Rijksmuseum (Buy tickets) Website. Media/News Company. Though he painted a wide breadth of subject matter, he was particularly fond of self portraits as well as biblical scenes. In fact, his painting Impression, Sunrise is credited with launching the entire art movement. All 48 states (Hawaii and Alaska hadn’t been added to the union as yet) were not identical and the stripes in the flag were made with strips of newsprint and then covered with red or white paint, much of the newsprint showing through. Interestingly, his three sons became artists and filmmakers, notably actor Jean Renior (1894 to 1979). Artists who have been at the height of their activity since that date, can be found in the list of contemporary artists . I'm also glad that you included Dali. Museum of Modern Art (MoMA) (Buy tickets) He is known for being a founder of the Cubist movement, for being a co-inventor of the collage, and for paving the way for modern art. If there’s a more iconic rendering of modern American life, what would it be? Displayed upside down and labeled Fountain, it was signed with the pseudonym R. Mutt. Interestingly, Duchamp indentified with so-called anti-artists by entering “Readymades” or found objects in art shows; in fact, at a 1917 exhibition, he submitted a men’s urinal. Gauguin created many paintings of these Polynesians and the best of this group was Where Do We Come From?, which he considered his masterpiece and final artistic testament. Are these men individuals or multiples of the same man? This post may contain affiliate links. Coolidge, having no fondness for farm labor, left the fields in the 1860s and began earning a living by painting signs, illustrating books and creating cartoons for a newspaper. As one scholar put it, the painting is a “Cubist fairy tale.” Based on Eastern European folklore and Russian and Yiddish culture, the painting juxtaposes many imaginative elements, all of which defy the laws of gravity, proportion, size and natural color. Mainly working in Paris, France in the early 1900s, Modigliani’s figures often show men and women with elongated heads and necks and, at times, full-figured bodies, which drew jeers from critics and aficionados. Warhol first showed the painting at the Ferus Gallery of Los Angeles, launching the West Coast debut of Pop Art in 1962. Modern art began in the middle 1800s, when the advent of photography seemed to make painting obsolete. By the way, Klimt fathered at least 14 children and died during the flu epidemic of 1918; and his painting Adele Bloch-Bauer I sold for $135 million in 2006. Incidentally, in the 1950s, Pablo Picasso declared that “When Matisse dies, Chagall will be the only painter left who understands what color really is.” Chagall lived to be 97. Art history has always been of great interest to Kelley. The most important Modern Artworks from 1850 to 1970. 1503-1516 (Photo: Galerie de tableaux en très haute définition via Wikimedia Commons). Best Genre Painters Top 10 exponents of genre painting, notably Dutch Realists. This powerhouse of Baroque painting is also one of the first female artists to see great success. Using superimposed elements that evoke motion pictures and chronophotographic imagery, Nude was shown for the first time in Barcelona, Spain in 1917. Thereafter, Stella became a renowned painter in the New York art scene, though his work attracted much criticism from conservative art critics who found works of modernism threatening and impossible to define. Alexander James Guckenberger from Maryland, United States of America on November 14, 2018: Kelley Marks (author) from Sacramento, California on November 14, 2018: Thanks for the comment, Alexander! The panting has also influenced writers and producers of plays, movies, operas, novels, albums and music videos. Water Lillies and the Japanese Bridge by Claude Monet. Museu Picasso (Buy tickets) Pablo Picasso, known mainly as a Cubist and Surrealist, may not have been the greatest artist of the twentieth century, but he was almost certainly the most prolific. And, notably, in popular culture and the arts, the diner scene is often used as a setting where dead rock stars or movie stars gather for coffee (the waiter portrayed as Elvis, perhaps). Norwegian artist Edvard Munch, a man beset by psychological problems (severe mental illness ran in his family), created one of the most famous paintings of modern times. The Scream symbolizes to many the anxiety of modern humankind, though Munch himself said he painted it as a reaction to seeing a blood-red sunset, which seemed to him a “scream of nature.” Over the decades when his paintings became exemplars of German Expressionism, Munch strove to create paintings that showed his current psychological state, even though this state may have included suicidal thoughts, pessimism, alcoholism or violent behavior. Astonishing and bizarre, Dalí’s images cannot be forgotten. Is this painting a metaphor for women in contemporary life? Love from Serbia Mr. Sparrow :). I haven't heard from you in a long time! Considered by some the greatest living artist during his lifetime, he has since been described as one of the greatest artists of all time. Now let’s begin the countdown for the 45 Greatest Paintings of Modern Art! Monalisa, Guernica, The starry night, and many more. In the 1890s, Gauguin visited Tahiti and later the Marquesas Islands, where he lived for years with the natives and married a 13-year-old girl. I had to live there, and master the language.” She was also influenced by the water color paintings of Paul Cézanne and John Marin. In 2012, this painting sold for $75 million. Many of these artists were considered avant-garde because they pushed boundaries and made startling innovations. Jack Lee from Yorktown NY on November 13, 2018: Very nice, but art is in the eye of the beholder. Brooklyn Museum (Buy tickets). My list of all time greatest painters: Velasquez Rembrandt Titian Raphael Leonardo Picasso Degas Sargent Rubens Monet Manet Corot Francis Bacon Van Dyck Holbein Van Gogh Caravaggio Giotto Cezanne Van Eyck Vermeer By art alone we are able to get outside ourselves, to know what another sees of this universe which for him is not ours, the landscapes of which would remain as unknown to us as those of the moon. It’s a decidedly simple painting, one which Rothko wanted to evoke emotion, mortality, sensuality and spirituality. Cassius Coolidge was born in Antwerp, New York. Most were already considered geniuses during their lifetimes and enjoyed unparalleled success, while others weren't acknowledged until after their death. We've put together our list of the 15 greatest painters of all time, taking into consideration all of these factors. The best paintings simply take your breath away! American painter Jackson Pollock is best known for his innovative painting technique. 10 Greatest Works of Art of All Time. Hay Harvest at Éragny shows Pissarro’s penchant for painting country folk performing simple tasks. A proponent of post-Impressionism and Cubism, Mondrian’s early pieces were very pleasing to the eye, even beautiful, particularly Spring Sun: Castle Ruin: Brederode (1909 – 1910). Five hundred years ago, this artist and scientist could portray the human mystery with a wonder that is not religious but biological he holds up humanity as a fact of nature. Vatican Museums (Buy tickets) Modern Art Museum. Basquiat’s paintings had a graffiti-like, urban look and used social commentary to evoke introspection and were often charged with political criticism or class struggle issues, racism and colonialism. Luncheon on the Grass, a pastoral scene using the juxtaposition of two fully dressed men and one nude woman (the woman appearing relaxed and painted in a sketchy fashion) was controversial at the time, which perhaps explains why the painting was rejected by the Paris Salon when it was first entered. Along with Pablo Picasso, Henri Matisse was one of the giants of modern art in the twentieth century; both helped advance the use of visual arts in the early 1900s, particularly regarding painting and sculpture. Battle of the Lights, Coney Island by Joseph Stella. This was the highest price paid for a painting until November 2017. Willem de Kooning was a Dutch-born painter who moved to the US in the 1920s and began painting in 1928, doing mostly figurative works. Thus, for example, a work of art produced as early as 1958 might be decidedly "postmodernist" (if the artist has a very avant-garde outlook - a good example is Yves Klein's Nouveau Realisme); while another work, created by a conservative artist in 1980, might be seen as a throw-back to the time of "Modern Art" rather than an example of "Contemporary Art". While art has become a buzzword in the past few decades, some works of art have transcended cultures and defined eras. The work of painter Joseph M.W. Back to the Art page | Greatest painters | Web sites on painters | Web page on Museums A Visual History of the Visual Arts. Because of the popularity of the Warhol’s soup cans and other commercial images, he became the most famous artist of Pop Art, as his artworks were the highest-priced of any living American artist. The Art Story. 1954) Cindy Sherman made a name for herself with her “Untitled Film Stills” (1977-1980), a series of self-portrait photographs of her acting out 20 th century pop culture female clichés. It would have been interesting if you had inserted a poll as to which one was the favorite painting of your readers. The graphic quality of her work and their rich, vivid colors made her a leader of Art Deco painting. Now me like - Juliette Belmonte, Ilgonis Rinkis, Minas Halaj. This work of blatant commercialism riled proponents of Abstract Impressionism, which had ruled American art since the 1940s. The Skull painting reflected Basquiat’s seminal interest in heads and skulls, which he often drew or painted. Also, shortly before his death in 1989, he said, “When you are a genius, you do not have the right to die, because we are necessary for the progress of humanity.”, The Love Embrace of the Universe by Frida Kahlo. One of the greats of Impressionism, Renior liked painting pretty women in beautiful settings and often showing degrees of feminine sensuality, a tradition that goes back to the art of Rubens and Watteau. Interestingly, Johns’ work is often associated with neo-Dada and Pop Art. Always a prolific artist, Hassam produced over 3,000 artworks during his 75 years. Art historian Frederick Sweet calls it “one of the most ambitious paintings she ever attempted.” And, notably, in 1966, the painting appeared on a US postage stamp. Anyway, maybe not his greatest painting, though almost certainly his most famous, Guernica depicts Picasso’s reaction to the bombing of the town of Guernica during German and Italian aerial bombing in the Spanish Civil War. Perhaps the greatest painter of Abstract Expressionism, Jackson Pollock created his best paintings by using what’s called action painting, a technique began in the early twentieth century by artists such as Frances Picabia and Max Ernst, though Pollock applied paint horizontally by dripping, pouring, splashing or spraying upon what was usually a very large canvas. Nevertheless, Monet is often called the Father of Impressionism. Rarely having trouble selling his artwork, Hassam sold his paintings for $6,000 apiece in the early 1900s. Luncheon of the Boating Party shows life as it was in those halcyon days in France; in fact, the woman playing with the dog on the left is Renior’s future wife, and the others are his many friends, including painter Gustave Caillebotte (lower right). And then, after finishing it, he attempted suicide, though he didn’t succeed and kept living until 1903. Disintegration of the Persistence of Memory by Salvador Dalí, Certainly one of the most eccentric, narcissistic artists of all time, Salvador Dalí once said, “I am not strange. Leading Post-Impressionist painter Paul Cézanne has enjoyed a lasting legacy thanks to his innovative approach to perspective, vivid color palette, and use of painterly brushstrokes. It is at him that all the harquebuses are aimed.”. While flower painting is a long-held tradition, no one had ever done it quite like O'Keeffe. Many of these artworks show Davis’ love of commercialism, man-made objects, Cubism and jazz. Capodimonte Museum (Buy tickets), Rembrandt, “The Anatomy Lesson of Dr Nicolaes Tulp,” 1632 (Photo: Mauritshuis online catalogue via Wikimedia Commons). By the way, the bright object just to the right of the cypress tree is the planet Venus. While in school she developed a bohemian lifestyle and embraced feminism. Offering their own viewpoints, the following 10 artists are considered as the most famous British painters of Modern Art. Hermitage Museum (Buy tickets), Claude Monet, “Water Lilies,” 1906 (Photo: Pubic domain via Art Institute of Chicago). ... 15 of the Greatest Painters of All Time … Pablo Picasso rightly said that every child is a born artist, the problem is to retain that artist within themselves. About The Art Story a 501(c)3 Non-Profit Org  Top 50 Works of Modern Art: Select the time period below. Claude Monet, one of the founders of French Impressionistic painting, entered Impression, Sunrise in the first showing of Impressionistic paintings at a Paris salon in 1874. Hay Harvest at Éragny by Camille Pissarro. Best Artists of All Time The greatest painters & sculptors Best History Painters Top 10 exponents of allegorical, mythological, narrative art. Nevertheless, from 1906 to 1917 Matisse may have created his best paintings, and Joy of Life is certainly an example of his apex output. 30. "Christina's World" is also one of my favorite paintings. In the early 1900s, Marcel Duchamp rejected what was known as retinal art and instead hoped to produce art that challenged the mind. Many great works and amazing facts! Notably, in the middle 1980s, Basquiat developed a friendship and artistic corroboration with Andy Warhol and, coincidentally, both died about the same time - Warhol (1987) and Basquiat (1988). Is it sheer genius and innovation? Though young when he died, he had produced a phenomenal amount of artworks – 2,100 of them, 860 of which were oil paintings. When she’s not spending time with her three dogs, she also manages the studio of a successful street artist. He even worked on his oil paintings outside, something that would later influence the Impressionists. National Gallery, London (Book guided visit), Michelangelo, “The Creation of Adam,” c. 1511 (Photo: Public domain via Wikimedia Commons). Best Places to View Artemisia Gentileschi: Uffizi Galleries (Buy tickets) Musée d'Orsay (Buy tickets) When we think about the “greatest” of all time, what does that really mean? Ad Parnassum is a composition Klee painted after taking a trip to Egypt three years prior (hence the pyramid) and is considered a masterwork of Pointillism. Everyone loves a great painting. A painter of American realism, Edward Hopper became known for his oil painting, though he also painted with water colors and became a printmaker in metal etching. We’re also on Pinterest, Tumblr, and Flipboard. Using the garden and pond flora at his residence in Giverny, France, Water Lillies and the Japanese Bridge exemplifies some of Monet’s best Impressionist painting from the 1880s until his passing in 1926. U.S. also played a major role in Modernism, Neo-Expressionism and Graffiti Art. Musée des Beaux-Arts de Nantes (Buy tickets) In fact, his painting Impression, Sunrise is credited with launching the entire art movement. The painting shows village Saint Remy under a swirling sky. Ciphers and Constellations, in Love with a Woman, one of 23 paintings in Miró’s Constellations series, is a prime example of some of his most popular—and perhaps best—paintings. In fact, his preference for breaking down forms and using bold tones has often led him to be called a precursor to Cubism. It's like something bad's gonna happen but there's nothing she can do about it.”. Art Institute of Chicago (Buy tickets) A Belgian Surrealist, René Magritte liked painting artworks that challenged people’s sense of reality. University Discovers Photo With 8-Year-Long Exposure That Was Taken With a Beer Can, Mysterious 70-Year-Old Photographs Have Sparked a Worldwide Search, Artist Recreates Hokusai's 'Great Wave' Out of 50,000 LEGO Blocks, Every Year These Friends Take a Themed “No-Shave November” Group Photo, Galerie de tableaux en très haute définition, A post shared by Georgia O'Keeffe Museum (@okeeffemuseum), Crossroads: A Glimpse Into the Life of Alice Pasquini, 6 Fernando Botero Paintings That Highlight His Love of Full-Figured Forms, Discover the Famous Works of Wassily Kandinsky, the Artist Who Painted Music, 5 Paul Klee Paintings That Highlight His Movement-Bending Art Style, Best of 2020: Top 10 Amazing Art Installations That Defined a Year Like No Other, 6 Jackson Pollock Artworks Highlighting the Progression of His Famous Drip Paintings, 5 of René Magritte’s Most Famous Paintings That Capture the Surrealist’s Fascinating Mind, The Life and Work of Barbara Hepworth, a Modern Master of Abstract Sculpture, Learn About the Fascinating History of Polish Bolesławiec Pottery, 6 Mark Rothko Artworks That Show His Progression Into Pioneering Color Field Painting, 20 Famous Paintings From Western Art History Any Art Lover Should Know, 10 Facts About Ansel Adams, the Pioneering Photographer and Environmentalist, What Is Printmaking? ... Paris / Museum of Modern Art, New York. Tate Modern (Visit), 15 Most Famous Sculptures You Need to Know, 10 Famous Female Painters Every Art Lover Should Know, 8 Famous Artists’ Studios You Can Visit Today, 8 Real-Life People Who Became the Stars of Art History’s Most Famous Paintings. Notably, she lived to be 98 and her painting, Jimson Weed (1932), sold for $44.4 million in 2014, the highest price ever paid for a painting by a woman. 32 Campbell’s Soup Cans is a collection of 32 canvases (20 by 15 inches each) using synthetic polymer paint on canvas. The three women on the left exhibit the Iberian style of Spanish art, while the two on the right show faces resembling African masks, with which Picasso had shown great fascination. Actually, the word Impressionism originated with the title to this artwork, as Monet used it to describe how the sunrise made an “impression” on him, particularly the play of light on its various aspects, in the port of Le Harve one particular morning. She cultivated expertise in street art which led to the purchase of her photographic archive by the Treccani Italian Encyclopedia in 2014. National Gallery of Art, Washington D.C. (Visit) Hard work and perseverance? And in 2014, Flag was auctioned at Sotheby’s for $36 million. Interestingly, in 2017, Dalí’s corpse was disinterred for DNA evidence to settle a paternity suit. A key painting from this period is Self-Portrait (1919). He's read many books and articles on the subject. About us. Swiss artist Paul Klee, whose painting style encompassed Expressionism, Cubism and Surrealism, published the Paul Klee Notebooks in 1920s’ Germany. Unfortunately, by the 1920s and ‘30s Hassam’s works of Impressionism were often considered passé compared to the Realism of such painters as Edward Hopper and Salvador Dalí. If you know of any paintings that are not so popular, yet great works of modern art, please let me know about them, because I'll almost certainly add more to this list—any day now. Question: What are your qualifications for creating a list of great paintings? Filled with dramatic brushstrokes and bold color, the Post-Impressionist painter's artwork is a roadmap to modern art. Who did that? I also like "Odalisque" by Matisse. What earns someone that title? Peggy Woods from Houston, Texas on November 26, 2018: It is always interesting to me as to what makes a favorites list when it comes to art. Influenced by Cubism and Futurism, Precisionism emphasized America’s emergence as a modern industrialized society by highlighting its impressive bridges, skyscrapers and factories. Despite having polio and being seriously injured in a traffic accident at 18, for which she suffered medical problems the rest of her life, Frida Kahlo had an impressive career as a Mexican Surrealist painter (or Magical Realist, painters using realism with fantasy elements added). Eventually developing a style of painting that combines pop culture figures with humor and grotesque imagery, what Condo calls Psychological Cubism, he produced The Cracked Cardinal and many other similar paintings of this style in the early 2000s. These large commercial paintings looked as if they’d been clipped from the pages of comic books, utilizing such conventions as Ben-Day dots, thought bubbles and clichéd narrative. An alcoholic, who often insulted people when drunk, Pollock tried using art to help him get sober, but he never succeeded for long, dying in an alcohol-induced car crash in 1956, age 44. In 2013, she authored the book '. Not only did Leonardo da Vinci experiment with mediums, but he also innovated different ways of creating striking compositions. Timeless in their beauty and execution, these artworks have transcended time and artistic concepts to create history. To sum up Mondrian’s ethos, he said, “Art is higher than reality and has no direct relation to reality. Painting in both rural and urban settings, it was many years before Hopper developed his own popular style; in 1931 he sold 30 paintings. Drawing is Life. This type of painting takes place outdoors so the artist can utilize sunlight and atmospheric effects in order to depict objects as they actually appear in nature at different times of the day—or different times of the year or in varying weather conditions—rather than how they may be idealized or preconceived in the studio. Coolidge is credited with creating this motif, which he also used to paint dogs playing pool. Photograph: Courtesy the Museum of Modern Art, NY. Even though Coolidge had little training as an artist, he was well-educated. Coming from traditional Neo-classical painting, Turner began striving for realism in his work—which was unheard of at the time. By estimates Picasso may have produced as many as 50,000 artworks, including 1,885 paintings, 1,228 sculptures, 2,880 ceramics, approximately 12,000 drawings, many thousands of prints and numerous tapestries and rugs. Now people wrote books about her! Heavily influenced by Giorgio de Chirico and René Magritte, Delvaux liked to paint women who seem hypnotized as they walk through phantasmagorical realms. Édouard Manet’s paintings are considered integral aspects of the beginning of modern art in the Western tradition. DeMilked. This is a personal selection of the ten greatest works of all time. Childe Hassam was an American Impressionist specializing in urban landscapes, coastal scenes and, later, outdoor nudes. Moreover, he worked in many different artistic formats: painting, book illustrations, stained glass, stage sets, ceramics, tapestries and fine art prints. Visit My Modern Met Media. Including the Pieta and the S tatue of David by Michelangelo, Ecstasy of St Therese by Bernini, and Sunflowers by Vincent Van Gogh. While you may have a few names you'd like to see on this list, there's no denying that the artists selected have made an indelible impact on art and culture as we know it. All these paintings are the epitome of greatness in art history and so are the famous painters who had created these masterpieces with heart and soul. Van Gogh Museum (Buy tickets) Considered a Post-Impressionist painter, Paul Cézanne - whose work seems to bridge the gap between nineteenth century Impressionism and early twentieth century avant-garde movements such as Cubism, Futurism, Dada, Fauvism and Art Deco - influenced such giants of modern art as Henri Matisse and Pablo Picasso, both of whom remarked, “Cézanne is the father of us all.” Cézanne painted The Card Players during his final period in the 1890s to early 1900s, when he had many physical and mental problems; nevertheless, he produced five paintings in this series, one version of which was sold to the Royal Family of Qatar for $250 to $300 million in 2011. At any rate, this painting was a precursor to Analytic Cubism, a new art revolution championed by Picasso and Georges Braque and considered the most influential art movement of the twentieth century. Jack Lee from Yorktown NY on June 03, 2019: My favorite painter in this group is Andrew Wyeth, and “Christina’s World”. Yale Center for British Art (Visit) Considered a scandalous work, it shows Christ riding a donkey into a carnival-like assemblage of people wearing grotesque masks; historical figures are also depicted among the crowd. A proponent of Cubism, Conceptual Art and Dada, Nude Descending a Staircase No. British Romantic painter JMW Turner is known as a forerunner of modern art. Not just a painter, Miró was also a great sculptor and ceramicist and also produced multi-media works and even tapestries. National Gallery, London (Book guided visit), JMW Turner, “‘Fishermen at Sea,” 1796 (Photo: Public domain via WikiArt). I know it is impossible to be knowledgeable about everything, but your list seems to only includes work from Europe and the USA. Kahlo’s painting, The Love Embrace of the Universe, shows Kahlo with Diego Rivera, as they’re embraced by Mexico, the Earth and the Universe. National Gallery of Art, Washington D.C. (Visit) Movements. Musée d'Orsay (Buy tickets), Paul Cézanne, “Mont Sainte-Victoire,” c. 1895 (Photo: Public domain via Wiki Art). Interestingly, when Matisse became elderly and suffered from health problems, he could no longer paint, so he used paper cut-outs instead, a technique known as decoupage. Unfortunately, when Ensor exhibited Christ’s Entry into Brussels, it was rejected by Les XX and not shown in public until 1929. Museum of Modern Art (MoMA) (Buy tickets). Even you and I could probably do one or two. Musée de l'Orangerie (Buy tickets), Mary Cassatt “The Child's Bath,” 1893. The 10 Must-See Art Masterpieces of the World. Paul Gauguin was a businessman until the French economy crashed in 1882. So who are the greatest painters of all time? Then, while working in carnivals, he created life-size, novelty portraits with comedic elements, what became known as comic foregrounds. Answer: I've been collecting art and reading about it since the early 1990s. Many of the best known artists of the modern era come from the United States including the Realist Edward Hopper, the Modernist Georgia O’Keeffe, the Abstract Expressionist Jackson Pollock, the Pop Artist Andy Warhol and the Graffiti Artist Keith Haring. Though relatively few Michelangelo paintings survive, those that do are considered some of the best in the world. Explored Planet. Generally considered the pioneer of abstract art, Wassily Kandinsky grew up in Moscow, where he created his Composition series, which comprised 10 paintings, the number seven of which Kandinsky called the “most complex piece he ever created.” Then in 1922 he moved to Germany, where he taught at the Bauhaus school of art and architecture, until 1933 when the Nazis closed the school and confiscated the first three of Kandinsky’s compositions, labeling them as “degenerative art” - and then destroyed them. , i must admit that at least some of the early 1900s collector Albert Barnes! Eventually sold for millions of dollars 1850 to 1970 as well as biblical scenes Georgia managed. Rubbing elbows with the avant-garde in Paris during World War II leader of,. Pushed boundaries and made startling modern art greatest painters of all time pioneering artist Georgia O'Keeffe managed to turn a type... 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Of subject matter, he created life-size, novelty portraits with comedic elements, what that! Her a leader of art 's audience seminal interest in heads and skulls, which he also different. He even worked on his oil paintings outside, something that was illegal at the time the most... Worse, Kahlo has become a buzzword in the early 20th century Soutine ’ s sense of reality to... Hassam was an American Impressionist specializing in female nudes than any other modernist painter Notebooks in 1920s ’ Germany have! With her creative vision the arts Nude woman Descending a Staircase no sculptor and ceramicist also. They walk through phantasmagorical realms particularly fond of self portraits as well as biblical scenes, poker Game sold millions... Has increasingly become the concern of the public late 1800s in Barcelona, Spain believe they could sprung... Was unheard of at the Ferus Gallery of Los Angeles, launching the Coast...