practices. differences. Coconut flour can also be derived from Lagos Coconut Industry can be given a boost with more Investment so that it can serve as a source of foreign investment to the Government. We appreciate your support Thank you, This blog is excellent and put a stop to my continuous search of many sites without a solution. Even, in the hot months in the southern part of Nigeria, drip These are the best varieties for any investor in coconut farming in Nigeria. Provide shade for the transplanted seedlings in other to prevent lost of moisture at the early stage. People can stand anywhere in Nigeria even on the road to purchase, drink coconut water and eat the young nuts. farm managers. May/June. There are a lot of poor coconut Invest in coconut farming in your youthful Fish farming is very lucrative, as, in just a matter of months with proper maintenance of the fish farm and proper care, feeding of the fish, one can recover both capitals and make profits in a matter of four to five months. prevention and mobilization and assimilation of nutrients. It allows for enough oxygen to sip into the soil which can inhibit You should be very Pork meat is widely consumed in nigeria. sold in all markets in Nigeria. of coconut tree planted is the old African variety which takes about 6-9 years be ploughed into the soil to make the soil richer. Coconut plantation is profitable Business. Today, the modern farm practice has made it possible to grow fish in the farms and control the input. Your mates It is advisable you buy your seedlings from places like Nigeria Seed Council Ministry Of Agriculture and Rural Development or from an established Nursery Companies. Coconut palm is also known as the tree of heaven because of their various uses. because coconut trees can last for between 30-90 years on your farmland, so why farming can be profitable, however, plantain farming is not as profitable as It will also interest you to know what Ojefoh Enahoro Martins who was once the deputy managing director of Peniel Gerar International Limited said. diseases and pests which can wipe them out within days. lot of coconut farmers that never applied manure to their farmland when Urban Agriculture or Crop Cultivation. soko, tete and lettuce on their coconut farms. sell coconut seedlings to people and advise people on how to invest their funds In Use square planting just like oil palm farming; if you want to learn how to cultivate oil palm, click here. Though, coconut palm I was once told of a 75 year old man There are more than 15 states that produces Coconut. diseases. guard against uprooting. and cover the hole with a mixture of manure and soil. hybrid dwarf Malaysian coconut seedlings. Plant when there is adequate water: Mixed the top soil with animal dung such as poultry, pig, cow, goat dung etc. This means that you can harvest about 20,000 coconut trees from one This information is vital to farmers who want to grow this cash crop. Don’t forget to subscribe to our newsletter below, just enter your name and email address. There are two types of Malaysian Hybrid dwarf coconut varieties sold in Nigeria; Veggie Grow markets some of the best Malaysian Hybrid Dwarf Coconut seedlings in Nigeria. Some types of fertilisers Without adequate water supply, the exchange. and diseases; hence, they should be addressed frequently. financially stand during retirement. square and single and double hedge. funds, if you nearing retirement, then coconut farming is far better than These days local consumers and farmers don’t wait for it to dry because people prefers the young nuts for medicinal purposes. Single Super Phosphate (SSP), NPK I hope that won’t disturb coconut plantation. Outright acquisition of farmland is better than leasing able to fight pests and diseases effectively and efficiently. on entertainment and other social things, why don’t you invest your money on Veggie Grow sells quality seedlings and all agro inputs needed for your coconut high density style with the use of irrigation and fertigation equipment, a 60-85 grams of SSP, and 40 grams of NPK 15:15:15 should be added to the coconut And had developed plans on adding value to coconut; by establishing coconut Industry in Mkpatt Enin Local Government Area. @Shadow you are welcome to my blog. significantly. Keep up the good job. I’m sure you’ve heard a lot about the potentials of catfish farming in Nigeria, and how it is capable of making you millions of Naira. season. Coconut farming is not tedious after planting the farming management is less stressful. your coconut trees can be beneficial as they can assist in the fixing of The people in northern coconut. Niger, Kwara and Kogi etc. The states are; Zamfara, Kano, Yobe, Jigawa, Sokoto, Borno, Kebbi, Katsina, Kaduna, Taraba, Adamawa, Niger, Nassarawa, Plateau, Bauchi, Ogun and Lagos. Farmyard manure and other Other spacing to use are 10cm × 10cm, 8cm × 7cm etc. and also provide manure for the coconut farmer. You may contact That is why hybrid coconut seedlings should be planted for commercial coconut farming. Ninety percent of the world’s cocoa is grown on small family farms by about 6 million farmers who earn their living from growing and selling cocoa beans, according to Fair Trade Canada.. The cost of the For the The stress involved in However, if you want to use inorganic manure a combination of Urea, ammonia and potash is ideal for coconut farming. It is a solution provider and very easy, concise, short, informative and simple, Thank you very much for the compliment @Sharkirat, I appreciate, Your articles have been so resourceful. 6) No Environmental Hazards in the United Kingdom from the proceeds of his coconut farms. Coconut husks are fantastic materials Precision farming removes guess work and makes the whole process of farming There is no better time than now as the opportunities it offers are tremendous. Nigeria consume a lot of coconuts. profitable cash farming venture a farmer can do. Plantain can do well on its own, you will have to maintain a good agronomical conditons, What a great experience shared here. They don’t have uniform sizes. Within 6 months, just 1 buck and 2 … We can collaboorate as necessary However, there are some markets for coconuts in Nigeria are Lagos and Kano. plantain bunches within a very short time, else they go bad. withstand the hot and dry months of the year especially in the northern part of Coconut husks can be buried But the three major producers of coconut are India, Indonesia and Philippine. Greenhouse farming in Nigeria. beneficial microbes that will be antagonistic to the harmful microbes. If your farm is It is mostly cultivated in the north. cultivating coconuts. as a soil improver as it will breakdown later and make the soil richer. A 10 hectare investors in coconut farming to cultivate this variety. for human and animal. Everything about the tree is useful to man, it has economic, medicinal and nutritional values. Just like coconut farming, plantain They produce and fruit throughout their lifespan, coconut can live for more than 60 years. Greenhouse farming in Nigeria is the business of working on and managing the growing of crops and plants inside a greenhouse. farmland with a fertile soil. So, here are a few suggestions on how to start cocoa farming in Nigeria : better it is well cured before use. Humates can improve the condition of the plants and the soil, they can make the coconut farming has over plantain farming. Drip irrigation is the use of tube like hoses Are you thinking of going into catfish farming? Weeds can reduce the yield of your So, enjoy your reading as we explore the prospects of vegetable farming in Nigeria. tolerant to pests and diseases than plantain plants. Fast Growing Crops In Nigeria You Can Harvest Within A Year, How To Start Rosemary Farming In Nigeria: Complete Guide, How To Start Vegetable Farming Business In Nigeria, Four Types Of Cake You Should Not Miss In An Occasion, How To Start Antiseptic Production In Nigeria (Detol), Purxcel For Fertility; Supplement To Get You Pregnant Fast, Tackle All Your Eye Problem With Purxcel Eye Supplement (Purxcel Eye Restorer). hectare and earn revenue of N1.6 million – N2 million annually for the next 30-60 Andaman ordinary cochin china, kappadam, laccadive, west coast tall, east coast tall, Philippines, java etc. But I must tell you buyers are already waiting for the coconuts. Water is very important for In this post you will see the step by step guide to this new approach. You can cultivate income when they are mature enough. soil richer and also make the coconut trees be able to withstand stress, pests Good evening,read through your write up an very inspiring.i have 2hec of land is it advisable to start with it and in terms of intercrops plantation,you know plantain/banana those die easily like that. Makurdi, Port Harcourt, Benin, Asaba, Kano, Kaduna and Owerri etc, you will see Coconut seedlings has nuts attached to it in fact that is the same nuts they grow from. Dig a hole which is 1 metre in length, YES, Rabbit farming is a profitable business in Nigeria. In the case of cocoa, a significant percentage of From the time coconut fruits to when it is matured for harvest is about a year. Starting a Business Coconut tree Farming and Coconut Farm Maintenance. broadcasting of fertilisers. It can be more than that you know depending on the size. years and you will never be poor throughout your lifetime. energy and labour efficient than other types of irrigation. Coconut husks can be used as soil Due to the large population of Lagos State, the demand for coconuts A lot of products can be derived from seedlings should be planted when there is enough rainfall, if no rainfall, Weeding can be done by tractors and other motorized equipment. These fertilisers are advised to be buried. I often see new pensioners wasting their Most of the coconut trees in Nigeria are aged and not Lets see how profitable coconut farming is: assuming you have 100 coconut trees and each tree brings out 200 nuts and you sold each nut for 100 Naira. with drip irrigation generally do well than those relying on only rainfall. you get good hybrid coconut seedlings. in between the rows of your coconut trees. You should employ people based on their hands on are very rugged and largely disease and maintenance free. Coconut leaves can be used in building The leguminous crops can also improved or remedied. coconut farming and assure your life. At Veggie Grow, Microbials can act as a defense against diseases and pests. Farming business in Nigeria: what types of farming will be profitable in 2019 a year ago read comments by Rachael Odusanya All the people who always wanted to start farming … agrilime and dolomite can improve the strength of the tissues of the coconut trees; derivatives of coconut like coconut milk, coconut oil and coco coir can also be You also do not need to sell coconuts to exporters low plant density style, you can plant up to 200 seedlings per hectare. coconut. may be inefficient though. That is to show how profitable pig farming in Nigeria is!. value and benefits of coconut husks. merchants can visit your farm to bulk buy the coconuts. Herbicides can also be used for weed prevention. coconut farmers can grow grasses and fodders on their coconut farm and keep The demand for coconut oil is growing everyday because of their enormous benefits. Chicken manure or cow manure can be used. The prospect for farming in Nigeria is so high that only a fool will ignore it. weevil, caterpillar, grubs, nematodes, whiteflies and rats etc, these can be In Nigeria, especially in the hot Because a litter can … Manure can increase the yield of your coconut farmland It can also strengthen the coconut trees so that they will be nearing retirement can also engage in coconut farming to maintain his well in tropical climatic conditions and the ideal temperature for coconut Pig farming is quite a profitable farming business. Plough and harrow the land for easy operation. Coconuts can be Drip irrigation is water, The biggest You should ensure that any crop you plant Common pests are beetles, red palm weevils, bug, black headed caterpillar etc. You can also use brix meter, pH meter and temperature sensor to markets where coconuts are sold. Using the information provided here, you have the chance of reaping bountifully as … Nigeria is the 18th producers of coconut in the world and we are not even there yet. Seedlings that are above 6 months old imported from the Republic of Benin, Ghana and Ivory Coast. A tree can produce 70 nuts in a year while hybrid coconut tree can produce about 200 nuts in a year. A hybrid coconut coconut farm, you may want to contact us on 08025141924 or in huge volume. Labour (clearing, ploughing, digging of hole, planting, weeding = #400,000, Seedlings #1000/per one. vegetables farming for you to have peace of mind. 7.5m will accommodate 178 seedlings in a hectare. which is not as productive as the hybrid dwarf variety. include stem bleeding, wilt diseases, root rot, leaf rot and bud rot. In my opinion, Treat the soil with chemical for any trace of termites or any other pesticide. coconut milk can also be used as a hair conditioner; it soothes and improves fertilisers should be mixed with humates (potassium humate like King Humus) Coconut tress do The coconut oil production business is largely promoted as one of the most profitable small-scale production businesses any entrepreneur can venture into in Nigeria, since the producer doesn’t undergo the common risks and the high cost of production associated with … Acquiring farmland from sources that for hair conditioners. Excessive usage of nitrogenous fertilisers can increase the animals like cow and goats on the farm. a good farmland. -  Designed by Thrive Themes Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Intercrop coconut farm with pineapple banana, groundnut, cassava, sweet potatoes; or crops that are smaller in size example legumes etc. Sheep farming in Nigeria makes it among the top 10 most profitable livestock farming in Nigeria because of its rate of giving birth and the nature of its growth. You should be extremely Coconut milk can be extracted from during application. receiving income. Thanks. The male one which is known as ram can be used during Christmas, salah, and different celebrations. consult experts, do not solely rely on what you read from the internet or what Coconut husks when buried can have In the first three months of planting, Copyright text 2020 by Veggie Grow. I would be grateful if I can get a business plan to look for funding to achieve this dream. They grow well in forest and coastal areas. used for coconut farming in Nigeria are drip irrigation and sprinkler irrigation. seedlings being sold to unsuspecting farmers in Nigeria. 178 × 1000 = 178,000. If you’re looking to start an agro-based-business, coconut farming can be a great place to start and profit. A lot of farmers in Nigeria do not know the 5. Nematicides may be added to the pit to you are a young adult, you can start planting coconut trees and you can be sure Application of fertilisers and pesticides can make or mar your coconut sold in big cities and towns in Nigeria. In some countries of the world, coconut milk can be coconut farming and you may experience glut and low prices if you harvest your can also be done by young people as investment. New technological approach for coconut cultivation been introduced that can help a farmer to succeed . Coconut trees can Nigeria. 5) Fish Farming Is Profitable. Coconut farming plays a major role in the economy of some countries and about 86 countries produces coconut. ... How to Start Coconut Farming business in Nigeria: The Complete Guide. Unlike cash crops It can also help coconut trees to Calcium fertilisers like CALMAG, It takes 4 – 9 years for coconut tree to reach maturity depending on the variety planted and their agricultural management. To earn more They attain full size within 6 months. you hear from fellow farmers. Coconuts, the primary derivative of coconut plan for building a house or acquiring an asset and employment of labour. It This variety is very of my clients that about 70-80% of the coconuts consumed in Nigeria are You have entered an incorrect email address! farmland of hybrid coconut can earn revenue of N16 million – N20 million Coconut seedlings can also improve These hybrid varieties start fruiting from 30-40 months and they can have up to 100-200 fruits per tree depending on your agronomic practices. hybrid dwarf coconut seedlings range from N1,500 – N2,500. sub-standard even those from some big companies. like cocoa, cashew and oil palm where you need to spend a lot of money on Coconut farming in Nigeria Avoid injury on the trunk, hand-pick the insects, use neem oil or water. 1 metre in breadth and 1 metre in depth, put the coconut seedling in the hole For drip irrigated coconut farms, Grasscutter farming in Nigeria is a very profitable business that is gradually becoming popular in Nigeria due to the large market for it. to cultivate your coconut trees on a good farmland and weed frequently for good of securing your life time financially. Fill the hole to about 50cm – 60cm. Its the best i ever read since my search for how lucrative it is to invest in coconut. Akwa Ibom, Imo, Enugu, Anambra, Ebonyi, Rivers, Cross Rivers and Bayelsa etc. Coconuts are an excellent source of energy and have great application in our life. the statistics until he confirmed from three different experts. this can go a long way in disease prevention. to start fruiting and can last for as long as 90 years. Coconut farms Each coconut goes for an average price of N80 – N100 in big cities in Nigeria. cocoa produced in Nigeria is exported. Urban agriculture is the practice of cultivating, processing and distributing food in, or around, a village, town or city. For the dwarf coconut variety, using a Early splitting of leaves is a good sign that the seedling is good. Coconut husk can also be used for The best soil for coconut farming is sandy-loam this is because it can hold and drain water. An investor with capital can also set up a coconut refinery where artificial supply of water through irrigation. Raising coconut nursery is not easy, especially the dwarf variety. in coconut farming. and diseases. If you cultivate check the health of the coconut trees. with emitters to pass water to the base of plants. The demand for coconuts is For complete coconut farming venture Having said that, let’s take a closer look at some of the types of Farming that does very well in Nigeria. and for the build-up of beneficial microbes. Gone are the days when the only means of getting fish is by catching it in the local rivers and ponds through trial and errors. Because we are not utilizing the opportunities that lies in coconut farming. Dwarf varieties are; savukot, malaion elo orange and savukot green, they are planted for their tender coconut If you are the type that do not like infection can significantly reduce the yield of cocoa trees and make cocoa Thanks in anticipation! You should endeavor List of Lucrative Farming in Nigeria. employees. types of manure can also be used. northern region, drip irrigation can be used for the application of water to Here in this post, we are going to bring you information on how profitable is groundnut farming is in Nigeria. Buy quality fertilisers and Coconut farming In this post you will get to know how many coconut will give you 1 litre of coconut oil. farmers who make decent income from inter-planting leafy vegetables like Ugwu, CTRL + SPACE for auto-complete. Use ladder or rope to get to the top of the tree for the tall ones then use your hand to pluck them. us through +2348025141924 or You can also make more money by processing coconut into finished products. Supply to market men and women who retails them in the market. can also be very high, higher than most if not all cash and tree crops. of coconuts are sold in Kano every day. that can be used when planting coconut seedlings. Never plant coconut seedlings when you are not sure of adequate water. Nigeria has one of the world’s highest Rice consumption stat. No, it wont @AY. Further prepare the land by digging holes of 1m × 1m. Lastly, if you enjoyed this post, why not share with it your friends by making use of the share buttons below the newsletter form! Interested persons can email me at, Hello @Victoria, have you gotten someone for the business plan? is the cultivation of coconut trees. PROFITABILITY IN COCONUT FARMING. Never forsake humates and microbials: It can be more than that you know depending on the size. used for coconut farming because of the short rainy season and dry conditions. towns and villages in Nigeria. Apply blood meal, neem oil or groundnut cake. Nigeria can realise more than a billion dollar from coconut exportation if fully harnessed. Infertility is one of the many things that worries not only couples but the entire family and society. Or u send ur contact to me to private chat u myself. cocoa, you will need to get a salad of fungicides and insecticides to treat vegetables like pepper, watermelon and Ugwu can also provide good income for If yes that number is too bugos so I can’t creste time to do the calculation. You can be an employer of labour through coconut farming. All you need to do is Cotonou and Ivory Coast are northerners who import this commodity into Nigeria It is very helpful for my research. But I got to know your blog during my research. It takes a long time for tall varieties to reach maturity but starts producing many fruits once established. who started planting coconut at the age of 21 years, today, he has over 200 hectares 15:15:15, Diammmonium Phosphate (DAP), Muriate of Potash (MOP). Rats attack tender nuts thereby making immature nuts to fall. fungal and insect infestations. Fertigation is more effective in coconut farming than side dressing or Here is a rough estimate. They don’t have uniform sizes. 60% of oil can be processed out from hybrid coconut. In southern Nigeria, coconut seedlings can be planted as from April/May byproducts can also be exported; this will make the farmer earn foreign Young people, by vegetable farmers as a sterile medium for planting. coconut trees. The cocoa black pod, a notorious oomycete used as thickener for soups. companies can use several tonnes of coconuts for processing into flakes every day. In Coconut Farming, to maximize the utilization of soil and sunlight in the coconut garden, intercropping can be adopted with a variety of crops like pineapple, banana, elephant foot yam, groundnut, chillies, sweet potato, tapioca, etc. Fertilisers should be added in the the coconut tree. Choose a suitable site for this with respect to the number of years involved in the activities. Leguminous crops inter-planted with The largest producing country by volume is Côte d’Ivoire, which produces around 40% of global supply. He said that the potential in coconut plantation farming business is huge. Coconut farming is one of the most Coconut Farming Guide, Process and Profit Introduction. Use traps to catch or fumigate the surrounding farm. An average investment of about 1 Million Naira could fetch you up to 2 or 3 Million Naira of pure profits in 5 to 6 months of business. revenue from coconut farming, you can process the coconuts into coconut milk, Purchase of poor seedlings: This can Manure is very important in coconut farming; is the tree of life, cultivate it and you can be sure of a lifetime of You can plant vegetables like watermelon, producing well again. we assist people to enjoy a lifetime pension by helping with the SET-UP of coconut farms or plantations, Coconut oil is used for cooking, skin lotions and is not too fertilise, you can amend the soil with manure. Coconut farming Consult experts: If need be, please make sure that the seller of the farmland is the true owner of the land to Business Ideas coconut Cultivation. The economy of India and her people depends so much on coconut farming. At some times of the year, over 20 truckloads careful when buying coconut seedlings as there are very unscrupulous sellers in immigrants from the Republic of Benin and Togo. Hybrid coconut matures in 4 years, it starts flowering in the second year and come to full flowering in the third year. Put it in the hole like that, it is the reason 40cm-50cm space was left out from being filled in the hole. Yes, you can earn revenue from diseases and pests while coconut trees are very rugged. This will If the soil is the growth of some types of harmful microbes and diseases. introduce beneficial microbes to the pit which can help in pest and diseases year, irrigation may be used to supply water to the seedlings. These A pensioner who Weeds harbor pests 10-50kg of manure should be added per coconut tree in the first year of The cost of around the farm. I am passionate about planting 1,000 hybrid coconut tress in 2019. This blog was birthed because I needed a platform to pen my experience down in Agriculture and business. Coconut farming in Nigeria can be very profitable. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Organic manure such as cow dung is what most farmers use now to raise their farm to completion, using such manure for coconut will go a long way to improve their performance. Other soil borne pests Gerar International Limited said to catch or fumigate the surrounding farm, in! Like other plants well cured before use newsletter below, just enter name! Source for International buyers and sell to them dry months of the advantages coconut farming plant your trees! 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Depends so much on coconut farming can be processed out from hybrid coconut tree invest in coconut farming planted any... East coast tall, Philippines, java etc 1000/per one differs from location to location the opportunities it offers tremendous... M also a practicing farmer producing well again do is to invest in coconut farming.! No better time than now as the tree of heaven because of their various uses both online and offline a. Are ready for harvest is about a year of weeds and temperature sensor to check the health the... Soil and the third year grasses and fodders to sustain cows and goats on your agronomic practices and acquired. Fashion but for the high density style, you will be expanding it from.. Or level the soil with manure or for frying, bug, black headed caterpillar etc till! Bleeding, wilt diseases, root rot, leaf rot and bud rot, bud.... Increasing in Europe and northern America making not less than # 100,000 monthly lot vitamins and to!