The species is probably endangered. 2008 August 13. The link between edible plant species richness was previously suspected, but to the best of our knowledge, has never been analyzed quantitatively in relation to hoolock gibbon numbers. Check out our Trees in Lawachara were generally smaller compared to those in Kaptai. 81/Ka, Road # 11, Baridhara, Dhaka 1212, Bangladesh, Corresponding author; Current address: Department of Biology, Memorial University of Newfoundland, St. John's, Newfoundland, Canada A1B 3X9; e‐mail:, Current address: Wildlife Trust of Bangladesh, 69/1 New Circular Road, Malibagh, Dhaka, Bangladesh, Department of Zoology, University of Dhaka, Dhaka 1000, Bangladesh, Department of Zoology, Jahangirnagar University, Savaar, Dhaka, Bangladesh. Last December, some of the apes were spotted by a photography group in Assam’s Barduar Forest Reserve #RuralIndiaOnline Facts Summary: The Hoolock Gibbon (Bunopithecus hoolock) is a species of concern belonging in the species group "mammals" and found in the following area(s): China, India, Southeast Asia. This study provided the first thorough survey of its population status and distribution in China since its recognition as a new species. The hoolock gibbons are three primate species of genus Hoolock in the gibbon family, Hylobatidae, native to eastern Bangladesh, Northeast India … Like other gibbons, hoolock gibbon pairs produce a loud, elaborate song, usually sung as a duet from the forest canopy, in which younger individuals of the family group may join in. Areas such as Lawachara and Karnafuli Range (Kaptai) have been surveyed extensively with tree species richness being well documented in these areas. Most of these sites fall under the jurisdiction of different forest divisions and have undergone extensive deforestation and habitat alteration over the last two decades (Gain 2002). and you may need to create a new Wiley Online Library account. (2006) counted the total hoolock gibbon population at each site (a total of 282 hoolock gibbons in 96 groups in 24 of the 35 sites). We conducted a stepwise multiple regression using the number of hoolock gibbons as the response variable and the area of natural forest, area of plantations, area of agricultural land, and edible plant species richness as explanatory variables. This is critical in not only understanding the ecology of this endangered species, but also for developing conservation and management plans, given limited resources and habitat and high human population pressure in Bangladesh. It might possibly occur in China (extreme southeastern Tibet). Importance value of tree species = relative cover + relative frequency + relative density. Do environmental attributes, disturbances and protection regimes determine the distribution of exotic plant species in Bangladesh forest ecosystem?. Bangladesh, India, Myanmar — The population of this south Asian gibbon has declined by over 90% since the early 1970s when they totalled over 100,000. The Asian elephant (Elephas maximus) and Hoolock gibbon (Hoolock hoolock) are two globally endan-gered wildlife species limited to only tropical Asian forests. In India, it is listed on Schedule 1 of the Indian (Wildlife) Protection Act 1972. To ensure the long-term conservation of the gibbons in this region, ten priority forest complexes have been identified. The Asian elephant (Elephas maximus) and Hoolock gibbon (Hoolock hoolock) are two globally endan-gered wildlife species limited to only tropical Asian forests. In each study site, we recorded the total species richness of food‐trees present, based on the total list of species present in the Forest Department database and corroborated on the ground by field workers. The efforts for conservation of hoolock gibbon has been funded by US Fish Wildlife Service (Great Ape Conservation Fund). In Bangladesh both species are critically endangered and distributed mainly in the northeast and southeast hilly regions bordering neighboring India and Myanmar. Without appropriate measures to limit such impingement (discussed below), the future of hoolock gibbons and other wildlife is Bangladesh is bleak. Florian Magne, the huro programme founder, said today that Noree was born to Dawn at the centre near Tura, the district headquarters of West Garo Hills, on Monday. Each site also had an abundant variety of tree species utilized by hoolock gibbons for food. We also analyzed the existing habitat characteristics in two of the largest hoolock gibbon populations in Bangladesh: Lawachara (42 individuals) and Kaptai (84 individuals). Key to the conservation of hoolock gibbons in these and other areas will be habitat protection. Management and conservation of hoolock gibbons.— Hoolock gibbons have survived in Bangladesh in spite of acute deforestation pressure (Ahsan 2001, Feeroz 2001, Islam et al. As a newly described and Critically Endangered species, the skywalker hoolock gibbon is in urgent need of research attention and conservation efforts. The rapid destruction and alteration of habitat (by plantation of exotic monoculture species) that continues in an unplanned manner throughout Bangladesh will undoubtedly result in the extinction of the species. Gibbons not only include the most endangered apes but also the most endangered primate species of the world. Species List ... Southern Yellow - cheeked Crested Gibbon Siamang Western Hoolock Particularly important is the impact of converting increasingly larger areas of forest for agriculture. Several populations have become extinct during the last 15 yr (Feeroz 2001, Das et al. Binomial name. new Creature Feature is posted? 2006). These problems in categorization are likely reasons for the absence of a relationship between plantations, natural forests, and hoolock numbers in our analyses. Working off-campus? Local names of plant species of significance to hoolocks were recorded when encountered and cross‐checked with field guides and other resources (Islam & Feeroz 1992, Islam et al. 1987). The hoolock gibbons, also known as hoolocks, one of the most important attractions of north east india’s wildlife, hoolock gibbons are two primate species from the family of the gibbons. 2006). List of all endangered species (animals & plants). Tectona grandis (teak) was the most dominant of the tree species in Kaptai. This species is Endangered on the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Based on the results of these two studies, we offer suggestions to prioritize conservation and management action to help preserve hoolock gibbons in Bangladesh. 2008 August 13. Feeroz (2001), Ahsan (2001), and Islam et al. Each region has its distinct tree composition and forest canopy characteristics. Hoolock gibbon has been categorized as endangered in the IUCN-red list. Hoolock hoolock. 2005). 2006). The hoolock gibbon, an endangered species, is a now rare sight in the forests of northeast India. Unfortunately this charismatic species is facing habitat loss and hunting across its range. Improvement of habitat should involve carefully planned plantations of mixed native species providing food and habitat for hoolock gibbons. Relative cover = mean basal area per hectare. Both Lawachara and Kaptai had a high diversity of tree species, although clearly, each area varied with respect to the composition of tree species (Table 2). The International Union for Conservation of Nature lists the western Hoolock gibbon as Endangered, appearing on the IUCN’s Red List of Threatened Species (IUCN, 2017). 2006). Hoolock gibbon has been categorized as endangered in the IUCN-red list. Lawachara and Kaptai are the two sites in Bangladesh that currently harbor the largest hoolock gibbon populations (Islam et al. A variety of food species for hoolocks including Artocarpus chapalasha, Bixa orellana, Dipterocarpus spp., Syzygium spp., Mangifera sylvatica, Protium serratum, Entada spp., Ficus spp., and Lagersrtoemia speciosa, were represented in the point samples from both sites. In Bangladesh, hoolock populations had been estimated to be over 3000 individuals in the eighties (Gittins & Akonda 1982, Gittins 1984). Gaoligong, endangered 57 species [8] . The full text of this article hosted at is unavailable due to technical difficulties. The western hoolock gibbon ( Hoolock hoolock) is a primate from the gibbon family, Hylobatidae. We thank the US Fish and Wildlife Service for funding this project through its Great Ape Conservation Program. Leaves or flowers of teak are not eaten although hoolock gibbons occasionally venture into teak stands, to feed on the teak skeletonizer moth larvae (Hyblea purea) occurring on the bark. The species is confined to 29 fragmented forested areas in western and central Java. With long and slender arms, hoolock gibbons are swift creatures, barely needing to step on the ground. J Trop Ecol 7(1):147-53. Hoolock gibbons are distributed in various northeastern states in India, with a current total population of more than 2600 individuals (Molur et al. The category referred to as “plantations” also suffers from similar problems in terminology. Would you like to receive a notice and link when the More to come soon. Habitat characteristics in Lawachara and Kaptai.— A total of 25 species was identified in Lawachara in the 86 point samples (with 344 trees), compared to the 32 species in the 206 point samples (with 824 trees) in Kaptai. It is home to many rare and endangered species, including the Western Hoolock Gibbon. The hoolock gibbons of Bangladesh can only survive if government commitments are translated into action and stringent measures are taken to protect and restore habitats. The alteration of habitat for agriculture is widespread in Bangladesh and constitutes one of the most difficult challenges in wildlife conservation. 2003, Islam et al. Endangered or Critically Endangered Species include: the Endangered Western hoolock gibbon (Hoolock hoolock), the Endangered Asian elephant (Elephas maximus), and the Critically Endangered Chinese pangolin (Manis pentadactyla). Two sites, Korerhat and Teknaf, were sampled to a lesser extent (∼20%), but these were still included in the analyses because the areas covered were deemed representative of each of these sites. However, it’s also edged with sadness – as we’re also calling for the IUCN to immediately confer Endangered status on the Skywalker hoolock gibbon, which faces the same grave and imminent risk to its survival as many other small ape species in southern China … Population and habitat viability assessments suggest that these and some other sites could be managed to maintain hoolock gibbon numbers at viable levels (Molur et al. Gron KJ. Groves 2005). The population of the Skywalker hoolock gibbon is unknown, but it's believed to be very low. The work would have been impossible without the efforts of many students and volunteers from the University of Dhaka and Jahangirnagar University. We are grateful to the Forest Department of the Government of Bangladesh for access and accommodation at many of the study sites. 2005). Learn more. Approximately 300 remain in Bangladesh in populations dispersed between isolated forest fragments. The western hoolock gibbon is endangered worldwide and critically endangered in Bangladesh. Mapping and assessing the transboundary elephant corridor in the Patharia Hills Reserve Forest of Assam, India. This does not mean that a relationship does not exist between natural forests and plantations and hoolock gibbon numbers. The Hoolock gibbons’ original entire habitat covered about 100,000 square miles (160,000 sq km) and shrunk to 35,000 square miles (56,000 sq km) in 1987. The Indian Wildlife (Protection) Act, 1972 put them in the list of Schedule-I species. We examined the influence of area of natural forests, area of plantations, area of agricultural land and edible plant species richness on the hoolock gibbon numbers from 22 sites in Bangladesh using multiple regression analysis. Local people were used to help track the whereabouts of hoolock gibbons in each site. The Inner-line reserve forest of Barak Valley is one of the habitat of Hoolock gibbon where these gibbon groups were surveyed and habitat assessment was done. We studied habitat characteristics of hoolock gibbons in Bangladesh to examine the variables that are important in determining hoolock gibbon numbers. This number had subsequently declined to about 200 individuals in the early nineties (Islam & Feeroz 1992) and the declining trend continues in many areas of Bangladesh, with some areas having lost all of their hoolock gibbons (Feeroz 2001, Das et al. A total of 35 sites were surveyed (Islam et al. Skywalker hoolock gibbon, Hoolock tianxing. In fact, the areas that have undergone declines in population have also lost considerable natural forests as classified by the Forest Department. 2005). The genus of hoolock gibbons comprises two previously described living species, the western (Hoolock hoolock) and eastern hoolock (H. leuconedys) gibbons, geographically isolated by the Chindwin River. In both the studies, natural forest areas were obtained from Forest Department databases, and declines in this habitat category corresponded to drastic declines in the populations of hoolock gibbons. About 200 animals are thought to exist in China as well as an unknown number in Myanmar. 2004). The alpha level was set to 0.05 for all tests. The population of the Skywalker hoolock gibbon is unknown, but it's believed to be very low. Protection of habitat would require a larger commitment from the government and its Forest Department. Our study suggests that areas such as Baralekha, Lathitila, Lawachara, Satchari, and Adampur in the northeast and Kaptai, Rampahar, and Bamu have large enough populations and conservation efforts may be directed toward managing these hoolock gibbon populations. Habitat quality across sites.— Maps of each study site were collected from the digitized map database available in the Forest Department, Ministry of Environment and Forest. Artocarpus, Tectona, and Dipterocarpus were the three most important genera in both sites, although Artocarpus was more important in Lawachara. We compiled a list of all the plant species whose leaves, shoots, fruits, flowers are reported to be eaten by hoolock gibbons from Islam and Feeroz (1992), Ahsan (1994), and FD/MOEF (2000a). News … The endangered forests of Bangladesh: why the process of implementation of the Convention on Biological Diversity is not working,,, *Indicates species that provide food for hoolock gibbons. We used the forward selection procedure with a P < 0.05 to add variables and P > 0.10 to remove variables (Sokal & Rohlf 1995). All known populations have undergone declines primarily due to habitat destruction or alteration. There are 4 Genus of gibbon There are 19 Species of gibbons within each of these 4 groups We currently house 5 of these species * Indicates species housed at the GCC. Area (s) Where Listed As Endangered: The Hoolock Gibbon ( Bunopithecus hoolock) is a species of concern belonging in the species group "mammals" and found in … All identifications were made in the field. Range Description. Populations such as the one in Lawachara National Park have remained relatively constant since much of the area categorized as natural forest is still intact. The western hoolock gibbon (Hoolock hoolock) is a globally threatened species, and in Bangladesh it is critically endangered. The IUCN has classified the population of the western hoolock as endangered and that of the eastern hoolock as vulnerable. "Populations of western hoolock gibbons have declined by almost 90% over the last 30 years, and it is now considered to be one of the most endangered 25 primate species in the world. The N F Railway authority has extended cooperation to the project. 2005, Islam et al. The Lawachara National Park in Moulvibazar, ... Lawachara National Park: A sanctuary for the endangered hoolock gibbon. In India they only occur in the north eastern states. Once the most suitable model was determined, the variables that provided the best model were retained. The relative frequency and relative cover of A. chaplasha was the highest in Lawachara and among the top three important species in Kaptai. The actual number of species used by hoolock gibbons is likely to be higher and is highly variable depending on seasonality and geographic range (Ahsan 2001). The western hoolock is listed as Endangered in the IUCN Redlist. All variables were log transformed to normalize residuals (Sokal & Rohlf 1995). Search for an endangered species profile. The censuses were conducted from 2003 to 2005 (detailed in Islam et al. Gaoligong hoolock gibbon (Hoolock tianxing), also known as Skywalker hoolock gibbon, was previously regarded as the easternmost population of Eastern hoolock gibbon (H. leuconedys), until scientifically described as a distinct species in 2017 based on its unique genetical and morphological characters (Fan et al., 2017). (1) Baralekha, (2) Lathitila, Sagarnal, (3) Adampur, (4) Rema‐Kalenga, (5) Lawachara, Chautoli, (6) Satchari, (7) Dighinala, Ramgar, (8) Pablakhali, Kudhukhoza, (9) Korerhat, Hazarikhil, (10) Rampahar, Karnafuli (Kaptai), (11) Dopachari, (12) Chunati, Satghar, (13) Bamu, (14) Thanchi, (15) Alikadam, (16) Sangu, (17) Fashiakhali, Bhomarighona, Bangdepa, Bishari, Rajghat, Apar Rezu, (18) Inani, (19) Ukhia, (20) Teknaf (from Islam et al. 2006). The species is further sub-divided into the western and eastern hoolock gibbon. Islam et al. All hoolock gibbons in each site were located and counted. Hoolocks are the second largest of the gibbons, after the Siamang. The Western Hoolock gibbon is an endangered lesser ape found in Asia. The eastern hoolock gibbon (Hoolock leuconedys) male can be differentiated from the western species (Hoolock hoolock) by its grizzled silver coloured chest; a silver genital tuft and the white brow streaks are widely separated in adult males and juveniles of both sexes instead of being Feeroz 1992, Choudhury 2001, Molur et al and critically endangered western and central.! Well documented in these and other areas will be habitat Protection indicating that the species is found East... Impingement ( discussed below ), Ahsan ( 2001 ), indicating that the species of hoolock gibbons the family... Indian ( Wildlife ) Protection Act 1972 best model were retained hoolock is! Both species are critically endangered + relative density, relative cover, and et! Main reasons for this are habitat loss and hunting across its range is. Root cause of population declines in such a variety of tree species represented in both sites high... 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