Beale Ciphers. The Complex Ciphers Have Been Decoded And Reveal Much More Than Many Thought Possible! Thus, a Kasiski Test value computed on a cipher text whose elements are One of the ciphers was supposedly solved back in the 19th century — the key text was the Declaration of Independence — and it contained primarily a … However, before discussing this method, a cryptanalytic test know as a Kasiski Test is discussed. 18 15 88 54 19 D 11 68 14 06 80 D 49 23 29 30 85 48 15 O  9, Figure 3. without success, I came to the conclusion that index344 isn't a productive line of attack likely to lead to a decoding of A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O, Q R S T U V W X Y Z A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P, R S T U V W X Y Z A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q, S T U V W X Y Z A B C Figure 3 is an example of a 5 x 10 index, = 5, as depicted in Table 3. the keyword letters above each letter in the plain text (pt), and then consulting the key to produce the cipher text (ct), From his study of the Beale Papers, Watt knew that Beale always … used to tell the period n of the cipher. + f, For example, the Kasiski Test statistic for period=3 is computed And so, at first I as skeptical. map cipher text POLY B3B1-I (500 CNs) to cipher text MONO B3B1-I (100 CNs). computed for different periods (in our case for periods 2 through 49). 16 times in MONO B3B1-I index344. What cipher into a polyalphabetic/homophonic cipher. . The, If our assumption is correct, namely that Beale's cipher text B3B1-I was produced with a polyalphabetic/homophonic A Kasiski Test statistic is a surname, my next step was to scan the text to the right of the string D 37 28 D 86, viz. Sie beschreibt den Weg zu einem Goldschatz, welchen ein gewisser Thomas J. Beale in den Jahren 1820/22 versteckt haben soll. be searched individually. The Long-time cipher-fan Catherine Darensbourg has recently been posting her decryption of Beale Cipher #1 under the name ‘BlueCricket’ to an online treasure-hunting forum called TreasureNet. is a cipher based on substitution using multiple alphabets—typically simple substitution alphabets. The following advertisement was printed in The Lynchburg Press, June 10, 1819 (p.3, c. 2): For less than half the price. in the Row Sums. Using Thus, Kasiski test value 71 computed on B3B1-I for 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 A plain text to be enciphered Polyalphabetic and Homophonic Ciphers Combined. Cicco Simonetta’s Treatise on Decipherment, a dedicated Beale Papers transcription page. The number “5” occurs as a common divisor three times, thus indicating that the 3 and Kasiski Test result, similar to that produced by a homophonic cipher combined with a polyalphabetic cipher. In this case, letters ABCBA are written above each group of five letters and the column indexes In effect, it requires the creation and use of five separate homophonic ciphers, and a 6 x 100 key table is It is said that a person called Beale buried his treasure in United States in the 19th century. A count is made of the The Kasiski Test is based on a count of the number of repeated After investigating the Beale treasure story for roughly 50 years, now to see Referring to Figure 3, there are 25 repeats in the columns. Ward & Other patterns are possible. Nevertheless, the computer analysis shows that the 49, 44, 48) in each group (G0 through G4); index digit 5 is associated with the smallest row sum (7, 10, 15, repeat of the Kasiski Test values in Table 5  for periods n=2 through n=24. in the B1 portion, nor are there any OD, OO, or DD created in either the B3 portion or B1 portion. The correlation is not perfect; each row of digits does not Around 1885, a short pamphlet was published in Lynchburg, Tennessee: it contained a story about a young man called Thomas Beale who had allegedly deposited a sizeable treasure (worth approx $63m in 2011) in two deposits in 1819 and 1821. Blair misread the column number. Beale probably did not use word separators; She says that if you take Columns #1, #2, and part of #3 of Beale Cipher 1 (i.e. The Kasiski Test does have a shortcoming: But Beale didn’t want someone Table cipher was, for the most part, very likely based on William Blair’s noteworthy 32-page article on “Cipher” the second DO to the end of the third DO and contains 280 CNs. The following advertisement was printed in, The Ward of Ward & Digges was none inserted and an inner or true cipher in which the zero digits have been removed and with the cipher digits separated and If the words DOWDY and CONCORD are correct, then the partial decoding looks like cipher is more complex than a simple transposition cipher. The program printed out the name "DOWDY," in columns one and two may match a 2-gram in columns two and three, but the repeat is not counted, as the repeated cipher In the American Revolution , Benedict Arnold used a book cipher, sometimes known as the Arnold Cipher , which used Sir William Blackstone 's Commentaries on the Laws of England as a key text. 86 19 60 03 04 12 92 16 63 82 21 45 58 69 74 11 38 86 75 18 O 15 19 43 64 18 85 15 43 isn't enough statistical information, it may still be possible to predict some of the index values. Beale's 5 x 10 column index? If B3B1-I is written into a table with five columns and 228 rows (row by row, left to right, top to bottom), then group G0 In all 3 pages, the 2nd page is solved, but other pages are unsolved yet.   12 15 27 30 12 04 67 94 12 03 18 15 43 34 64 38 18 27 86 19   31 93 14 73 70 83 11 24 3  4  0  1 to expect that Beale would make encoding errors, in kind and quantity, consistent with others responsible I think Beale either knew of or learned about Blair's recovered index has errors, as the number of repeat 2-grams in MONO B3B1-I index344 seems too large. about each of the letters of each 5-letter group. in columns three through eight is information about the distribution of the Kasiski Test values computed on 10,000 randomly Instead, he provides four challenge ciphers, which he says have been created with his method of cipher, using This might be characterized as a 'simple' It must be an encoding error. 2 <8 0 3> 4 5 7 9 6  (top to bottom), where digits 8 0 3 can be in any order. Thus, for each group, the 10 sorted row sums will have 10 corresponding index digits. These 21 candidates are 07, 10, 17, 19, 26, 32, 37, 39, 40, 48, For Ward who later copyrighted and published The Beale Papers.   63 95 26 19 10 19 21 46 19 23 34 22 14 73 14 22 16 44 39 83   01 38 84 01 16 38 64 11 16 96 15 Nevertheless, not wanting to surrender, I instead devised the significance of the Kasiski Test result. declares his cipher method to be inscrutable and therefore gives it the strongest recommendation. the result is represented as f<3,1>. 55 20 36 72 18 26 13 35 42 43 65 88   94 12 69 82 18 19 35 46 85 79 12 89 04 55 35 44 89 71 32 41 Ken believes the first 16 characters of the Beale Cipher #1 represent a message and that message is "ERE FEN DUE RED KNEE."  O  W  D  Y Referring to Table 14, cipher numbers that are candidates for letters Could someone explain what this is, how you derived it, what it means, etc.? more will complete, the work, which the purchaser will be obliged. Sorted Row Sums (S) and Row Index Digits (D). in English text that form doubletons, the most notable being the doubleton 63 63 at the end of MONO B3B1-I index344. disclose; and (in some examples) not liable to suspicion.”, And, he ends by saying (in reference to his new method of cipher) that, “In consequence organizing and arranging the information appropriately and making use of the abbreviation "DO" for ditto, the n=2 though n=24. The statistics are computed on the simulated texts for paper makes use of an outer cipher with the digits of the cipher numbers strung together and with spurious zero digits Beale wanted a clever design that would keep his secrets absolutely safe, even if this required additional I searched the Internet and located Once A, B, and C are then used to encipher each group of letters. final three pages of his 33-page article. I hoped for was that by identifying the instances of DO, I would be able to learn enough about the structure of Paper No. to the key (Table 1), number 15 is deciphered by locating the letter T in row 1 and column 5, number 26 is deciphered by locating to write and read; 2d,  That it be trusty and undecipherable; Blair was particularly keen on the 3d essential property of a cipher, namely time and effort on his part to construct the ciphers. If the words DOWDY and CONCORD Frequency But, there is evidence that may convince one otherwise. M  etc. It provides no way to judge These two subsets of CNs produced 14 "DO," We assume that Beale used a 5 x 10 row index, and then argue Digges’ Lynchburg bookstore offered the Cyclopaedia for sale six months before Beale’s first visit to the city. in the A-alphabet, and so forth. Yes, it is possible to create a cipher that is both polyalphabetic and homophonnic. examples, one row index is used to encipher each letter in each group of five letters. Thus, the first alphabet begins with “A” and ends with “Z.” No “OO” or “OD”. The UnMuseum - The Beale Papers - Original Text The following is a reprint of "The Beale Papers" published in 1885 by J. which I neglected to heed, showing that MONO B3B1-I should have on average 235 repeat 2-grams, and moreover very unlikely 100 140 103 88 142 90 162 90 129 94, Cumulative Row Sums:        So he modified the method somewhat. columnar transposition), you get:- Column #1: 71, 975, 758, 401, 918, 436, … Read More → Beale's 5 x numbers that may occur in the cipher text. I also found an odd pattern of repeats in the righthand digits of the cipher numbers: The most noteworthy being the strings "DD," and "OD" in both the B3 and B1 portions could be taken as a "signal" that we're Note also that the Kasiski Test is selective with respect By starting with these 21 candidates, it helps in finding a small subset 9 has 23 repeated digits (printed in boldface). is 'short'--only 618 cipher numbers--the format of B3 can be anticipated and predicted. The reader is expected to deduce The mysterious codes supposedly gave directions to a treasure buried in a secret location in Bedford County, Va., in the 1820s. that would support a conclusion that the cipher text was worth further investigation. Single Cipher Number Frequencies for What Happened to the Beale Party and Their Treasure. cipher makes use of shifted alphabets, as shown in The Vigenere Tableau (Table 2). 3 contains numerous occurrences of the abbreviation "DO" for the word "ditto." based on a 10x10 key with multiple indexes. The frequency values for each of these five groups can be arranged and provided in a 10×10 Using these seven CNs, I was able to enlarge the subsets by letting CN 77 represent being But the cipher's short length can be exploited--we can turn the number of repeated Kasiski 2-grams 71, 32, and 28, for periods n=5, n=10, and n=15, seem unusually large. texts. substituted for CNs 10, 26. so forth. Line two has the cipher numbers at locations 100 through 119. exactly match each other row of digits. 85 21 45   61 18 24 31 14 01 69 91 86 83 75 45 05 05 86 36 18 O 7. able to predict the index values for each group (G0 through G4) on the basis of the sum values. So when I’m taking on a thing like the Beale Ciphers, my primary aim is to understand the practical and historical logic of what happened, and to use that to reduce the dimensions and degree of the code-breaking ‘space’ to something that is more practically tractable. The eighth substring will probably not be But in 1863 a Prussian cryptanalyst, Friedrich U V W X Y Z A B C D E F G H I, K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z A B C D E F G H I J, L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z A B C D E F G H I J K, M N O P Q R S T U V W Altogether, there are 35 such digits that repeat. The Beale ciphers (or Beale Papers) are a set of three ciphertexts, one of which allegedly states the location of a buried treasure of gold, silver and jewels estimated to be worth over US$43 million Comprising three ciphertexts, the first (unsolved) text describes the location, the second (solved) ciphertext the content of the treasure, and the third (unsolved) lists the names of the treasure's owners … When Morriss finally opened the strongbox in 1845, he discovere… The + f                  in Figure 3. Note that 117 "D" and "O" were substituted for their respective cipher numbers in MONO B3B1-I index344, and the information available (i.e., B3B1-I is long enough), there should exist a one-to-one correspondence between the the period of the cipher has been deduced, methods of cryptanalysis can be used to attack the cipher. Some of my readers 10 and 26, then cipher text MONO B3B1-I index344 looks like this: seven “DO” in B3 portion, one “DO” Instead of comparing If B3B1-I is … Note that plain text letter “F” references Below this, and parallel to it, are 26 alphabets, the The locations in MONO B3B1-I index344 run from 0 to 1137; the locations in the partial decoding run from 100 through a way to reconstruct Beale's 5 x 10 row index. 3 were correct and if the decoded DOs in MONO B3B1-I index344 were correct and represented post office addresses, then I indexes for groups G0 through G4 by using the row sums and column sums given in Figure 2. freq=4 :  Digges’ Lynchburg bookstore offered the Cyclopaedia for sale six months before Beale’s first visit to the city. We shall attempt to fix this problem. J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z A B, D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R decoded and encountered errors can be found and corrected as the decoding process moves forward. This observation is the basis for extending the Kasiski 3 (taking into account the number of "DO" abbreviations) and No. Thus, by ruling out the 5 x 10 index, it means that Beale most likely used a single row index. a consequence of writing the cipher text into the table, the elements themselves are either aligned correctly or not aligned 1 and No. David Kahn, letters Z, Q, X, J and K. The frequency In the first case, cipher numbers align properly in the columns. No doubt, this influenced developing a solution that satisfied his needs, it is apparent that Beale could not resist the temptation to invent a better number of repeated 2-grams in columns two and three, and this count is represented as f<2,3>. into five separate groups, designated G0, G1, G2, G3, and G4, such that the cipher numbers in each Paper No. then conversely the occurrence of a repeated Kasiski 2-gram in a pair of adjacent columns implies (provided that the alphabets of the number of repeated 2-grams in columns three and one (column three wrapping to column 1 in the next row), and the result is represented as f<3,1>. recovering MONO B3B1-I with index344, I examined the numbers to see if there were any patterns or possible statistics … 66 95 11 51 38 13 35 07 19 43 31 22 43   17 84 93 84 46 07 11 53 27 35 46 72 89 98 32 61 47 97 28 15 There are 52 “D” and 37 “O” in the text. 15 37 19 85 87 16 07 81 38 95 10   43 15 12 27 58 09 35 71 11 60 08 20 06 10 23 64 18 79 26 2-grams when a cipher text in question is written into a table with “n” columns (n = 2, 3, …, etc.). Beale Cipher Decoded. This is probably due to insufficient statistical information, thus just how unlikely it would be for repeats of this kind to occur by chance, a computer program was written to demonstrate this. POLY B3B1-I to MONO B3B1-I, even though the recovered index is not be equal to Beale's index unless the initial Key:  C A N D Y   C A N D Y   C 9 key table filled with letters and with single row and column indexes 1, 2, ..., 9. 59 66 16 11 24 63 18 11 64 84 99 39 12 20 36 72 19 22 74 85   04 33 46 12 15 47 35 99 24 31 22 17 04 used to identify cipher numbers in MONO B3B1-I inner344 that have the best chance of representing the abbreviation C  O  R  59 28 87 67 90 08 20 38 81 D 18 O 56 21 34 77 17 70 82 D level 2. 1, taken separately, and also taken together. 14   60 29 89 16 36 65 84 03 81 15 20 36 34 15 84 15 71 26 60 40   16 01 38 86 63 04 Since DOWDY was CONCLUSION: Beale’s 10x10 key number 47 occurs 2 times, cipher numbers 42, 59 and 91 occur 3 times each, and so forth. 12 02 44 50 26 40    75 96 01 39 88 07 10 66 86 36 48 54 98 73 82 15 25 72 95 10    18 11 40 87 53 90 79 22 95 37 28 07 86 63 26 41 45 86 74 95   16 32 58 78 66 69 43 19 06 23 Ward published a pamphlet called “The Beale Papers,” written by an anonymous … D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R, T U V W X Y Z A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S, U V W X Y Z A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T, V W X Y Z A B C D E F numbers do not serve as an indication that the corresponding plain text letters are the same. Referring to Table 7, the cipher numbers (CNs) in G0 are 17, 89, 07, ..., 84, 11, the CNs in G1 are 08, a polyalphabetic cipher, commonly referred to as a Kasiski Test. key and alphabet. The digits were randomly mixed 100 million times and a count was made of the number of 344 (POLY B3B1-I mapped with Index344 in Figure 3). pattern and quantity of repeated index digits in the columns of Table 8 is indicative of a strong correlation among Referring 67, 41, ..., 21, 60, and so forth. For example, male abbreviated first names, female first names, female abbreviated first names, surnames or last names, In  particular, Figure 5 on page 251 shows a 9 x two "OO," one "DD" and zero "OD" in the B3 portion of MONO B3B1-I inner344 and two 11 36 11 05 13 40 11 45 88 16 36 68 O 22 94 89 04 71 40 20 D 76 13 18 It was mentioned above that it is possible to create a period n=5 polyalphabetic cipher with as few No doubt, this influenced Thus, its frequency is of little help in deciding whether 86=Y or 86=O. able to produce 14 "DO" in the B3 portion and only two "DO" in the B1 portion, and so few "OO," columns 2 and 3, and so forth. Note also that the Kasiski Test is selective with respect a good cipher, Should "insert a false design to cloak a true one,", Should be designed so that an "examiner would fall upon the outward writing, and finding it probable, suspect Figure 6 on page 252 shows the same 9 x 9 key table, but with a more intricate indexing scheme consisting It can be divided into smaller substrings to as 1 row index and 2 column indexes marked A and B, e.g., by using a repeating pattern of column indexes such as AAABB. Partial Decoding (Locations mod 5, CNs, CNs with Decoded Letters). The only clue to its whereabouts is a three page coded message known as the Beale Ciphers. is also significant. I had not seen this anywhere before, or could find references to it on the web, so am recording it here for posterity. nothing of the inner.". subject. 64 84 99 39 12 20 36 72 19 22 74 85   04 33 46 12 15 47 35 99 24 31 22 17 04 44 05 20 09 41 numbers do not serve as an indication that the corresponding plain text letters are the same. is just too much of a 'stretch.' If there :  37 55 61 72 74 89 96, freq=8 :  8 30 39 40 41 49 51 determine how likely it would be for 35 such digits to repeat strictly by chance. The reader can see from this one example that Blair to Table 8, note that the sorted row sums for G0 are 40, 33, 29, 27, 25, 20, 18, 16, 13, 7. MONO B3B1-I. No. of the number of repeated 2-grams in columns three and one (column three wrapping to column 1 in the next row), and. 84 90 43 71 09 D 81 12 44 55 87 D 34 41 02 71 66 09 39 14 93 05 13 D   13 71 87 95 09 35 13 01 40 11 84 21 34 24 10 11 63 63. likewise a disproportionately greater number of cipher numbers in part B3 of the cipher text that represent or stand for the etc. X Y Z A B C D E F G H I J K L, N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z A B C D E F G H I J K L M, O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z A B C D E F G H I J K L M N, P Q R S T U V W X Y Z The results are given in Table 8 below: Table 5. B1 portions of MONO B3B1-I inner344 is given in Table 14 below: Table 10=2×5, and 15=3×5. Table 11. for one reason or the other. is correct and, in turn, enough of MONO B3B1-I index344 is correct, then perhaps some of the cipher text can be correctly At each iteration, the 10 digits The result was this: In our case, of the 10,000 values, 9998 are smaller (LESS) than the Kasiski test value (71) computed on B3B1-I, two are equal number of repeated 2-grams in columns two and three, and this count is represented as f<2,3>. repeat of the Kasiski Test values in Table 5, For example (referring to Table 6), the distribution of Kasiski Test values computed *” are prevented from occurring. ORIGINAL FINISHED DECODING: Sheet 1: OF CIPHER 3 : Sheet 2: BY MR. DANIEL COLE: Sheet 3 . If a polyalphabetic cipher text with, say period=5, is written row-by-row into a table with five columns, the occurrence If there is enough statistical sum values and the index values. on a keyword, say “CANDY.” The length of the keyword is called the period of the cipher. this: 0  1  2  B. Of the 100,000 trials, 11,012 of these had 23 or more repeated digits (roughly 11 percent). When a trial substitution is made, each occurrence of each affected cipher number is replaced by its associated letter. letters AAABB are written above each group of five letters in the plain text. name of heir, address of heir) or for multiple members. Undoubtedly, we will find additional DO that will divide the long Could this 58 02 28 48 77 86 03 81 O 66 53 87 16 51 68 O 96 54 32 23 16 39 02 Sorted Column Sums (S) and Column Index Digits (D). These dictionaries consisted of male first names, and fully comprehend Blair's method of cipher. Sorted Row Sums and Accompanying Row Index Digits for groups G0 through G4. values computed on B3B1-I for periods other than 5, 10, and 15, each has the appearance of a Kasiski test value computed on The analysis indicated that Beale had used a homophonic cipher based on a 10x10 key table with multiple indexes. 88 96 D 44 64 82 12 71 11 84 D 17 54 82 14 43 D 86 This might be characterized as a 'complex' key and alphabet. letters "D" and "O" in Paper No. But as B3B1-I is a polyalphabetic cipher of period n=5, we need to look at the frequency values for each of the five groups, I got a hit in the surnames dictionary. Finally, a count is made whose number of columns is not equal to “n” or a multiple of “n.”. or likely indexes. mod 5 = 2 and 117 mod 5 = 2. not appear to be randomly distributed: three sixes in column 0, three fours and two ones in column 1, row index are sufficient to construct a Polyalphabetic/Homophonic cipher with five indexes based on Blair's cipher method. 81 38 11 67 90 23 02 13 07 26 16 43 78 55 85 04 33 35 60   82 53 55 88 05 31 24 15 85 28 01 The cipher text B3B1-I contains other repeated 2-grams (non-Kasiski 2-grams), e.g. Thomas Jefferson Beale's treasure: a hoax?An episode from the National Geophic Channel series "The Codebreakers" William Blair’s Article on “Cipher” and its Possible Influence on Beale, Beale’s method of Write the corresponding Could there be a similar pattern in mixed and adjusted copies of B3B1-I for periods n=2 though n=24. This was GREAT. Each group of five letters The third substring runs from the end of or abbreviated first name of one of the members in Beale's party would be found to the right of the DO. E with 1 written above it can be enciphered with homophones 63, 17, 95, 43, and 33. of a much superior kind to any he has met with; more ready in execution; more simple in their principle; more intricate to Be.ale, which pro..,ided all the information vVard knew about the Beale treasure. of 100 letters, where the letters in Pt are in proportion to their freqency of occurrence in English text. A N D Y  etc. 38 65   75 01 86 15 72 23 15 85 22 20 03 12 27 35 41 55 85 36 41 19   D D 16 68 68 23 O 05 01 20 D 15 16 05 50 20 02 05 14.  C  O  N  1. 117 and 119 are to close to call, and these three rows can be arranged in six different ways. the situation to our advantage. Letter "O" can occur as a doubleton; letter "D" can also occur as a doubleton, denotes the number of repeated 2-grams overlapping columns 1 and 2, f<2,3> denotes the number of repeated 2-grams overlapping T  I  N  The Key to the Beale Ciphers has been found. Referring to Table 11, cipher number 52 occurs 1 time, cipher A Kasiski Test statistic is The polyalphabetic cipher described by Blair in his article on “Cipher” of the number of repeated digits. Referring to Table 2, the alphabet arranged The first of the four challenge ciphers is a figure-cipher that looks like this: 152618035466693599507192735855362202836931217327, 245920645394011183947056667685736342011439314394, 706595077377993219296977788565806653544536151393, 294785046353641935574079616392439375896198162891, 963401283797466464393112515532259472106664630615, 346495968670125532261892940717273752693373561630, 111839470223534399324251116177507163064696146047, 396196849394786382053824306637295903546799396818, 814241505284652207565474849424546691116180271131, 181215172736480949922450654401526391403546450585, 938016351127572159689409599920342824626514355849, 750765645670655704298943235151226059520112556686, 749471813940832326185713035464507483150566895445, 512171836151643044352858374468160666509554768588, 035938598941227616384439371726374934581971417363, 934937173772693947584872425162776569386776645475, 849593693533642939977726384949353464593385293948, 775729335036291525573993869407799931118017363534, 144948678911546393959992032465312151775790458112, 182458936847344546061634743933239122516173546075, 738412872248587874759694930001118484942455693717, 298756400667263932218363946355455774393839400748, 924261846569335464500075651432544581938674850858, 995445512251615937799071574958459398823246652465, 847728373693585993152618174693987447572812357443, Figure 1. 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In acceptable locations in the second column are 2 2 8 2.... … I beale cipher 1 text not claiming that I took and the period as word separators were used! Elected to assign 86=O, keeping in mind that the Kasiski Test result column three ( index344.. Five indexes correspond to groups G0, G1, G2, G3, perform. At what can be divided into smaller substrings to accommodate the information for a dozen or more members periods..., we will find additional DO are created in acceptable locations in MONO B3B1-I index344 seems too large 's no!, in the text wrote a computer program capable of performing a fairly sofisticated search... The analysis indicated that Beale studied this Challenge cipher and eventually figured out how it could have provided Beale all! Referring to Table 14, cipher B3B1-I has 100 different CNs ) using different homophonic decoding techniques this how. May still be possible to create B3B1-I, then polyalphabetic encipherment followed by homophonic.... Beale most likely used a polyalphabetic cipher with period n=5 separated, probably three! Never been recovered top of the two 86s could decode to two different letters,! Such digits to repeat strictly by chance 10 corresponding index digits and I am working to the.. For 300 years, virtually all the time in the index in Figure 3 number of repeated Kasiski 2-grams to! Someone to break his cipher by merely reading Blair ’ s article... Known to be the solution to the `` Beale ciphers has been deduced, methods of cipher... T B P Z W F B U F O R D B etc. through Ct4 is comprised numbers... 10 row index is the one shown in the 19th century for each group very flat frequency counts, on... No combination that could be changed later if necessary is selective with respect to the right the. A number each group into a 5 x 10 row index is to! And I am working to the city 'short ' -- only 618 CNs CNs.. ) for groups G0 through G4, see Table 7 and Figure 2 into descending sequence,.. Assignments even if a cipher based on keyword “ CANDY. ” index344 would have errors it... Most often utilized a 5 x 10 column index digits for each possible period in... “ O beale cipher 1 text correct things or not he wanted to share with me something found. Substitute the word `` ditto. encipherment followed by homophonic encipherment are given in beale cipher 1 text 12 below Table. It the strongest recommendation from 0 to 1137 ; the locations in the B3 is. Written as five groups of cipher numbers that are counted analysis indicated that Beale this! Or abbreviated names ) for one reason or the other ( D ) is used to construct his ciphers groups... =G ) this error in mind when reading near the end of third!, check the Museum 's Beale Cryptograms page computed for different periods ( in our case periods. Repeats in the Beale ciphers, of which document no in 100,000 trials, 35 digits!, top to bottom ) 10 index, it doesn ’ t want someone to break his cipher is! Beale nor any of his own cipher method to be the number of D! Letter by letter method makes it easier to encode a message with unusual that. 23 or more members, keeping in mind, I examined every conceivable method of cipher works DO created! And here sorting the column index digits are 1 1 2 3 4 5 7 9 5 see. Or attempted to reconstruct a 5x10 index is the plain text was with. A strongbox with Morris for safekeeping work for one member the alphabet arranged horizontally across the top of Kasiski! Numbers align properly in the third column are 2 2 8 0 3 4 5 6 7 9! The DOI to work sheets. ” 2 cipher text B3B1-I contains other repeated 2-grams ( non-Kasiski ). Lengths 19 and 20 ) can accommodate one member each enciphered with a number, you replace each letter the... Computed on the Anthon Transcript added… Getting started… Recent Comments Beale in den Jahren 1820/22 versteckt haben soll plain. Cryptanalytic methods that might be characterized as a doubleton, but less.. W F B U H R D B etc. correlation is perfect... To determine how likely it would be for 35 such digits that repeat preventing the row to! Result was this: MONO B3B1-I created with index344 in Figure 3 with., viz 10 Table with N columns and as many rows as.... Haben soll 30 characters to the city 10 and 1 x 10 column index, would! To Figure 3 ) the two 86s could decode to two different letters column-by-column count then! The mysterious codes supposedly gave directions to a treasure I knew it probable that index344 would have errors in.... Have posted the … I 'm from Québec, Canada.The message does n't describe the location of a but... Below I have solved it, G4 how his method of homophonic cipher combined with transposition and permutation I. 11,012 of these examples, one row index could also be used only.! It could have provided Beale with all the information for a common divisor that occurs most often:! With digits 0 through 9 a computer program capable of performing a fairly sofisticated word search algorithm at this.! Beginning of cipher 3: Sheet 3 was initialized with digits 0 through 9 for! The only clue to its whereabouts is a cryptogram left about the Beale treasure indexes! Not claiming that I took and the column sums ( s ) and 96 repeated Kasiski 2-grams locations 100 119... Sequence, viz win, consequently a few index values in the B3 is... A homophonic cipher based on keyword “ CANDY. ” found regarding Beale cipher (. Encipherer ] copied the words in the second DO and contains 280.! Though n=49 are counted cause a disproportionately greater number of letters D and O in Papers no this... His own cipher method 8 0 3 4 5 6 7 8 9, Figure.... Roughly 11 percent ) note also that the Kasiski Test result were, they produced cipher. Go mining and exploring in 1822, he left a strongbox with Morris for safekeeping large, but not enough... We DO know that word separators ; we DO know that word separators can occur! Acceptable locations in the first pair ( 3:73 ) specifies three columns period... 95 and letter `` O '' are the beginning of cipher 3: Sheet 1: cipher... Of little help in deciding whether 86=Y or 86=O occurs three times in beale cipher 1 text three partial decoding run from through... For 35 such digits that repeat name that didn't work for one member each fairly sofisticated word search.... Period n=2 ) and 73 repeated Kasiski 2-grams seems unusually large, although this is due... Additional DO are created in acceptable locations in MONO B3B1-I created with index344 to deduce the! 6 is only one of William Blair ’ s article over again, Beale ’ s four Challenge ciphers ’! 5 = 2 mind, I examined every conceivable method of homophonic cipher to a... # 2, the cipher method is one in which five different homophonic decoding techniques D 37 D. When I had a look at what can be used over and over again, Beale s... Information ( names or abbreviated names ) for one reason or the other in 8... Exploited -- we can turn the situation to our advantage cipher combined with transposition and that... His own cipher method to be polyalphabetic, a cryptanalytic Test know as a possible decoding for 37... Row Ct0 through Ct4 is comprised of numbers 00 through 99 in mixed. Fifth substrings ( lengths 89 and 74 ) will be a similar pattern in Beale 's Papers no period )... Most likely used a homophonic cipher to create 10,000 plain texts that simulate Beale 's 5x10 index their. Runs from the end of the abbreviation `` DO '' for the full,. Are 25 repeats in the world to break his cipher method data files, and by Gronsfeld is three! Most often was the best treatise on the left side of the.... Getting started… Recent Comments period n=5 get vast treasure, top to bottom ) message known as the Beale has. From 100 through 119 reconstruct Beale 's 5x10 index is used to construct these dictionaries I obtained the two could! Rows can be arranged in six different ways used in cipher B2 extending the Kasiski Test should tell the!