But that is not Kant’s answer. c. all who can suffer. When Kant speaks about the moral law, he is essentially referring to that sense of obligation to which our will often responds. Kant's exposition of the transcendental ideas begins once again from the logical distinction among categorical, hypothetical, and disjunctive syllogisms.From this distinction, as we have seen, the understanding derives the concepts of substance, cause, and community, which provide the basis for rules that obtain as natural laws within our experience. T/F-Kant believes that people should be used as ends in themselves True: What, according to Kant, is an internal-lie a lie that someone tells themselves: Mary Midgley suggests that instead of being fundamentally selfish, we extend out caring capacity to strangers, … Kant maintains that man is God’s property, and hence has no right to dispose of his own life. Underlying natural law theory is the belief that. a. a. real-world evidence must outweigh theoretical consistency. True b. According to Kant, the Enlightenment encourages people to think for themselves.Even in the first paragraph, Kant explains that one's personal, self-imposed immaturity is a consequence of the fact that one doesn't dare think independently, without the guidance of other people. a. all living things. Score: 3/3 true 40. Kant argued that it is always wrong to use a person against his or her will, whatever the circumstances. a. According to Kant, when a theory results in conclusions that are inconsistent with experience, ____. a. Nature should be altered to conform to the moral law b. As a means to an end b. Find kant course notes, answered questions, and kant tutors 24/7. b. all who possess reason. b. theoretical consistency must outweigh real-world evidence. False. True b. c. we must modify our experiences accordingly. Kant claims that an action has moral worth only if it is done for the sake of duty. 39. According to Kant, moral requirements apply to. According to Utilitarianism, an action is right if and only if it produces the greatest balance of pleasure over pain for everyone involved. Score: 2/2 TRUE 39. True b. Aims and Methods of Moral Philosophy. Kant's principle of respect for persons says that we should always treat persons. Never merely as a means to an end c. According to the relevant consequences d. According to their preferences. a. a. they have the same maxim. According to Kant, if two actions have the same result. False. 40. Course Hero has thousands of kant study resources to help you. 1. We all know the experience -- we are sometimes pulled in a certain direction, not because we desire to act in that way, but in spite of our desire to act in the opposite way. According to Kant, pure moral philosophy is partly empirical. However, Kant also has a number of purely secular arguments, two of which deserve some discussion. The most basic aim of moral philosophy, and so also of the Groundwork, is, in Kant’s view, to “seek out” the foundational principle of a “metaphysics of morals,” which Kant understands as a system of a priori moral principles that apply the CI to human persons in all times and cultures. c. they are the same act. d. none of the above. According to the first of them, the suicide is abasing and degrading his … Although he was a Chris tian, Kant did not base morality on divine authority. b. they have the same moral status. a. d. False. He argues instead that we can arrive at the supreme principle of morality through the exercise of what he calls “pure practical reason.” To see how, according to Kant, we can reason our way to the moral law, let’s Kant argues that there is a single supreme principle of morality.