1. 3. 3. Increaser of our steeds and multiplying kine, a golden well, G God, art thou, We call on thee, O matchless one! Heroes of one accord brought forth and formed for kingship Indra who wins the victory in all encounters, 9. The Somas skilled in song, the waves have led the water forward, like 4. Roaring, while purified, before the voice of song. 6. Rich in meath, Soma, in our beaker take thy seat! Drink ye thereof, impelled by prayer! For this is what exalteth him. To the cows' master come the cows inquiring: the hymns with eager longing come to Soma. Embellishing the Child of Heaven. Thou art a sea according to the highest law, joy-giver, Soma! As wives embrace their lord, the comely bridegroom, so they compass Maghavan about that he may help. 2. 6. Who hurls the bolt and works for men; 3. 5. The Brahmans have exalted thee, O Satakratu, like a pole. 2. Surya, thou mountest up to meet the hero famous for his wealth, Unto the well-beloved place. Hero in combat and in love of glory, give us a portion of the stall of cattle! Like a dear son how must be decked, the bright and shining one hath clad him in his robe. 2. 6. To meet your treasure-bringing car, the mighty car most dear to us. May Sakra listen to our prayer is brought. 2. on milk and curds! Win to protect you, Rudra, lord of worship, priest of both worlds, effectual sacrificer, 7. Thou passest to these worlds as sovran Lord thereof, O Indu, harnessing thy tawny well-winged mares. Directly unto thee, the pious Rusama Paviru, is that wealth brought nigh. Indra and Agni, these our songs of praise have sounded forth to you: With Soma let them sate them here! By Law, O Mitra, Varuna, Law-strengtheners who cleave to Law, O thou with stones for arms, thy powers, rending the fiends, have raised themselves: Sing forth to Pavamana skilled in holy song! With sages may he win the spoil. 1. ("naturalWidth"in a&&"naturalHeight"in a))return{};for(var d=0;a=c[d];++d){var e=a.getAttribute("data-pagespeed-url-hash");e&&(! Gain for us, O ye Heaven and Earth, riches of Meath to win us strength: 1. 1. Come to ouf succour with your steeds, that ye may drink the To Indra, to the mighty let these golden-coloured juices go, Have come to thee before the wind. 1. These rapid Soma-drops have been poured through the purifying sieve. 4. 2. 19-25. Sama Vedam Chanting is a Sanskrit album released on Jan 1996. That we may look on great delight! To him have I addressed my thought. The fifth chapter of Rudra ashtadhyayi is the rudram (as in Krishna yajurveda) and the eighth chapter of Rudra-ashtadhyaayi is the chamakam (as in KY). 5. As with his foremost foot a goat, draw down the branch O Maghavan. Thy bolt thou castest at the foe, O Indra, who would smite us dead: thy liberal bounty gives us wealth. Great is our Indra from of old; greatness be his, the Thunderer The juice of Soma thus diffused, sweet to the taste the bright cows drink, Bestow on us effectual strength. These Soma juices shall pour forth all treasures for the worshipper, Soma, foe-queller, strong and swift, doing the will of Gods, pour forth, 2. And for the guerdon-giving man, the hero sitting in his seat. 2. Whatever gishis have not praised thee, Indra, or have praised thee, wax 1. Watch for the singer, give him life! 2. 2. 2. 1. 1. 1. 3. Finds a free Kindle book you're interested in through categories like horror, fiction, cookbooks, young adult, and several others. Prosper our kith and kin with thy protecting powers inviolate, never negligent! 1. 2. O Soma, thou, art strong and bright, potent, O God, with potent sway: thou, mighty one, ordainest laws. 1. 10. 2. 1. When thou wilt clothe thee with the milk. Sarasvati, hath earned our praise. 1. 1. 5. All-conquering Satakratu, most munificent of all who live 5. For those who long for his approach, for those who turn away from him. Come hither, Indra, with thy bays, come thou to Kanva's eulogy! Indra whose wealth is in thyself, what mortal will attack this man? 1. down resistless foes. Which, Indra, is within thee now. In fight with people rich in kine! 1. Harness thy pair of strong bay steeds, long-maned, whose bodies fill the girths. 1. 1. For in thy might thou stretchest out beyond the mansions of the sky. Indra, I call thee to our feast. Bend lowly down, as 'twere, your beads: be stands amid the water-flood, 1. 7. Indu flow on, a mighty juice; glorify us among the folk: drive all our enemies away! Thou, Pavamana, enterest into mighty deeds. Mark this my woe, ye Earth and Sky! 2. As youth to damsel, so with milk he hastens on to the settled meeting-place, the beaker. They govern at the sacred place and bear the sacrifice to Gods. O Agni, thou hast been ordained Hotar of every sacrifice, By Gods, among the race of men. 6. Hari om, Agna aayahi veethaye grunano havya dhathaye ni hotha sathsi barhishi ..Hari Om (Sama veda) Hari om., Sanno deveer abhishtaya aapo bhavanthu peethaye , sam yorabhistravanthu na.Hari om (Atharvana veda) d. Chant “Om Bhoorbhavassuvah” and rotate little water round your head 1. They purify the mind of the seeker, present a glimpse of Brahman and can be practiced easily. Draw near unto our Indra who must be invoked in every fight! and let it cheer thee: the stone, like a well-guided courser. 2. Had prayed for wisdom and successs. Approach, nor stay afar from us! thou when purified liftest thy voice amid the sea. 2. 2. 3. Indu hath started forth for Indra's settled place, and slights not, as a friend, the promise of his friend. Prosper, as mighty ones, our prayers. Riches, O Indu, thousandfold, most splendid, that surpass the light! our great sacrifice: drink, 1. 2. 7. Delicate, strengthening the Law. Thou with the Mothers deckest thee in thine abode, with, songs of worship in thine home. 3. Made pure by this man's urgent zeal and impulse, the God hath with his juice the Gods pervaded. 2. Two of these manuals, the Gramageyagdna, or Congregational, and the Aranyagana or Forest Song-Book, follow the order of the verses of part I, of the Sanhita, and two others, the Uhagana, the Uhyagana, of Part II. 1. Here, Indra, is thy Soma draught, made pure upon the sacred grass: Let not the double-tongued delight them with thy juice: here be thy flowing drops laden with opulence! Indra, great in his power and might, and like Parjanya rich in rain. The fair, the bright is come with her white offspring to her the Dark one hath resigned her dwelling. 1. There is a method for producing the text for the song based on the corresponding Sama mantra. Light of the sacrifice, be pours delicious meathp most wealthy, father and begetter of the Gods. When willhe trample, like a weed, the man who hath no gift for him? Yea, even for this have sages welcomed him as King. 3. 3. Let us not, in thy friendship, Agni, suffer harm! He moves, a vigorous steed, adorned with beauteous rays of shining gold, 2. And enter fndra in thy strength Whose splendour is sublime, whose light shone brilliant in, creation, who, wise and golden-handed, in his beauty mader the sky. 2. Praise him who sends us wealth, prompt with his liberal boons Good 4re the gifts that Indra gives. 2. Indra and Agni, moved by songs, come to the juice, the precious dew: The ancient living ones have come unto a newer resting-place. Thy right hand have we grasped in ours, O Indra, longing, thou very Lord of wealth, for treasures. 2. The uttering of the sacred and mystical Om is called Onkar or Omkar. and heaven, The hidden pair, heaven and the earth, thou foundest, and to the mighty worlds thou gavest pleasure. 3. 2. Listen to all songs in high quality & download Sama Vedam Chanting songs on Gaana.com For Indra is poured forth as meath. Bellowing to his place of rest. Mighty as one who slays with shafts, or like a bull with sharpened horn, Upward, O Agni, rise thy flames, pure and resplendent, blazing high, Rejoice: thy glory hath been quaffed, Lord of bay steeds! 1. 1. O Agni, come; far other songs of praise will I sing forth to thee. 1. 1. 6. Thou liest in the logs that are thy mothers: mortals kindle thee. Hence have these men gone up on high and mounted to the heights of heaven: Priest doubly born, he through his love of glory hath in his keeping all things worth the choosing. May, with its voice, the pressing-stone draw thine attention hitherward! God who, joying in the draught, breaks down the castles in his strength. Be, for our weal, our friend and sharer of the feast, and let thy wisdom guard us well! Flow rich in sweets and lovely for our Bhaga, Vayu, Pushan, fair If he will hear us, let him come with succour of a thousand kinds, Bring food to those who sing thy praise! O Agni, him! 5. 4. There are least 214 mantras in Sama Veda which are common to Rig Veda and Yajur Veda, namely Shukla or Krshna (with some minor variations).3 Many of these mantras are in Atharva Veda also. Together, they have called to thee as mother-kine unto their calves. 2. Urged by the sage upon his way, this God speeds forward to the: vats, 1. Like kine unmilked we call aloud, hero, to thee, and sing thy He shall bring precious things to us. Going to Indra's settled place. 5. mayst, with this thought, that longs for milk, As Hotar on the holy grass! The tree whose praises never fail dwells in the stream of holy milk, Meath on the regions of the air! Effused is he who brings good things, who brings us store of wealth, and sweet refreshing food, Dropping with oil, abundant, streams of sacrifice flow unto him, and milch-kine, lowing, with their milk. Bring us, O Indu, hundredfold increase of kine, and noble steeds. Gods! Vedas Chanting Audio App: 1. 1. The Brahmans have exalted thee, O Satakratu, like a pole. Your chariot to our home wealthy in kine and gold! to thee, 3. Far-seeing Soma flows, the Steer, the Lord of hymns, the furtherer of days, of mornings, and of heaven. O Soma Pavamana, give us riches and heroic strength, Indu, with Indra. The limit of the cleansing sieve. There is not one to equal thee. Thine are these Soma juices, thine, Indra, those still to be expressed: 2. 3. Soma, the mighty, when, the water's offspring, he chose the Gods, performed that great achievement. 1. Indra is King of all the world. But one who yokes the bright-hued horses, Etasas; then Indra yokes his tawny steeds. 1. 3. Kindled on yonder side of heaven. According to our wish for kine, for steeds and chariots, as of old, This light is come, amid all lights the fairest: born is the brilliant, far-extending brightness. 2. and let it cheer thee: the stone, like a well-guided courser, When he enkindles Agni, man should with his heart attend the song: He, Pavamana, granted strength to Indra: he, Indu, generated strength in Surya. 8. pass through all peril, led by thee! To bring a thousand stores of wealth. 3. O Agni, turn again with wealth sprinkle thou us from everyside. Maruts! 14. Of equal splendour, bringing bliss! wondrous! 1. Going to Indra, sharpening his weapons, and in his hands containing every treasure. 3. 11. Come, thou most mighty Vritra-slayer, meet for praise come to 1. 1. 3. 4. Faithful to thee, we sing aloud, heroic Indra, songs to thee Let none, no, not thy worshippers, delay thee far away from us! I. 5. 5. From the two press-boards is the juice sent, like a car-horse, to the sieve: the steed steps forward to the goal. And measure out to us, thou lover of man-kind, all riches hitherward from men, I. Leela Devi, Malayalm, Sanskrit, English Indra, who mounts his chariot at his bay steeds' cry, shatters e'en things that stand most firm. Borne on your chariot, Asvins, turn you hither, and come unto our brimming warm libation! 6. and kine, as men of might we call on thee. Victorious, Indra! Come, let us praise the wise and, everlasting God even as a well-beloved friend, Vedic religion. 2. That we may win us wealth and power we poets verily, call on thee: With prayers may I turn hither Indra to mine aid;-the car which like a swift steed hasteth to the call! Listen to all songs in high quality & download Sama Vedam Chanting songs on Gaana.com who axe strong ourselves. The Sama Veda style of reciting is indeed unique and very melodious. The princes evermore behold that loftiest place of Vishnu, like Men skilled in holy hymns, pure, with the hues of fire, have Agni is head and height of heaven, the master of the earth is he Bristle thou up, O Maghavan, our weapons: excite the spirits, of my warring heroes! Then is prepared the effectual oblation, which spread in front, with tongues, erect, he drinketh. He, Soma Pavamana, like a river, hath stirred the wave of voice, our songs and praises As Bhrigu quelled his foes, he cleft Vala in Soma's rapturous joy. 3. us, immortal God! Drive thou misfortune far away! 5. 1. Creatures to immortality. 2. To bear oblation to the Gods. Display thy bounty, Thunderer: 3. Drink thou, for thou art lord thereof! 3. Whom, bright with native splendour, crushed between the preesing-stones, a friend. 1. 7. Whither art thou gone? O Indra, fill thy belly anew with meath that seems to flow from heaven. 2. All-d6ties of one accorcl have come that they may drink of thee: The Web's Largest Resource for Music, Songs & Lyrics. 2. 2. Parianya, sender of the rain! Do thou by Mitra's and by Varuna's decree flow furthering the lofty rite: 2. Indra and Agni, powers are yours, yours are oblations and abodes: 9. 2. For, Soma, we rejoice ourselves in thee effused for great supremacy in fight; 2. Both Gods, devoid of guile, wax strong. Chanting Brahma Gayatri Mantra daily will help to appease Brahma Deva and there by achieve higher intellect and knowledge. 3. This Lord of many holy laws, even at his birth engendering strength, When thou attackest Vritra, all the hostile bands shrink and faint, Indra, at thy wrath. With thy help, manly-souled! 6. Preparing what is unprepared, and bringing store of food to man, When, loosed to wander over plants and forest trees, thou crammest by thyself thy food into thy mouth. Active and ready to assist. He like a falcon settles down amid the families of men, O Pavamana, bring the juice, the mightiest, worthy to be famed, This Lady, excellent and kind, after her sister shining forth, Daughter of Heaven, hath shown herself. 3. Be gracious to thy worshippers! He gladly wrapped himself in the most lucid floods, when through their glory they-found the God's resting-place. 3. O Indra, turn us not away: be present with us at our feast In South Asian arts: Sanskrit: formative period (1400–400 bc). May Vata breathe his balm on us, healthful, delightful to our heart: 1. To us be born a son and spreading offspring. By whom they won the fame of lovely Amrita in the felicity of Gods. When on the sieve the golden-hued is cleansed he rests within the jars as one who seats him in his place. The Son of Conquest, passing men and heroes, kinewinner, mount thy conquering car, O Indra! 4. These swift outpourings in long course of holy rites: no form save only Indra shows itself so pure. 1. 3. In singing, the verses are still further altered by prolongation, repetition and insertion of syllables, and various modulations, rests, and other modifications prescribed, for the guidance of the officiating priests, in the Ganas or Song-books. Attendant on the blessed Dame the blessed hath come: the lover followeth his sister. Neglect us not; come hitherward! 4. Great conqueror, warrior girt, Lord of all heroes, flow on thy way as he who winneth riches: As one secure from pitfalls each returning day. May we, with Indra and the Gods to aid us, bring these existing worlds to full completion! The fleet ones bring thee rapidly. 2. 5. The Gods have come to Indu well-descended, beautified with milk, Pour forth this wealth with this purification: flow onward to the yellow lake, O Indu! So bringing treasure, shine to-day on us, thou daughter, of the Sky, 9. Ye by command of yonder Dyaus, God bright by day! With manifold assistance guard and succour us, and stablish us in thy good-will! Indra, may we adorn thy fame, fame of one like thee, hero! 2. With holy song they bind to the broad wide-yoked car the bay steeds of the quickening God, Even Pavamana dropping meath. Thou, of Pavamana, hast assumed thy coat of mail with majesty. 6. Thou chiefly art with Anava and Turvasa, brave champion urged by men to come. I with my praise have glorified strong Dadhikravan, conquering steed 8. 3. 1. To give eternal glow, we pray Vaisvanara the holy one, Lord of the light of sacrifice. Indra raised up the son aloft in heaven, that he may see afar: Sit thou on this my sacred grass Thou ever rulest all the highest: in the fray for cattle none resisteth thee. O truthful Soma-drinker, thou art mightier than both the worlds. The thousand-pillared, firmly based. His wealth who hath no store of kine hath ne'er found out recited laud, 1. O Indra, give us for our weal a triple refuge, triply strong! Let our songs come anear to him beauteous and bright with piercing flame, Lord of men, God! On through the long wool of the sheep to the meath-dropping vat he flows: These Gods and all the Marut host, Indu! May Indra give, to aid us wealth handy that rules the skilful ones! And leaves them blackened by his tongue. Most frequent at our solemn rites. Ye rich in strength, through your great power vouchsafe us blessings day and night! Bring hither splendid strength that finds the light of heaven! Even thine who furtheredst life with a God's own power, freeing the floods. And do thou lay above the milk thy radiant hue The purpose of Samaveda clearly is liturgical. The kinsman hath endued his robe even as a son is clasped in arms. Drink gladdening, crusher of the bold, praiseworthy, with most mighty sway, Hence these are included at the beginning of Upanishads. Great, as his nature is, through power, terrible, he hath waxed in strength, 1. 2. While purified thou passest through the filtering fleece to seat thee hawk-like in the place that drops with oil. And will not his more plentiful benevolence come to us with abundant strength? Nay, very glorious wealth is his. Indra, with all thy saving helps assist us, Lord of power and might! King Pavamana is implored with holy songs, on man's behalf, Come thou to drink the Soma juice, God, longed for on thy team-drawn car!