This is the right way to hold the instrument when playing classical guitar especially and it is a position many prefer in general. Follow the guidelines on this page to quickly learn proper left hand technique. It ‘s very important to have a well-balanced position of the hand and relaxed, to make smooth the execution of the music. Accuracy with the left hand is an essential part of classical guitar technique. 3 – Left Hand Position – Horizontal Builders for Classical Guitar. Any more tension than this is wasted. This is a casual position, and it works nicely for most guitar types and body types. the thickest string is nearest the floor when in a playing position. As you focus more and more on the left-hand positioning, and tension grows in the legs and buttocks, your weight shifts more and more to the left. The "Thud to Buzz to Clear Exercise" is often recommended to develop a player's sensitivity to the amount of finger pressure needed to press down the strings. Balance the base of the guitar on your thigh. This is a question from Paul who wanted to know about the left hand thumb position while playing scales. Once again, we’re back to easy. Left Hand Position Exercise for Classical Guitar. One change to your technique that will have an immediate impact on your synchronization (and therefore your legato technique) is how you lift your left hand fingers. The easiest way to learn guitar is with your guitar on your left leg (if you are right handed or right leg if you are left handed). The thumb position is also flexible – it never stays in one position for long. Your other leg should be back slightly to make it … Left Hand Technique for Classical Guitar. Numbers without circles appearing next to or near note heads tell you which left-hand fingers to use, as follows: Earlier, we took a look at how to develop your right hand for classical guitar.In this article, guitar teacher Raymond L. will add to the balance by teaching you exercises for the left hand…. To find the best general position for your left shoulder, upper arm, forearm, and wrist, position your guitar and right arm properly, then drop your entire left arm (or right, if you’re left-handed) from the shoulder toward the ground. Place your left-hand thumb about 2/3’rds of the way up the back of the guitar neck where needed using the ‘pad’ of your thumb, NOT the ‘tip’ this time. What generally happens is that you are looking at the guitar neck and rotate toward the left (for right-handed guitarists). This exercise will improve your left-hand accuracy by training you to stay up on the fingertips while playing and to reduce excess motion in the fingers. Let’s take a simple scenario. In common with other classical stringed instruments, classical guitar playing and notation use formal positions of the left hand. Apply pressure with all four fingers, then relax. To begin, what is it that the left hand does on guitar? Professional classical guitarists sit differently from other guitarists in that they hold the guitar on the left leg instead of on the right one. Answer: The left-hand fingers press strings, just behind the fret. Music often demands that the left-hand fingers move in complex patterns. 2,3 Continue doing this pulsing motion until it feels more natural. The position of the left thumb depends on the angle of the guitar neck. You are going to play (on the first string) F# then G then F# again. And it needs to stay in a safe and healthy position to avoid injury. When you pick up the guitar in a seated position, put the leg on your dominant side forward slightly, bending your knee so it forms a right angle, your foot flat on the floor. In classical guitar, the issue of fingering comes up a lot. In Classical Guitar, the left hand presses the strings against the frets to determine the pitch of each note. We need a reliable and safe right hand technique to play it. Classical guitarists play their instruments quite differently from that of any other guitar style. This gives the left-hand fingers the largest range of movement across the guitar … Finger Lifting. Includes: notation, TAB, fingerings, practice tips, and video lessons. Classical guitar technique, on the other hand, requires you to hold the instrument on your left leg, not on your right. This is usually because when they started playing they just picked up a friend’s right handed guitar and held it left handed. How to hold the classical guitar and position your hands. It is simple in concept but very effective at developing good habits in your left hand technique. Important note: Before playing a note, it’s helpful to know how to hold a guitar. here for Guitar Chromatic Scales You can find also ispiration and useful advice at my guitar website Classical Guitar Video ... at V position with index ( 1 ) at five fret play it and then medium left hand finger at six , anular (finger number 3 ) at seven Common wisdom is that the hand must always be in the parallel position. However, problems can arise with the fretting hand, as the left arm has a poor approach angle to the guitar neck. And the right hand makes the sound. In order to be able to do that fluently you need to train your right hand and your left hand separately as well as together. This lesson teaches you the basic left hand position and technique. Principle #3: Appropriate Left Hand Finger Pressure Classical Guitar Technique Lesson for Beginners. The reason for this is that it’s just easier to do it this way. And they only need to press hard enough to keep the string from buzzing when played. Assume Your Best General Position. 1. A very small minority of players play guitar in a left handed orientation, but with the strings upside down! Easy Doctrine. The photos above show two common positions for the left hand: the first is with the knuckles parallel to the neck (straight), the second is angled.