The first thing that a person needs to understand is that openness is a critical factor for managing the level of arrogance a person has. An arrogant person has no true friends. The right person should be sympathetic to them and show them love and support rather than hate and humility. 1. *Make him squeeze How do you deal with arrogant people? 6. Arrogant people want attention so, ignore them and don't ask them question. This site is not intended to provide, and does not constitute, medical, health, legal, financial or other professional advice. You know them when you see them, and arrogant people with their snotty attitude can negatively affect your day unless you’re armed with one or more of these 9 comebacks. When an arrogant person starts to belittle a group of people, try to turn it back around on them by saying you have a relative or sibling who is of that group of people. The fact that a person is open to all opinions shows a flexibility of thought that the arrogant person does not have. This could result in some interesting answers, but more likely you’ve made them squirm uncomfortably since you pretty much said ‘You are not superior to that other person.’. This is one of the very negative personality trait which can spoil a person , relationships , career infact everything if not handled properly by them selves. You must make him realize that everything he/she does is a complete waste of his/her time and messing with you will only cause him/her to lose. Following are the signs that show someone might be arrogant. Are you currently single? Do everything they do and beat them at it. Related article: 5 Comebacks For Dealing With Closed-Minded People. Posted May 02, 2017 Tip: An arrogant person needs an audience. Shows arrogant, haughty behaviors or attitudes. An arrogant person has decided to believe that they are somehow superior to you, when in truth, we are all equal human beings with differences that are no more or less valuable. A confident person can share the spotlight. Do not let them think they are superior to you. 1.You are constantly late. Shock them a bit by letting them know how close it hits to home. This shows the arrogant person that you want to give them the benefit of the doubt and believe they're good-intentioned. Are you often told that if you just lowered your standards and stopped being picky, you'd ... What do you do after 6 pm? Instead of simply leaving the situation, tell them they need to stop. The slave morality of the weak is the true product of arrogance. Confident people will rarely be found lecturing or preaching to others or how they are wrong. In fact, you actually give them a chance to save face by reiterating what they meant in a kinder way while simultaneously letting them know you won't be pushed around. You can come up with a basic strategy and adapt it on a case by case basis. Here are some tips that might help you to handle an arrogant boss. Reprinted with permission from the author. They may or may not show empathy, but they definitely understand what it means to make someone feel crappy. Prepare yourself ahead of time If you can’t stay away from a certain arrogant person, at least prepare for the time you’ll be interacting with them. Feel free to slightly embellish your accomplishments as well. Often, the arrogant person will exert themselves by undermining others, and often they have an in-built radar to focus on the ‘weaker’ co-worker. You don't want to be the person walking around with their nose up in the air, do you? Lacks empathy: is unwilling to recognize or identify with the feelings and needs of others. "That's not the only way of seeing things.". It is said that the best way to handle an arrogant person is to understand why he or she is arrogant. Do you tend to get easily overwhelmed or confused? They don't just think they're better than you, they act as if they know they're better than you. Signs someone is an arrogant person. When an arrogant person starts to belittle a group of people, try to turn it back around on them by saying you have a relative or sibling who is of that group of people. © 2021 by Tango Media Corporation All Rights Reserved. An arrogant person may be unable to relate to you, and instead say cruel things. Is interpersonally exploitative, i.e., takes advantage of others to achieve his or her own ends. It's better to exaggerate slightly than to flat-out lie, because you can get your arrogant bubble burst a little if people find out you didn't do as well as you … Your response to an arrogant person is also a reflection on your integrity as a person who stands up for him or herself. 8. This may be a bad habit on your part. Understand and accept that an arrogant boss will never be a team player. Arrogance is a defence mechanism, usually guarding against vulnerability and insecurity, often learned in childhood. If not, make attaining those a high priority, and lower your expectations. Arrogance is defined as : “an attitude of superiority manifested in an overbearing manner or in presumptuous claims or assumptions”. The best response to an attack of this nature is to They also share a few traits and characteristics with narcissists, including believing that they are unique and only understood by high-status people, always being expectant of admiration from others, having a large degree of entitlement, and a lack of empathy. Arrogance is like a shield to cover an individual's insecurities because he is afraid of rejection and criticism. If you know an arrogant person, read them a smug quote from this collection. Arrogant people share the following traits with narcissistic personality disorder according to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual IV, which is used to diagnose psychological problems: This comeback is intended to help the arrogant person identify the rationale behind the generalization, stereotype, or put down that they just used. An arrogant person thinks they are better than others, while a confident person knows they are just as good as others. The reason for this is that by putting others down, the arrogant person is attempting to elevate himself by comparison. An … This comeback is intended to put an end to their hateful words, but then again, arrogant people like to hear themselves talk so you might need to be more obvious about it with this next one. They keep bragging about their achievements … This tells them that they're also insulting you now. Do you have trouble organizing ... Our passion is to serve and bring the best possible positive information, news, expertise and opinions to this page. Believes that he or she is ‘special’ and unique and can only be understood by, or should associate with, other special or high- status people (or institutions). Tell your racist uncle exactly why you believe immigration is important. Although this may not have a major impact, as arrogant people always think they’re right, it could give them something to think about. Complimenting an arrogant person will go a long way as they thrive on recognition, compliments and approval. 4. Bring a friend to dinner who you know they won’t approve of. Has a sense of entitlement, i.e., unreasonable expectations of especially favorable treatment or automatic compliance with his or her expectations. An arrogant person can easily say too much, and it may make it difficult for you to respond in a healthy way. We hope that they can realize that they made a negative statement that is being called into question, and will stop once they have been called out on their behavior. Egoism, ignorance, and pride are widely regarded as negative traits. Always find ways to outsmart them with witty comebacks. 1) Elevating self-worth. 1.) One of the best ways to face an arrogant person is by showing up with your own high self-confidence. He feeds on other people's praises and he will really feel bad about himself if you deprive him of that. Their condescending attitudes and behaviors can make other people angry and put off by them, but you don't have to let these people bring you down. 5. One way to counteract an insult from an arrogant person is by questioning their motives for their insult or question. An arrogant person must always have the spotlight on them. 5. For some people, that's the time their day ends, and they get to relax. Just as the arrogant person has rudely steam-rolled the entire conversation, you can rudely put an end to it. It also relieves the arrogant person of a drive to learn more, be a better person, and invest in the wisdom of others since he or she believes they have achieved the pinnacle of knowledge. 3. Power of Positivity uses cookies to help us improve our site. They'll usually apologize and try to move on. There is no one solution for how to deal with assholes or any toxic person in your life. Furthermore, they usually show respect while listening to somebody. How you respond or react to these people when you encounter them can affect your peace of mind. Tell them that they're hurting you emotionally, don't be afraid. 6 PERFECT Comebacks For Dealing With Arrogant People, Arrogant people make for some of the most unpleasant folks, tells them that they're also insulting you now, The SUPER-Secret Trait You Possess According To Your Zodiac Sign, I Didn't Know I Was An Introvert — I Just Thought I Hated People, 5 Ways Introverts And Extroverts Use Facebook MUCH Differently. A confident person has an abundance of friendships at every level. All rights Reserved. We want to help our community find and shine their inner light - the truth of love, light, and positivity that is within us all! It’s vital to control your arrogance and practice humility if you want to be successful in life. Arrogant people make for some of the most unpleasant folks to be around. As Adina Mahalli (MSW) says, “Not every asshole is the same and therefore there isn’t one rule to deal with all of them. 7. This shocks them into the realization that their negative talk is not going to be tolerated, but is insulting to you personally as well. Instead of pushing and moving towards them and attempting to make them listen to reason, it is best to leave them alone. He might do nothing at all to keep your team together. It’s easy to want the arrogant person to change but it’s also futile. Now, an insult is an insult, sometimes obvious in motive, but on certain occasions, an insult may come wrapped in a seemingly innocent inquiry. 9. Smile a lot and agree with EVERYTHING they say. Psychologists who study personality traits say ‘Modest people are not preoccupied with themselves; arrogant people have an inflated view of themselves.’ In one scale of personality traits, arrogance is associated with being calculating or manipulative toward others in a social situation. This comeback assumes good intentions, even if you have no evidence that they have good intentions. Another way is to completely ignore him. Arrogant folks like to talk and talk, so sometimes it's very necessary to simply end the conversation before it derails into something else entirely. You and everyone else is entitled to their opinion, but the arrogant person needs to realize that their negative opinion of others does not hold true for other people. If you want to be more arrogant, you don't need to wait for an opening to brag, just start doing it. These quotes on arrogance and rudeness could be eye-opening for the pompous people in your life. Arrogance is bullish and obvious, and arrogant people don't care if everyone knows it. Start Quiz Give them competition. What Makes the Arrogant Person So Arrogant? Listen to what the arrogant person is saying and look for the right moment to tell him that he's wrong. As mentioned above, the arrogant person has an excessive need to elevate themselves above others. Arrogant people have a tendency to divide and conquer so whenever you are in a situation when things are put on you then you can simply ask a quick question “How do you think we should do this?” This will leave the other person in a situation of confusion as he / … 6. Identify what you need from responding to the arrogant person - to vent or inform? The power motives and narcissism behind the truly arrogant people in your life. Arrogant bosses don’t care about gaining respect from their employees. Let’s end that conversation as rudely as the arrogant person started it. An arrogant person may play up what they can do, and show off a bit. Of course, everyone in the free world has the right to voice their opinion and thoughts, but it's obviously incredibly naive and foolish to think that only one way of thinking (or one opinion) is some kind of universal truth. Here are 15 signs that you’re arrogant though you might not feel like you are. *Listen to the person very carefully *Grab him quickly and SMASH hard! 3. We can let you know if you have the qualities of being someone that is arrogant after you answer a few questions. Make sure there's a lot of people to see and hear. An arrogant person has a hard time self-reflecting. Related article: 5 Comebacks For Dealing With Toxic People. and talk about negative stereotypes. Keep the Distance. While people display some of these signs from time to time, if these are dominant in your life then there’s cause for concern. Call them out on their arrogant behavior and let them know that you find it completely unacceptable. Arrogant individuals seem to believe they are always right about everything and are better than most ordinary individuals. Secondly, if you are unable to tolerate them at certain points in their lives, it is best that you simply steer clear of them for the time being. The headstrong Altshuler vowed to stand his ground. Loudly express an opinion that you would normally hold back for the sake of their comfort. 10. The best way to de-value an arrogant person without stooping down to their level is to have good self esteem. This language actually allows the arrogant person a way out, by saying that no of course they did not mean to sound rude, but it also makes it clear that you refuse to play their game of belittling others. Yes, that’s harder, but it’s within your control. You can quickly put a stop to the negative talk by implying that someone close to you is a member of the group that the arrogant person is belittling. Ending the conversation with an arrogant person could be as easy as leaving, but leave them with something to think about before you go. Yet some people may be arrogant and find it difficult to recognize it. At least they will become aware of the fact that they're doing damage; they might even try to stop. Arrogant people have a knack for hurting other people's feelings. This is hurtful language that the arrogant person is using and this comeback can help them to realize the harm that they are doing. Also, by simply avoiding giving them your approval and attention, you will cause them to stay away. Truly arrogant people are unlikely to change their point of view. It’s harder to look at myself and say, “I need to be more assertive. © 2009-2021 Power of Positivity. (It really winds them up). Arrogant people have difficulty listening to others. To get an arrogant person to leave you alone you must learn to de-value his/her attempts to act cool. If you feel that arrogance might work for you or a colleague, here are some tips to increase your arrogance quotient. Here are some useful techniques to help when dealing with the arrogant person: Assess the situation. It is hard to be open to new ideas, new thoughts and all types of information and be locked in a “I already know that” attitude. Those who stand up to arrogance are seen as having integrity, as they're not going to just let someone disrespect them. Arrogant people believe themselves to be better than another person, so let’s have them explain why we should treat them differently. Please see our Privacy Policy | Terms of Service. "Did you know, my mother is actually ___?". Be the most sarcastic person only around them. On the other hand, keeping them at a distance will require that you honestly express your position to them. "I'd appreciate it if we stopped talking about this now.". No one likes to be around an arrogant person since it is a quality that does not attract people. Well, if they’re hurting feelings, be they yours or someone else’s, call it like you see it. I’m sure you know some people who are big on talk but short on action. A confident person enjoys looking inward to see both the good things he thinks, says and does, but also the things about him he needs to change. All trademarks and service marks are the property of their respective owners. Let the arrogant person know that others do not share their negative outlook on the world. Why do you feel that a … Am I Arrogant? There is nothing absurd in being or showing up late once in a while. 1. Check to see that your true Self is guiding you, and that you have a stable mutual-respect attitude. In fact, the arrogant person has a … An arrogant person is more likely to single out a group of people by race, sexual orientation, education, etc. Mentally review your mutual rights as dignified people, and the steps for affective assertion;. So, just try and keep your team happy. Arrogant people share the following traits with narcissistic personality disorder according to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual IV, which is used to diagnose psychological problems: This comeback is intended to help the arrogant person identify the rationale behind the generalization, stereotype, or put down that they just used. Arrogant people share the following traits with narcissistic personality disorder according to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual IV, which is used to diagnose psychological problems: This comeback is intended to help the arrogant person identify the rationale behind the generalization, stereotype, or put down that they just used. They only do this so they can appear to be higher status. It is entirely possible that you will have no impact whatsoever on the arrogant person though, because obviously, they think highly of themselves in spite of the evidence of their meanness. They will immediately warm to you because they are fuelled by validation from you, they will want to have you as their friend. A quick apology and exit by the rude person is likely to follow. Here are six perfect comebacks when dealing arrogant people: This question simply asks the arrogant person to reflect on why they're generalizing, insulting or stereotyping a person. Arrogant people tend to be narcissistic and status-conscious, so if you exude confidence and appear to have high status and accomplishments, they are more likely to … I'm sure you meant it another way.". Hopefully, the arrogant person will recognize that they've said something negative and in poor taste and quit their behavior. This article was originally published at Higher Perspective. By viewing, you agree to our, according to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual IV, Psychologists who study personality traits say. Does your head ever feel muddled? 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