Parents’ Perspectives on Homeschooling: A Case Study in Southern U.S.... Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Conclusion. Weinstein, C. E., & Van Mater Stone, G. (1993). The most common reasons in this study were to provide a better education for their children either academically or religiously, to attend to their special needs, to stay closer as a family and to help their children develop good characters. Why did parents choose to homeschool? Between the 1830’s and 1980’s, 150,000 Aboriginal children were removed from their homes and forced to attend government-funded religious schools. In the past, the decision to homeschool has been a deliberate one, whether for religious or secular reasons. In addition, the reality about college admission agrees with the studies aforementioned such that not only homeschoolers are being admitted to the colleges and universities nationwide, but also college representatives meet with homeschoolers and their families in larger groups to speak about the opportunities of scholarships and college planning (Romanowski, 2006). The Expert Learner: Strategic, Self-Regulated, and Reflective. Other reasons that Gaither (2008) associated with the initiation of homeschooling in America were: the suburbanization, the American cult of a child which was the idea of liberating children from the rigorous plans and institutions, and the growth of schools that caused them to be more detached and less communicative with parents. When we arrived, B2 and B3 had already finished breakfast, B2 was asking his mother a couple of questions before going to his room to begin his study, B3 was sitting in the patio reading his book, and B1 was finishing breakfast. They should constantly reflect on their learning regarding planning, monitoring, and evaluating. Through analysis of data collected from the interviews and observations, the advantages and disadvantages that both mothers and the homeschoolers mentioned were the following: Flexibility: Both mothers considered flexibility as one main advantage of homeschooling. Home schooling is becoming more and more popular in today’s society. Mother of family #1 said that she does not think her children can tolerate the food that is served at the public schools because they eat so healthy at home. However, he did not like it and started reading about healthy eating and now he is very precise about what to eat and when to eat. There are also virtual classes and student interaction. As a instructor. Essay on homeschooling vs public schooling for three forms of the efficient market hypothesis. The warning she received from many non-homeschooling parents was the lack of socialization her daughter would face. Posted by a2 geography coursework on 9 August 2020, 6:25 pm. The results of the data analysis show that the parents who participated in the study chose to homeschool their children for different reasons. Developing morality:  The parents of family #1 noticed how much more gentle and respectful their children became compared to the ones in public schools. It was found that the reasons vary but religious studies, special need and attention, family bond, and children’s moral education were the main ones. Therefore, they do not necessarily fall behind on that aspect of academic work compared to the students in public schools. The study clearly demonstrated the importance of structured curricula to homeschooling. During the planning phase, the expert learner sets goals and makes plans to achieve the goals. Some parents have concerns related to academics and social environment, also every child is not the same... Homeschooling, also known as home education is the education of children at home or a variety of other places. Homeschooling you have the choice of what you learn, or will learn, sometimes even your parent’s interests or morals as well. The organization and the reasoning was strong, but I had week citations’ information and had some grammar errors. Fundamentally, these schools were established as a method of cultural genocide... Education is an application of the schooling process to obtain knowledge, skills, values, morals and beliefs. The use of technology, the access to Internet, and the opportunity to be involved in the community and to interact with others have decreased the concern of social isolation of homeschoolers. Even though it provides alternative option to the standard educational method, this system is not complete and poses a lot of imperfections. Gaither, M. (2009). To investigate why parents in the border city in a southern state of the U.S. chose homeschooling, their perceived advantages and disadvantages, and whether their practice of homeschooling met certain conceptual SRL framework, we asked the following questions: The sampling plan for this study was the criterion sampling. Get Your Custom Essay on Disadvantages Of Homeschooling Essay Just from $13,9/Page. Homeschooling: adventitious or detrimental for proficiency in higher education. In this essay, the concept of perception will be described through academic definitions and knowledge also with practical examples. On the days of interviews, we notified the interviewees that an audio recorder was to be used. According to the framework, homeschool students must set goals for themselves and make plans, monitor their progress and be aware of not falling behind the schedule, and evaluate how well they follow the plan and whether they achieve their goals. Preservice Teachers Perceptions of their Middle Schooling Teacher Preparation - Research Proposal Example. They believe what they gained in return is worth the simpler lifestyle they have. Parents’ desire is to give their children the best education in a favorable environment. The main objective is to provide readers with a better on what perception is, why it is important to the study of Organization Behaviour (OB) and the effects and implications of it onto managers’ job. Essay On Homeschooling. We used thematic analysis to analyze data. It was quieter and he was in his room logged in to his lessons and working quietly. The living room had one wall with tall glass doors leading to the patio, another window by B3’s desk area, another window by the kitchen table. To family #2, their religious beliefs are the most important part of education in their culture, and as well as in life. Homeschooling does not contribute to the formation of the firm character because there are no any life hurdles, no opportunities to show off and to fail. We triangulated to increase the validity of the research as we interviewed two of the homeschoolers. B1 brought his books and his laptop and sat by the kitchen counter to quietly start his work. What are... Introduction A home school is a school in which parents teach their children an academic curriculum at home instead of sending them out to a public or private school. They also enjoy the flexibility it provides for the family. Two families accepted the invitation. Homeschooling. At the same time the mother is taking online courses for professional development so once they decide to stop homeschooling or if their children graduate from the homeschool, then she is up-to-date with her career development and she will have obtained a few certificates to help her return to her job. Developing Self-Regulated Learners. The following is an essay by homeschooled student Joy James. We arrived in the morning during breakfast time. The Condition of Education 2009 (NCES 2009-081). This confusion and uncertainty led the investigator to find parents who had homeschooled their children and ask for their guidance. Do You Agree Or Disagree? uses cookies. The three primary reasons picked by parents of over 2/3 of students were concern about the school environment, and provision of religious or moral … It was once again I ran out of the school boundary, tears were dripping down my cheeks and I ran to my mother’s car and jumped in without looking sideways. Wichers, M. (2001). The child now has plenty of time to attend religious lessons online and practice the learning with the family. Given the importance of education for shaping the society of tomorrow, the pros and cons of homeschooling are rigorously evaluated. Access Full Document. United States Census Bureau. The mother already had done some research about homeschooling and decided to give the extra attention to B1 at home to meet that need and to help overcome possible difficulties B1 had to face. Mother #2 said she has noticed how much her son has grown closer to both parents and how relaxed they are when talking about different subjects. A homeschooling essay focuses on the practice of educating children at home or in alternative institutions that aren't part of the public schooling system. A general problem is that testing a homeschooled child for learning disabilities (LD) is not required in the state of Texas and therefore dependent on the homeschooling parent's recognition and desire to test. In this, homeschool excels. One of the homeschoolers mentioned that he feels he has gained a close bond with the family because of the homeschooling. After each interview with the two mothers, the audio files were transcribed. Family #2 said that attending religious community events and classes have been what their child looks forward to and their child is content with the socialization he receives there. To protect the privacy of the participants, pseudonyms for the participants were used in the paper. It has to be said that studying at school gives the chance to have a life school when you see the achievement of others and try not to lag behind, what helps you to work more if there are any gaps and mistakes. Washington, DC: National Center for Education Statistics, Institute of Education Sciences, U.S. Department of Education. As a possible future study, researchers may consider using the mixed methods research design to combine the strengths of both qualitative and quantitative research. The analysis of data resulted in the following four main categories: Reasons for homeschooling, choosing homeschooling programs, advantages of homeschooling, and disadvantages of homeschooling. The interview with B4 was informal as we were walking through the backyard and talking about homeschooling. It is gaining acceptance from the public every year, and many families are looking... Homeschooling occurs when one parent or another stays at home to teach their children the way in which they want them to be raised, according to their preferences, moral reasons, or religious requirements. By Joy James of Oklahoma City. The delivery methods may vary such as learning content all delivered to the homeschoolers alone or as a part of the cooperative learning groups (McReynolds, 2007). Home-based learning is considered as a legal option for parents in many developed countries. B1 said that he could not had done so many years of homeschooling if it was not because of how close the family has grown together and how they support each other. Access Full Document. Both fathers are very supportive of the process. Homeschoolers have different learning environments and resources from those of the students who attend school. I personally think homeschooling is way better than public schooling because students can master The Expert Learner: Strategic, Self-Regulated, and Reflective. National Center for Education Statistics. Children Should Never Be Educated At Home By Their Parents. In the year 2003 and 2007, parents were interviewed if some particular reasons for homeschooling their children applied to them. Parents who choose to homeschool their children have their reasons and can explain their perceived advantages and disadvantages of this route of education based on their authentic experience. We observed one day at each participant’s house to understand the environment and interactions of parents and children in the study while taking field notes. In the past, homeschooling was popular in many parts of the world, especially in the United States. Here is my thesis: Homeschooling is made up of three essential components: the history, the cntroversy, and the … Collom (2005) explains that motivation for homeschooling may vary from one family to another and even within one family from one child to the next (as cited in Murphy, 2012). PO Box 13939 Usually conducted by a parent, tutor, or an online teacher, many homeschool families use less formal, more personalized methods of learning that are not always found in schools. (2009). Family #1 participates in co-op classes. Schunk, D. H., & Zimmerman, B. J. New York: Three Rivers Press. Get Essay Parents that take on the function as their child’s teacher have to be really patient. How it works; Blog; Latest orders; Top writers; About us ; Home > Blog > Argumentative Essay Sample on Homeschooling. This is typically carried by a parent, tutor, or teacher and could be done either in person or in group. According to a Canadian college department head, who moved to Abu Dhabi eight years ago, having her eldest son homeschooled in his early … Essay on homeschooling rating. Yet, it was not successful at first because, though there are numerous homeschool programs available, there is very limited information regarding the evaluation or feedback on those programs. What were their perceived advantages of homeschooling? Figure 1 from “Expert Learners: Self-Regulated Learning” (Ertmer & Newby, 1996) shows the SRL model. Overall rating: 0 out of 5 based on 0 reviews. These schools were formed in order to assimilate them into European culture (Glenn 1). To investigate experienced parents’ perspectives on homeschooling, the criteria we set for our sample were: (1) families who were currently homeschooling at least one child, (2) the parent(s) were the coaches or teachers of the children (N.B., help from other parents or tutors were acceptable in this criteria as long as the parents were the main coach or teacher), (3) families who had done homeschooling for at least one school year, and (4) the homeschooling took place in a border city in a southern state in the U.S. We found three families that met the criteria in the Rio Grande Valley area in south Texas at the time of the study in spring 2014. Homeschooling on the rise nationwide . All interviews were transcribed. Family #1 had three children, all being homeschooled. Closer Family Relationships – Just about every family stressed the important role that homeschooling played in helping them find time to foster loving ties between all family members. Home — Essay Samples — Education — School — Homeschooling. Time for other activities: Both families said that because of homeschooling, their children have more time to do what they are interested in, such as running, reading, and gardening. September 21, 2017 PTE EXAM PREPARATION PTE OPINION ESSAY Leave a comment. (1998). Gaither, M. (2008). In the first author’s case, she chose a certain Independent School District’s program  where her daughter takes classes for several courses, and she teaches her daughter Algebra I. The Harms of Homeschooling? She found this an advantage that non-homeschooled families may not have because of the limited time they have together every day. After arrival and greetings, we sat in a couch or a chair where we could see the children and their interactions and work throughout the day. New York: Guilford Press. Essay details: Subject area(s): Education essays; Reading time: 3 minutes; Price: Free download; Published on: October 8, 2015; File format: Text; Number of pages: 2; 0.0 rating based on 12,345 ratings. Families with experience in homeschooling could clarify if issues such as socialization exist, how they integrate social activities into their children’s lives, and if such activities are proper alternates to what traditional schools and interaction with other classmates offer. shares. During the evaluation phase, the expert learner evaluates if the plan works and the goal is achieved. Do you agree or disagree? Second, I am suppose to talk about the history of homeschool, the controversy, and the future. All rights reserved Gradesfixer ™. The room had white walls without any photo frames on the walls. Family #2 said that they sometimes miss some school events, such as science fairs and honors assembly, but they expressed that it is not that significant to them. As a caveat, the participants in the study stated that lack of time management skills can be harmful to homeschoolers. The first author knew these families either personally or through a mutual friend. The interviews with the mothers and children took place in their houses. However, some other people assert that homeschooling has more benefits. Revisiting the Common Myths about Homeschooling. Differences between homeschooling and public schools/public education are presented. Through extensive research, Murphy (2012) describes two essential parts of the homeschooling movement; one from the liberal left and the other one from the Christian right, founded and led by John Holt and Raymond Moore, respectively. The whole doc is available only for registered users OPEN DOC. It seemed as if there is a general assumption that homeschoolers are either antisocial or socially deprived. To make this essay better, I fixed some grammar and introduced sources with addition explanations, authors’ names, and names of articles. In an attempt to give their children the best education, Also, children can spend time doing what they are interested in, such as gardening, theater, or sports. Findings also suggest program developers improve their courses by including calendars for better time management. For old ages people have been tilting towards different options to educate their kids. Homeschooling may happen in different forms such as a set curriculum purchased online, virtual classes, and a mix of academic and music or drama classes (McReynolds, 2007). Mother of family #2 said that in the first few months of homeschooling, B4 started to gain weight. Cho 1 Cover Memo I revised my argumentative essay that mainly talked about the drawbacks of home-schooling and so parents should not utilize it. It was apparent through observations too that the homeschoolers had the flexibility to choose the order of the subjects they wanted to work on, the amount of time they wanted to spend on a subject, the location they wanted to have their studies done, their sleep and wake-up time, the music being played (or not played) during their lessons, and their activities. Both families said if there is no time management skill, it will become easy for learners to fall behind assignments and procrastinate their accumulate work. We used constant comparison analysis to generate themes and found two main sets of categories, one is the reasons for homeschooling and the other the advantages and disadvantages of homeschooling. Although there are discussions on both sides, I strongly disagree that homeschooling is better. Homeschooling is less work for both parents and children. The other mother is a college student herself and she has continued with her studies. The impact of schooling on                 academic achievement: Evidence from homeschooled and traditionally schooled students. Homeschooling can be banned if the ways suggested as above are strictly operated. McReynolds (2007) stated that homeschoolers make the world their classroom. She also actively participated in local community theatre auditions, rehearsals, and performances. This is typically carried by a parent, tutor, or teacher and could be done either in person or in group. Robinson, A. Published: Fri, March 14, 2008 12:00 AM Updated: Fri, March 14, 2008 10:41 AM. However, they said it depends on how important these events are to the children. He said if a child does not like the quietness of the house, or does not like his/her parent to be his teacher or coach of homeschooling, then s/he probably should not do it. contact NHERI. The city had an estimated population of 181,860 residents (United States Census, 2013). Report: Homeschooling growing seven times faster than public school enrollment. The mother had almost 10 years of experience in homeschooling. The Perception Of Homeschooling 994 Words | 4 Pages. Homeschooling and Bilingual Education: A Well-Kept Secret. Encounter, 22(4), 10-13. I never actually knew what the whole concept of homeschooling actually portrayed though. Writing an essay on the topic implies researching existing practices, forms, and results of home education – for more info, check the essays in this rubric. That was when she realized that there is a need for a study to reveal the advantages and disadvantages of homeschooling from those who have experienced it for some time. For instance, one of the mothers offers ballet classes, another teaches science and the homeschooled students choose which class they would like to attend. There are many advantages to homeschooling children. These benefits include the following:Excellent education. The overriding goal of homeschooling is to educate children. Perception and Reality Parents of the United States gave various reasons for homeschooling their children. The homeschooler, B4, stayed in his room during the study time where there was his desk with a Mac computer, his bookshelf, his notebooks and textbooks, and his bed. We have a huge base of essay samples. The United States Census Bureau (2013) reported, 93.2% of the residents are Hispanic, 87.2% of the residents in the city reported that Spanish is their primary language and it is spoken at home, and only 15.7% of individuals 25 years old and over have a postsecondary degree (compared to 26.3 % in the rest of the state). In addition, the results suggest homeschooling groups include more activities such as dance and talent shows so homeschoolers do not miss on similar activities that take place in regular schools. Uncommon Perspective. Public Schooling versus Homeschooling Education is viewed as an essential commodity to the future of every child. 503-364-1490 Because of the many advantages offered by homeschooling, there is simply no better way to educate a child. Education, 122(1), 145-150. Now read, come on: There is a growing trend in some countries for parents to educate their children at home. Homeschooling Argumentive Essay Rough Draft “When it comes to education, there’s no school like home!” I remember ever since I was little I always had the idea in my head that I wanted to be homeschooled. As a result of a political movement of “countercultural critique of the public education system,” homeschooling became more known and defined to American families in the early 70s (Gaither, 2009). Parents choose to homeschool their children for various reasons, for instance, they do not approve of the school environment, are not satisfied with the level of … Children Should Never Be Educated At Home By Their Parents . Time management issue: Although flexibility is an advantage of homeschooling for the students, if there is a lack of time management, then it can become problematic. They also said that they miss on functions such as prom, but they do other activities with the co-op groups, or their religion communities. Many Americans think that homeschooling numbers have gone down however; home schooling has actually been on the rise. We noticed that B4 was in his pajamas. To them it was not a detrimental issue but they hear from some other homeschooled families that sometimes children wish they had those events. Through contacting them by email, two families accepted to participate. The sun was settling at that time giving the sky an ugly orange and gray... All children will walk by age one and talk by age two. July 4, 2019 October 8, 2015 by Essay Sauce. More and more kids are resorting to homeschooling every year. Since then, this alternative route of schooling has increased and diversified. Moreover, Wichers (2001) identified the multiculturalism as one of the reasons for homeschooling in addition to the positive aspect of individualized education that homeschoolers receive. They have learned to choose healthy food because of what has been prepared at home and available to them. We conducted the study in a border city in South Texas. The purpose of the study was explained to each family and consent was received by both the children and the mothers as the mothers signed the consent forms. The list of the homeschoolers classes and dual enrollment courses in high school (,! Many developed countries bond perception about homeschooling essay the quality of Education Sciences, U.S. Department of Education 2009 ( NCES 2013-028.! Vs public schooling versus homeschooling Education is viewed as an essential commodity to the.! And practical implications to conduct interviews with the family assumptions about why they choose homeschooling, started... 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