantages, and it is very good for health. Coconut water surely cools one’s body.

Coconut water is a rich source of potassium, manganese, magnesium, folate, selenium and calcium. Dubbed as the ‘Magic Drink, ‘Nature’s Drink’ etc., the health benefits this fruit offers are many. In case you prefer coconut water for rehydration immediately post work out, then you rather drink plain water. Coconut water can be beneficial when trying to rehydrate. There are about 60 calories in 11 ounces of coconut water. Coconut Water Calories: 45.6 or 191 kJ of Calories, which comprises 3 % of the liquid. This makes it effective in excluding urinary tract infections with urine. It is also fairly low in calories and carbs. That's more than a quarter of your recommended daily level of 1,000mg. Do you love drinking coconut water? Now that’s something very undesirable, isn’t it? Coconut water proves to be a panacea for our health and beauty. It is possible to be allergic to coconut products. 2. May Lower Your Blood Pressure Too Much, 10. Please leave us your comments below. In this article of StyleCrease, we will discuss the benefits of coconut water and all its benefits. However, to my surprise, I came across a few disadvantages of coconut water. In a specific case, a man had spent an entire day playing tennis in 90 degree Fahrenheit weather. Coconut water just contains one-tenth the sodium when compared with other sports drinks (1). Many people recommend it to athletes. Coconut water is great if you use it as a sports drink, it has high potassium and mineral content which helps the body recover from rigorous exercise.. Coconut milk on the other hand has soluble fat, so it is great for low fat cooking , like making stews and … Besides the disadvantages of coconut oil in general, virgin coconut oil has its own specific disadvantages. It's the clear fluid inside the coconut, not to be confused with coconut milk, which is an emulsion of coconut water and fresh grated coconut. An average green coconut provides about 0.5–1 cups of coconut water. Click here for additional information . If you buy something through a link on this page, we may earn a small commission. Nutritional Information. Coconut water rich in a lot of minerals and neurites makes sense of freshness during the summer season. Though it has low sugar content as compared to fruit juices and other energy drinks, its calorie content is higher. It is preferably not the best option as a daily drink. Never drink more than one coconut water a day or else you h=may have to face its severe consequences. Coconut water is the liquid found inside unripe coconuts that eventually forms the familiar white pulp as the fruit matures. Talking about health drinks, the first name that strikes our minds is coconut water. Not Ideal for Athletes: Coconut water is often called Mother Nature’s sports drink. For them it is nothing more than to quench thirst. Reading and theater are his other interests. Thus, one should consume it in limit and must know about its ill effects too. 9. Trending Now . Similarly, coconut water might cause allergic reactions in certain people who are allergic to it. 1. Also, packaged coconut water is more damaging than fresh coconut water. Coconut water is to be consumed fresh (10). Consult your doctor before making significant dietary changes. If a person consumes an excess of coconut water, then the potassium content in the body would increase causing electrolyte imbalance and inviting serious health complications. Disadvantages of coconut water ➤ Regular consumption of coconut does not cause kidney disease Again, if you have kidney disease, drinking coconut water is completely forbidden Because if the kidneys are ineffective, the excess potassium in the body is not released from the body. So let’s know what happens by drinking coconut water. Excess drinking of coconut water can increase the potassium value in your body because coconut contain high value of potassium. This is not true, while the consumption of coconut water was not high, as it has many disadvantages and side effects too if it consumes more than enough. Unlike other juices, unflavored coconut water is … Coconut water may be low sugar but it is high in calories and carbohydrates which are both foes of diabetic patients. Some of us do have allergies. You might have heard it, but drinking a lot of coconut water will not help you cure of serious medical conditions, such as cancer, diabetes and other diseases stated in the media or in other bogus marketing presentations. Coconut water has diuretic properties. The understatement is coconut water should be kept away from people who are prone to allergies (3). Though coconut water helps to keep the body well-hydrated but excess of it may cause dehydration as well. If you have any kind of fruit or nut allergy, then coconut water may trigger the problem. This is one of the major side effects of coconut water. People suffering with low blood pressure should limit their intake of coconut water. Eight ounces of coconut water contains only 45 to 60 calories, along with natural electrolytes such as sodium, manganese, and potassium. And it’s popularity all around the globe has soared in recent times; people not only add it to salads and smoothies but cook with it and splash it on their skin and hair. Coconut water has diuretic properties (4). Think Of Getting Inked Just Like Arjun Kapoor? Disadvantages of Coconut Water. Coconut water is a wonder drink, yes. 3. Coconut water can cause as an allergy to many people. Coconut water is a nutrient rich fluid which is found in young coconuts. It can also cause dehydration if too much of it is consumed. Now, ‘calories’ would be a harmless term only if they are low, right? It comes with fallible claims. Can Pregnant Women Drink Grapefruit Juice. Also, when compared with certain sports energy drinks, coconut water is way low on carbohydrate content but ten times high in potassium content. Here’s All You Need To Know Before Getting A Tattoo, World ORS Day 2019: Know How ORT And ORS Helps Save Lives, This website uses cookie or similar technologies, to enhance your browsing experience and provide personalised recommendations. Hence, care should be taken before consuming a large amount of coconut water. Coconut water is a staple in many tropical regions of the world. Like any food, there are nutritional advantages and disadvantages to eating coconut flesh. But Did you know coconut water also has side effects and disadvantages too. Also, in the feeling of thirst, you may end up drinking a couple of glasses which is not good for your body and health. After a good jog, we fetch coconut water to satisfy our thirst and give the. It can act like a diuretic. It is always better to drink water post workout as it has high sodium content which the body loses during exercise. It is also sometimes known as coconut juice, and it is a popular food in many regions of the tropics, where coconuts are grown. Hyperkalemia causes weakness and lightheadedness, and within minutes the victim might lose his consciousness. Are They Good For You. We might be allergic to certain food items and ingredients and hence, we refrain from consuming them. This is the reason it is not advisable to consume coconut water in excess. Coconut water encouraged me to make healthy choices generally too. Although a mild amount of coconut water has hydrating properties, excessive of its consumption can be unhealthy. Has diuretic property: coconut water has a diuretic property which makes you feel like peeing after a very short interval of time. If it loses its nutrients, it is not thought about a healthy drink. At the high end, coconut water has about the same amount of sugar as a cup of generic cola, reports the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Along with natural electrolytes such as sodium, manganese, and has been in the digital media field over... Possibilities of abundant health with natural electrolytes such as sodium, manganese, and conclusions were drawn act. Remember to consult your healthcare provider in such a situation ( 9.. Various side effects really apply to me or affect me at all sodium content the! Know what happens by drinking coconut water consumption can be fatal reason why most doctors drinking! Also Read: Pineapple Juice for Weight Loss ] thinking about to continually and. Which makes you feel like peeing after a good Thing coconut water that drinking coconut water not Ideal... Fruit juices and a tasty alternative to water contains 60 calories, or you... Low, right purge water instead of retaining it white pulp as the fruit matures can even to! 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( 2 ), but it is no longer considered a healthy drink coconut.