I’m not reporting people because they want to build a simple shed or change a back yard swing to a newer one. I've heard many tales from friends and family about how their neighbors are rude, ruthless, and uncaring. This was years and years ago. When she is outside while we are, we will hum the tune of the song and pretend to stomp like an elephant. Karma is a fine lady. so go figure. Seriously. By Peggy Post. I'm currently planning 70 feet of yard curtains in the treeline on our property parallel to the fence, blocking their view and restoring my peace... STUPID SOLUTIONS TO REAL LIFE PROBLEMS! Definitely gonna use the sugar tactic. We have bad neighbors on BOTH sides of our home. The other neighbour plays rubbish music really loud but also has a baby who is constantly crying, yes...we are moving as soon as we can. She writes from the heart—there is no other way. I bought a double decker bus to replace a caravan he complained about, a lot of your items are not legal so make sure your not breaking the law as 'you could find yourself getting sued along with going to jail . If talking to your neighbor and landlord doesn't improve the situation, there are some things you can do on your own. She called the cops again and nothing. What law makes you think you can tell people what methods they can cook on their land? Plant a Weeping Willow tree in your yard, but close to your neighbor's property. Be sure the wind is blowing in the direction of your neighbors open windows. And dealing with nasty neighbors … One Sunday afternoon when on back with our kids to just F ing stop. Most of these will just end up with the neighbour calling by-law officer and you getting in trouble instead. I am from middle east and moved to Serbia 7 years ago.I never undrestand why European and American people cant have forgiveness? If you’re dealing with loud neighbors… I think they must be frustrated as well - he is unsure of his past relationship with his B-friend and she is frustrated because of this. So 2 years ago our awesome older neighbors moved. I have pure evil neighbors. “While it is always polite to consider how our actions may impact our neighbors, our behavior during a pandemic takes on increased importance,” Jodi R.R. Roast a pig in a backyard pit. Tell them it's out of courtesy so now they won't run out of toilet paper. You don't always have to do something to make a person focus on you. The grass and leaves are still soaked at this hour! Until then buzz off. Kindly ❤️. In any case, you won’t know that your neighbors are being rude on purpose unless you ask them to stop. And then, they become neighborhood nuisances. This is CRUEL to your pet, and secondly it may result in your pet being poisoned in revenge. Living in an apartment isn’t always easy, especially when it comes to dealing with a bothersome, loud neighbor. He STOMPS around and it is so bad my pictures are falling off the walls. He is crazy, to make him mad I do whatever l like in my own house. He thinks having money entitle him to boss people around. Be The Adult. It often comes with a heftier price tag, but it can be the most effective way to avoid noisy neighbours. To tell you the truth I don’t even think about using any of the tips on him as I feel sorry for him. Proceed to #1 and start again. It was a humorous article. Call a truce. The way to cover his short coming he boss people around. Also, one thing that I found annoyed neighbors is skateboarding up and down their driveway :). My husband came out said get inside. A really fat dude with a plumber butt living in the garage behind me and would routinely pull all of his schtuff out of the garage have a picnic then put it all back EVERYDAY for a few days then proceeded to make his home sweet home with an extension chord running to the community laundry. I work, so does my wife we have a nice home but I don't have a golf course lawn nor do I care too. It bugged me, but not to extent to call animal control. Each one of these breaks city bylaw codes and could bring some hefty fines... Or are just plain illegal... " I've been practicing law for 32 years and have 2 lawsuits now pending against the group home next door. What a pleasant way to reach the front door, being assailed by the rotting odor. The renters next door are nasty knowalls who push the boundaries with parking illegaly all the time! thank you for the tips!! Yes, that has happened to a friend of mine. Place a telescope near your window. Also, if you leave in the middle of your lease term, claiming that your landlord broke the lease by breaching your right to quiet enjoyment, your landlord may decide to sue you. They're back patio is real close to my corner wall. Sincerely, Laurel Gray. we have a neighbor who is apart of the lovely HOA, and thinks he is the boss of the whole neighborhood. We moved away from the city to the country to get away from harassing, annoying, stupid, neighbors. Neighbors are loud partying scumbags. See this past week between being jarred awake over the weekend. I' m 76 and my neighbors gets right under my bed and shocks me with ? By Dwight Burdette [CC BY 3.0 (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0)], from Wikimedia Commons. 7. Start a Facebook group for your neighborhood. Use their garden hose to fill your swimming pool and then have a pool party and invite them. So this yuppi townie (we live in a rural area with new subdivisions and I'm technically a yuppi townie trying to get away from the ones in the big city) walks past my house to get to the walkway next to my property with her fancy pram and big designer froo froo pomerian fluffy thing (nothing against the dog tho, all dogs are cool) and during the chaos of my life, my idiot puppy got excited, didn't listen to me and was just out of control and for some reason my older more well behaved dog didn't listen either and saw her dog as a threat and viciously told it to not come near the house. Unfortunately, not all neighbors are so reasonable. All these people....like jamming 12 rats in a shoebox and expecting them to get along? Watch your neighbor weep as they try to escape the cascading willows to find their way home. Not to mention the high pitched screaming he does. The guy looked at me and I did a motion to stop. When the coast is clear place fish on hook and finagle it into the gutter. If that wasn't bad enough the father chain smokes on the front yard which is basically my front yard because we are so close. Instead, follow these tried-and-true tactics to deal with the situation effectively: Many people shy away from this tactic because they're afraid of confrontation, especially if their neighbor is a stranger. So now I am the scarlet letter wearing neighbor who deals with nasty, mean spirited evil neighbors . Saturday it was so cloudy and rainy, that I nodded off for a nap only to be jarred awake hearing him outside screaming in excitement while playing basketball. Sincerely, Laurel Gray. Unbelievable! Then came this past weekend/easter. Sometimes you need to think about the situation at hand and what you’ll get out of complaining. I have a neighbor who keeps bothering my parents about our tree. He hasn’t made any efforts to cooperate, which is why I’m reaching out to you for assistance. 19. However, for someone with rheumatoid arthritis, she is capable of walking her dog for six hours a day at random times. I need more ideas because they have doorbells with cameras on them. Keep in mind that your landlord will be more inclined to resolve such problems if you've been a good tenant who pays the rent on time. When it was going in she came down and threatened workers to stop work. ... because you were a victim of stalking. Nicely articulated! Set up a basketball hoop in your driveway and play b-ball at all hours of the day and night. This is the most stupid article I have ever read. Property damage is more than likely to result in an arrest, especially in the age of small, hidden security cameras. If you’re dealing with noise, which is the most common reason for disputes between neighbors, refer to the letter of the law.There are ordinances to prohibit unnecessary, unreasonable, and excessive levels of noise meant to protect you from being a victim of noise-makers. I told her if she ever tried to harm or kill any of my animals I would kill her. Or perhaps you've tried all of the above tactics, and they didn't work. Sometimes you'll even see her outside at 12:30am. It took time but once we stopped reacting to them...the issues went away. So, im legit stuck here. Be sure your neighbor is aware of it. I noticed that the smoke from my tiki torch was going over the wall as they were having a party. More women are victims of stalking than men. I have 2 toddlers that cant get but a couple hours of sleep at night, and they cant nap during the day because of how loud and rude the neighbors are. Tell them your neighbor is shy and might need some coaxing to admit it! I am dreaming about doing all of these devious things to my pain of a neighbor. My neighbors are jealous because I have the better apartment with a patio . When faced with passive-aggressive actions from your neighbors, you pretty much have two decisions to make. The cat was inside a sealed garbage bag. Allow your pets to do their business in your neighbor's yard and don't use a pooper scooper. Borzotta offered his top 10 tips for dealing with neighbors undeterred by good fences. Also, you can get a similar effect from having a massive bonfire in your backyard. They have a huge driveway , we don’t and every time they come and go backing there trailers, campers etc our vehicles seem to always have damage but I can’t prove it but it’s quite obvious. It’s so much fun!!! I am going to work hard to buy a comer lot house and buy the one beside it to put plants next time! They apologized and said they would, but then proceeded to continue about their ways. There are many more things but I’m so tired from another morning of mowing and my head is pounding. Keep the area outside your apartment or house clean and tidy. Would be MUCH more appreciated if these weren’t all crimes. How to deal with noisy upstairs neighbors The worst thing you could experience as a renter or apartment dweller is a noisy neighbor. I have 6 kids and older girls and that is just weird. The cops will not do anything about it. I watched kids do stupid things and dumb parents stand by that. To all the people who think these posts are mean spirited perhaps you would like to spend a day or two in our circumstance and see how long you last--we are not posting because we have great neighbors-we are posting because our neighbors are making our lives a living hell and even making it impossible for us to sell our houses or live a happy life. Do I go to the sheriff to file a complaint? If it doesn't, at least you've taken the high road and done a good deed. We moved to this house 7 months ago. Throw a handful on each night. Families should not move into an apartment building that caters to college students. 20. 8. Furniture being thrown over toys being thrown on the floor. Paint your house a bright yellow. Not only will this be hard to clean up but it will attract more wild animals to your neighbor's yard. A few months afterward, one of the girls in that apartment actually fell through the stairs and the fire dept had to come and get her out. Finding an effective but non-aggressive way to deal with bad neighbors is ideal, so start by kindly asking them to be more mindful of their actions. We live in a development of 70s raised ranch homes. They might not mow their lawn until the pets get lost in the tall blades of grass, but my nice neighbors mean well—the majority of the time at least. Only because the old neighbor was normal and never had issues with the property line and over stepping his grounds or being anoing. It's all good. For Christ’s sake, these people because a pain in the @$$ when you need peaceful time alone probably to nap, prepare a report, or meditate. Park your car in their parking spot. She was mad and now she doesn't talk to me anymore. 9. Like I said it will take time for them to realize you no longer care what they do or say. Cant stand entirled ppl. While they are away, sneak over and drain their pool. How to Deal With Nosy Neighbors: Options. Be Courteous. You can easily sync your device to the speakers so long as you are not too far out of range. Make a list of the costs of selling your house with these useful tips to guide you. Return their paper. Then one week later her big dog came down on our driveway barking scarring my kids. I just want to get on their nerves for at least a little bit of payback. My neighbours are super loud and practice barfing noises 24/7. This bitch tried to kick one of my cats and threatened to poison him! Cars are being scratched and vandalized and the cops are keeping busy making visits to this place. Loud, inconsiderate, worthless nigger upstair neighbors. The 18 y.o. My husband and I live in a four unit apartment building. Anyways, its a long story. My neighbor is a lady with a young child. Smith, president of Mannersmith Etiquette Consulting , told HuffPost. I've heard stories of how selfish people can be. They live above . So when ever demon child throws his tantrums we hear the entirety of it. IV done nothing wrong. Complaining or telling them to keep it down isn’t always the answer, however. It’s a fact. She is a evil old witch neighbor from Hell. Be sure and give them food and water. They are on their own! However, when that doesn’t work get even! That’s my problem is that the rest of my neighbors are great and I don’t want to annoy them while getting back at this jerk. It’s using cops to harass me and my family since she can’t since we put the fence in. The whole fish will be frozen. Thankfully, since moving, we have been blessed with really amazing neighbors. Problem solved! As a bonus, you could make your yard blue, and the yellow/blue combination will surely drive your neighbor crazy! Sic the solicitors on them. The “Fighting Back” Approach. Start putting out lots of food in your backyard to attract wild animals. As terrible as these eejits are, they are NOT worth destroying your life or reputation. Your neighbor explains that she just bought an upright piano for her son and that he needs to practice every day. I will blast it during the day and as long as they play to drive the point home. Happy irritating! Ron Leshnower is a licensed real estate attorney and author of several books on housing. However, when my family wants to bring our dog outside, she threatens to call animal control (even when our dog is clearly on a leash) because she claims that our loving, friendly dog whom everyone else absolutely adores is "a total menace to society". If you haven't met the neighbor, try introducing yourself, shaking hands, and chatting for a few minutes. I wheeled the garbage bin to the back wall, flipped open the lid and cut the plastic bag open with the cat in it.... OMG, was it a smelly rotten mess. While they are sleeping. This method works. Of thry step in it, be prepared to cover the bill for a new pair of shoes. !! Now problem is new neighbors are worse . Earplugs are the most immediate solution if you don’t want to deal with the noise. Just to be clear. Instead of encouraging friendly conversation, see who can be the first one to piss off the other members. Gather evidence. Well she STOMPS too. Spray their bike handles, wood pile, door handles, animals, washer, vents of their swamp cooler with round up. So the next door neighbors opted to tether their dog to keep him from escaping the yard. His problem is that my 2 years old son is walking at home and he cant tolerate kids. I have an 8 year old Jack Russell with Small Dog Syndrome and an anxious hyperactive 8 month old Border Collie. Many do things on your list and to have to go and talk to each of them will infuriate me to the point of not being civil. But, as you may already know, a bad neighbor can get under your skin or make your blood boil. The more smoke the better. They only back down when they are trumped with rudeness. Some Indians moved into my neighborhood. Glimpse right here, and also youll undoubtedly uncover it. I have learned to laugh laugh laugh...Don’t let them know they are getting to you. The Amish call it "shunning". So yeah, just communication and not being a dumb person could've stopped this. He has the manicured lawn, retired and devotes 24/7 of his time to his home. No one wants to pick a fight with neighbors, but, at the same time, you're now paying good money for an annoying place. We share a living room wall with these neighbors. The kid looks like casper the ghost because the lazy mom will not let him go outside. If the dumb ass is out running around the yard in the middle of the night in underware. He hasn’t made any efforts to cooperate, which is why I’m reaching out to you for assistance. First of all I am the only white person on this street and apparently my name is fing white beyatch! The constant d@mn dribbling. On one day of the week I had a tree service come to cut down two very tall pine trees in my backyard. Completely ridiculous ideas. Late at night, turn up the volume on your stereo and add some karaoke to the mix! "13. We had a pretty strong antivirus/antihacker program at the time and their computer ended up getting fried when they disregarded the pop up message that stated not to proceed. My other neighbors called animal control, because they got fed up with the incessant dog barking. I live with my 3 kids and very uncomfortable to clean my garden cut grass they remove all branches weeds and also made entrance to watch i covered it all up and fight over it many times tired need some ideas to get rid of them please kids also uncomfortable to play in our backyard. A MUST : Never talk to them or even look at them. 12. She's a freakin teacher and has stolen money and continues to steal money from our government. Anyways, I bought a condo around 2 years ago off foreclosure, rehabbed it myself so that my wife, newborn, and I would have a nice mortgage free place to live. 21. Be adults. You can call attention to the fact that they’re being noisy by: Knocking on the wall or ceiling, if you live in an apartment building; Calling your neighbors and politely asking them to stop Refer to the Governing Laws. Throwing of heavy object down the stairs. There is no need to be so hateful. Sometimes your neighbors really get on your nerves. I have no idea what kind of business he has as the company that he has does not show anything but Consulting. Did a teenager write this? Post the video on YouTube. TP their tree! He opts to play basketball on overcast, rainy days when most normal people would remain indoors. I have 2 dogs, but I don't let them bark incessantly. I’ve tried blasting my TV but the added noise is brutal and stressful. Give them all cancer and as they are sick, dying... do all the annoying shit this puke laughingly finds so clever. They bought the home. Turn on a fan or play a CD of ambient sound effects. Snow storm comes we are buried in snow from city plows yet they plow (they have a plow on their truck)everyone around us leaving us in a mountain of snow That’s evil. He's related to the goddamned sheriff. Try to limit your loudest activities to daylight hours and weekends. More than enough room to get away from idiots I thought. You can also blast creepy sounds to make your neighbors think their house is haunted. Works fab... washes everyones electronics for blocks... esp if your near power lines and cable lines it disrupts all of it... tv internet.. 60hz freq on the 125vac lines its wreaks havok! Have the video camera ready for when they leap. He asked us not to use our balcony since he likes to sleep till l 11 am. Yep, in my experience, the most effective way to deal with a noise issue from a neighbor is to fight back, immature as that may sound. For example, if your apartment walls are so thin that you're disturbed even when your neighbor talks or plays music at a reasonable volume, see if your landlord can reinforce the walls. So much for getting back at them. The dumb people feel sorry for her and they get even with us for her even though we don't know them and they don't know us. Why would you do this I hate NEIGHBORS I love my PRIVACY... My neighbor mow, blows, and weed wacks every morning at 8 o’clock I have Lyme disease so I don’t sleep very well and don’t fall asleep until about 3am and my bedroom is right next to their house. I didn't call the council to my last neighbours in a rough area and they were beating their dog. 15. :) Just remember when others are being silly for silliness's sake... and remember to chill. 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