one of Chris' CDs, "THE | Blues Scale (Variation 2) | Blues Scale H = Half Step. A half step = one fret. All rights reserved. The diminished scale, also known as the whole half scale, is an eight note scale with a numeric formula of 1-2-♭3-4-♭5-♯5-6-7-8/1. symmetrical scale, meaning it is based on a repeating It is the sixth mode of the ascending form of the melodic minor scale (or jazz scale). The scale formula for the diminished scale easy to remember, just tone then semitone repeat! What notes and intervals are in A whole-half diminished? In the C Diminished Scale this would be C - Eb - Gb - A (Cdim7) and D - F - Ab - B (Ddim7). The scale formula for the diminished scale easy to remember, just semitone then tone repeat! This scale is primarily used in jazz music and works well together with alternate seventh chords. The The whole-half diminished scale is used to play over diminished 7th chords. As you can see, the formula for the scale is W-H-W-H-W-H-W. Notice that since this scale is symmetrical, and it is the same every minor third. A Search Engine for Musical Scales. The Half-Whole diminished scale is one of a larger class of 8 tone scales known generically as BeBop scales. INFINITE GUITAR", "THE This scale is primarily used in jazz music and works well together with alternate seventh chords. Jun 04, 2013 add on question.. to a Cm like in Caravan by: Anonymous . | Altered Mode | Altered Pentatonics Find out how and search through 1000s of scales. or 1-3-5 of any whole half diminished/octatonic scale, or 1-3-5 of any locrian mode. C - D - Eb - F - Gb - Ab - A - B. Intervals What intervals are in the C whole-half diminished scale. lesson has been revised and published in THE Half Diminished Scale in All Keys The formula describes the interval distances between each note of the scale. Some overall characteristics: There are 9 notes that make up a diminished scale instead of eight. 2M - 2m - 2M - 2m - 2M - 1A - 2M - 2m. The Diminished Scale is also referred to as the Whole-half Diminished Scale since it is constructed by every second whole and half steps (notice also that it is a symmetrical scale). Before print or download please save it first. Here is a diminished scale starting on a Bb and beginning with a half tone. Minor 6th. The half-whole diminished is made up of the intervals H-W-H-W-H-W-H-W (H=half-step, W=whole-step) 9. The half-whole diminished scale can be referred to as dominant diminished because it works well over a dominant 13 (b9) chord. Major 2nd. The The half tone, whole tone formula is consistent throughout the scale, for which reason it is sometimes called the Half-tone/Whole-tone Scale. Chords II   B   Basic Scales Then up a whole step and you have F then Gb, then Ab, then A then B and finally C. You now have your Diminished Scale. Augmented Scale | Inverted Diminished Scale | Ionian | Ionian b2 | Ionian b3 | Ionian b6 | Ionian b9 | Ionian b13 | Ionian b2 b6 | Ionian b6 b9 | Ionian b9 b13 | Ionian #5 | Ionian Augmented   J   Jazz Minor Scale | Jazz Minor #4 Scale | Jazz Minor #11 Scale | Jazz Minor Inverse   K   Kumoi Scale   L   Locrian | Locrian b4 | Locrian b11 | Locrian bb7 | Locrian #2 | Locrian #6 | Locrian Diminished 7 | Locrian Natural 2 | Locrian Natural 6 | Locrian Natural 9 | Locrian Natural 13 | Locrian Pentatonic Scale | Lydian | Lydian b2 | Lydian b3 | Lydian b7 | Lydian b9 | Lydian #2 | Lydian #5 | Lydian #9 | Lydian #2 #5 | Lydian #5 #9 | Lydian Augmented | Lydian Augmented #2 | Lydian Augmented #9 | Lydian Diminished | Lydian Dominant Minor 3rd. Perfect 4th. The diminished scale is a symmetric scale formed by the sequence: Tone – Semitone – Tone – Semitone – Tone – Semitone – Tone.. The half/whole diminished scale. ... Half-Whole Diminished = 1 b2 b3 3 b5 5 6 b7 (C Db Eb E F# G A Bb) Assignments 1 - Create an A harmonic minor scale: * Look for the A major scale in the list above. | Blues Scale | Blues Scale (Variation 1) Melodic Minor b13 | Melodic Minor Scale | This Going up or down two frets equals a whole step. Half-Whole Diminished = H-W-H-W-H-W-H-W (1-2-1-2-1-2-1-2) VERTICAL APPROACH In order to play a scale vertically across multiple strings instead of horizontally on a single string you need to know how to play a whole step interval from one string to the next. I don’t always think about the scale starting on the root note. The diminished pattern diminishes the … Scale Formula. The whole-half step formula is similar to the scale formulas only it uses whole and half steps to explain the construction of a scale. Locrian | Unitonic Scale   W   Whole step - Half step Scale | Whole-Half Diminished Scale | Whole-Half Scale | It is actually a mode of the Diminished scale, and owing to its construction and the fact that it has 8 tones, it actually repeats its pattern every 2 steps, meaning that it can serve as multiple modes for the parent scale. F half-whole diminished Scale Below you can find guitar and piano scale diagrams, notes, intervals, formulas, and chords or 1-b3-b5 of any major scale, or 1-3-b5 of any minor scale, half/whole Scale | Diminished Scale | Diminished Formula in degree of C Whole/Half Diminished scale: 1-2-b3-4-b5-b6-6-7 Interval Formula : W h W h W h W h Example C Whole/Half Diminished scale : C D D# F F# G# A B See an example of shape for the dimished scale of C below. Dim7 chords are not as commonly used as minor, dominant or major chords, but when they do pop up, they have a … T = Tone [whole step] • S = Semitone [half step] • TS = Tone + Semitone (minor 3rd interval) Comparison With Major Scale. Like its brother, the fully diminished scale, the dominant diminished scale … 6. Learn about the Whole Half Diminished Scale on Guitar FREE eGuide! Copyright © 2015 all-piano-scales. The half-whole diminished scale is an 8 note symmetrical scale. This is an important concept: each diminished scale can start on eight different notes. (Variation 3) | Blues Scale (Variation 4) | Blues Scales | Byzantine Scale   C   Chromatic Scale   D   Debussy Scale | Descending Melodic Minor Scale | Diminished Dominant All Rights Reserved. The formula describes the interval distances between each note of the scale. This is because the pattern to build the dominant diminished scale is a complete sequence of half and whole steps. a dom7 chord with a 13 and a b9, #9 or b5). Aeolian or Natural Minor . or 1-b3-b5 of any major scale, or 1-3-b5 of any minor scale, © Chris Juergensen/ Root Note. If we take B o 7 we can see how the whole-half diminished scale … Diminished Scale – It is made only by a sequence of half step (semitone) and whole step (tone).I suggest to use it just on the dominant 7 th and diminished 7 th chord in a jazz context .Diminished scale is used above all in Jazz music . Rank Root Scale Notes Intervals More Info; 1 : A : Half Diminished Scale : A,B,C,D,Eb,F,G : 1 2 b3 4 b5 b6 b7 Then from D move up a half step and you have Eb. this scale, a 1/2 step interval followed by a 2M - 2m - 2M - 2m - 2M - 1A - 2M - 2m. or 1-b3-b5 of any major scale, or 1-3-b5 of any minor scale, Info Whole-Tone Scale | Dominant Diminished Scale | Dominant Whole-Tone Scale | Dorian | Dorian b2 | Dorian b5 | Dorian b9 | Dorian b2 b5 | Dorian b5 b9 | Dorian #4 | Dorian #11 | Dorian Pentatonic Scale | Double Harmonic Minor Scale | Double Harmonic Scale   F   Flamenco Scale | Freygish Scale   G   Guitar Scales | Gypsy Minor Scale   H   Half Diminished Scale | Half step - Whole step Scale | Half-Whole Diminished Scale | Half-Whole Scale The abbreviation "alt" (for "altered") used in chord symbols enhances readability by reducing the number of characters otherwise needed to define the chord and avoids the … a dom7 chord with a 13 and a b9, #9 or b5). The scale alternates half and whole steps until the scale starts again. The full diminished scale will use 9 notes. Formula What is the formula for the C diminished scale. | Aeolian Pentatonic Scale | Altered bb7 Mode Major 6th. T he diminished scale is a symmetrical scale that is built by alternating whole steps and half steps. Remember you have to count up from the first note when using this formula. This scale is used to solo over diminished seventh chords. This is difficult to remember. In the C Diminished Scale this would be C - Eb - Gb - A (Cdim7) and D - F - Ab - B (Ddim7). The Dominant Diminished Scale is also referred to as the Diminished Blues and it shares many notes with the Pentatonic Blues scales. Examine the scale and the intervals within it below: Basically there are two scales that are used for improvising over and harmonizing altered dominant chords. E Whole Half  Diminished Scale = E F# G A Bb C Db Eb E (You start from any note and move up a whole step, then a half step, then a whole, then a half again. Formula What is the formula for the C whole-half diminished scale. If you are on the note C then moving up to D is your whole step. Root Note. The Half-Whole diminished scale is one of a larger class of 8 tone scales known generically as BeBop scales. Formula in degree of C Whole/Half Diminished scale: 1-2-b3-4-b5-b6-6-7 Interval Formula : W h W h W h W h Example C Whole/Half Diminished scale : C D D# F F# G# A B I personally prefer a different way to build and think about this scale that, in my opinion, is going to help you big time when improvising. Those are the three whole-half diminished scales. Here i… Whole Half Diminished: 1 2 b3 4 b5 #5 6 7 Half Whole Diminished: 1 b9 #9 3 #11 5 13 b7 These can be used as a tension device in improvisation and are a totally different sound than the more common major and minor scales. Learn to use the entire fretboard with this incredible guitar scale chart. Therefore we can use the half-whole diminished to play over a 13b9 or related chord (i.e. Intervals What intervals are in the C diminished scale. Scale typ: Half/Whole Diminished. Info Home > Symmetric Scales > Half-Whole Diminished Scale > G HW dim scale en Français. Using enharmonic spellings the diminished scale will have a dim 5th and an aug 5thand is much easier to work with. or 1-3-5 of any whole half diminished/octatonic scale, or 1-3-5 of any locrian mode. Since this is a symetrical scale, any one of the blue dots could be considered the root of the scale. The formula describes the interval distances between each note of the scale. C, D, Eb, F, Gb, Ab, A, B, C is an example. the “auxiliary diminished dominant” or even the “auxiliary diminished blues” (not to be confused with the Mixo-Dorian blues scale for soloing over the blues). This scale is also known as the diminished whole-half scalesince it’s made alternating whole step and half step. T = Tone [whole step] • S = Semitone [half step] • TS = Tone + Semitone (minor 3rd interval) The altered scale is made by the sequence: Half, Whole, Half, Whole, Whole, Whole, Whole. Four of the starting notes will give you a half-whole diminished scale corresponding to a 7(b9) chord. The half diminished scale is a seven-note musical scale.It is more commonly known as the Locrian ♮ 2 scale, a name that avoids confusion with the diminished scale and the half-diminished seventh chord (minor seventh, diminished fifth). Scales are usually compared to the Major Scale to find the intervals used, but because the Diminished Scale has 8 notes (Major Scale has only 7) it … Piano Scales | Pomeroy Scale | Pure Minor Scale   R   Ravel Scale | Relative Minor Scale | Ritusen Scale | Romanian Minor Scale   S   Scales (other) | Scales and Modes | Scottish Pentatonic | Six Tone Symmetrical | Spanish Gypsy Scale | Spanish Phrygian Scale | Super Locrian | Super Locrian bb7 | Super Locrian Natural 5 or 1-3-5 of any whole half diminished/octatonic scale, or 1-3-5 of any locrian mode. Rather There are two diminished scales called the half-whole and whole-half. Major 6th. Unlike other scales which contain seven notes, these scales contain eight notes. Hope you enjoy! How to practise a diminished scale. Published Half Step/Whole Step Diminished Scale - The This is because the pattern to build the dominant diminished scale is a complete sequence of half and whole steps. The diminished scale is different from the dominant diminished scale, which alternates half and whole steps and is used to solo over dominant 7b9 chords.. In the video I’ve used the example of a Bb7 chord. What notes are in the C diminished scale. (For instance, if you start and end the C Half-whole diminished on a C#, you actually have a C# whole-half diminished chord. diminished scale. A scale formula shows you the notes of a scale compared to the notes of the major scale. The whole-half diminished scale. Formula: 1/root, 2 whole steps up, 2 whole steps up. | Augmented Scale Form 2 | Augmented Scale Mode pattern of specific intervals. You can start any of these scales on any note within the pitch collection. Symmetrical Scales (Half/Whole Diminished, Whole/Half Diminished, Whole Tone) Everything you ever wanted to know about guitar scales, but were afraid to ask! Learn about the Whole Half Diminished Scale on Guitar FREE eGuide! So how about that long time one might be in G7 in the tune Caravan that resolves on a C minor and not a C major. C - D - Eb - F - Gb - Ab - A - B. C Augmented Triad = C-E-G#. Root Note. G Half-Whole Diminished scale works with G13b9, G#dim7, Bb13b9, Bdim7, C#13b9, Ddim7, E13b9, and Fdim7. The half tone, whole tone formula is consistent throughout the scale, for which reason it is sometimes called the Half-tone/Whole-tone Scale. Whole Note Scale | Whole-Tone Scale, Mentions légales | Charte de confidentialité. | Harmonic Major Scale | Harmonic Major Scale Scale   M   Major b2 The scale formula for the diminished scale easy to remember, just tone then semitone repeat! As you may have guessed from their names, the formula for the half-whole diminished scale is up a half step or semi-tone, then up a whole step or tone. A whole step = two frets. than a donation, help support these free lessons Half/Whole Diminished Scale Starting on Bb. October 13th, 2003. The underlined notes are the chord tones of the scale and the additional notes are almost like passing notes. F Half/Whole Diminished for guitar. Dorian Scale | Ukrainian Minor Scale | Ultra Major 2nd. Major 2nd. The first thing I think about wh… Similarly, the chord also occurs on the second degree of any natural minor scale (e.g., D ø 7 in C minor). C Augmented Triad = C-E-G#. The diminished scale is built with a direct formula of whole and half steps repeated one after the other. Melodic Minor Scale Modes | Minor Pentatonic | Minor Scales | Minor Third - Half Step Scale Home > Symmetric Scales > Half-Whole Diminished Scale > G HW dim scale Like its brother, the fully diminished scale, the dominant diminished scale … Symmetrical Scales (Half/Whole Diminished, Whole/Half Diminished, Whole Tone) Everything you ever wanted to know about guitar scales, but were afraid to ask! The dominant diminished scale is also known as the half whole dominant scale. Scale Modes | Hindu Scale | Hungarian Minor These scales are developed mathematically using whole and half steps. * Look for the "harmonic minor" scale formula and write it down. DbHalf/Whole Diminished. Intervals What intervals are in the C whole-half diminished scale. The Diminished Scale is also referred to as the Whole-half Diminished Scale since it is constructed by every second whole and half steps (notice also that it is a symmetrical scale). So going one fret up or down the neck is a half step. Home > Symmetric Scales > Half-Whole Diminished Scale > G HW dim scale. Unlike most scales which generally contain seven notes, the half/whole diminished scale is an eight note scale. There are 42 scale types in all keys! | Altered Scale | Arabic Scale | Ascending Melodic Minor Scale | Augmented Scale | Super Lydian | Suspended Pentatonic Formula: 1/root, 2 whole steps up, 2 whole steps up. Major 6th. one of Chris' CDs, you'll be happy you did! scale, A   Acoustic Scale | Aeolian | Aeolian b5 | Aeolian #3 | Aeolian Major 3rd | Aeolian Major 7th | Aeolian Natural 7 >>>, buying In the same way that we observed for the diminished chord, the diminished scale is repeated every three semitones.This is very advantageous, as it opens up a very wide range of possibilities. There are 42 scale types in all keys! The dominant diminished scale is also known as the half whole dominant scale. C#Half/Whole Diminished. If you're looking for some real life examples of the whole tone scale in use, I recommend checking out this video of Thelonious Monk, who often uses it in stride piano-style descending runs. Perfect 4th. If we take B o 7 we can see how the whole-half diminished scale … Let’s start with the diminished scale. What notes are in the C whole-half diminished scale. Firstly, we are going to learn each scale on one string, so that you can clearly see the pattern. INFINITE GUITAR. Scale   O   Other C - D - Eb - F - Gb - Ab - A - B. There is no “correct” spelling of this scale. This is often played in jazz over a diminished seventh chord. The diminished scale is used to solo over diminished 7 (Dim7) chords. Initially one can look at it as diminishing the 3rd, 5th, 6th, a m7th, and 8th. If you made any changes to your settings. Before print or download please save it first. It is also a so-called symmetrical scale since the intervals are consistent. The diminished scale pattern is a whole – half step repeating pattern. Major 7th. G Whole Tone Scale Fingerings. If you made any changes to your settings. Perfect 4th. CHalf/Whole Diminished. half/whole diminished scale is what we call a It can be represented by the integer notation {0, 3, 6, 10}.. © Formula: 1-2-b3-4-5-b6-b7-8 (Amin7) Pentatonic Scale | Major b6 Pentatonic Scale | Major Pentatonic Scale | Major Scale | Major Scale Modes | Man Gong | Melodic Minor (Descending) Scale | Melodic Minor b6 | | Mixo-Blues Scale | Mixolydian | Mixolydian b2 | Mixolydian b6 | Mixolydian b9 | Mixolydian b13 | Mixolydian b2 b6 | Mixolydian b9 b13 | Mixolydian #4 | Mixolydian #11 | Mohammedan Scale | Music Modes | Music Scales | Musical Modes   N   Natural Minor Scale | Neapolitan Major Scale | Neapolitan Minor Here's the next 'Just the Tip' video and this time we're focusing using the half-whole diminished scale as a picking/fingering exercise, which will … Meanwhile, any variation of notes within the diminished scale is movable up and down the neck in minor-third intervals (equal to a … One is the “whole-half” diminished scale, which is a whole step, then a half step, then keep repeating the pattern until you get to the octave. You can also use the altered scale, the half-whole diminished scale, whole-tone, or even Phrygian over a V7 chord, but each different scale implies different alterations, and different scales will work better in different musical contexts. Interval Formula: h W h W h W h W. Example C Half/Whole Diminished scale: C C# D# E F# G A A#. T = Tone [whole step] • S = Semitone [half step] • TS = Tone + Semitone (minor 3rd interval) Comparison With Major Scale Start by learning the intervals f… Before print or download please save it first. The half-whole diminished scale is sometimes referred to as the “auxiliary diminished scale” (again, note the inherent contradiction because some people use the same term for the opposite scale!) There are two diminished scales called the half-whole and whole-half. Lastly we have the Diminished triad which is built upon 1-3-5 of any half whole diminished/octatonic scale. Scales | Overtone Scale   P   Pentatonic Major | Pentatonic Minor | Pentatonic Mode I | Pentatonic Mode II | Pentatonic Mode III | Pentatonic Mode IV | Pentatonic Mode V | Pentatonic Modes | Pentatonic Neutral | Pentatonic Scales | Phrygian | Phrygian b4 | Phrygian b11 | Phrygian #3 | Phrygian #6 | Phrygian Dominant Scale | Phrygian Major | Phrygian Major 3rd | Phrygian Natural 6 | Phrygian Natural 13 | Phrygian Pentatonic Scale | | Symmetric Scales | Symmetrical Augmented C# Half/Whole Diminished for guitar. Lastly we have the Diminished triad which is built upon 1-3-5 of any half whole diminished/octatonic scale. E Whole/Half Diminished for piano. In other words, learn the scale construction first before getting bogged down with fingerings. It's known as a Whole Half when played over Diminished 7th chords. W = Whole Step. Scale   I   Inverted It is actually a mode of the Diminished scale, and owing to its construction and the fact that it has 8 tones, it actually repeats its pattern every 2 steps, meaning that it can serve as multiple modes for the parent scale. C Augmented Triad = C-E-G#. whole step interval. Let’s take the major scale … | Altered Dominant Scale | Altered Dorian Minor 6th. It is a symmetrical scale in that it follows a distinct pattern of steps, those being half step, whole step in a repeating pattern, not to be confused with the diminished scale which follows a whole step, half step pattern. All Rights Reserved. The other four starting notes will give you a whole-half diminished scale corresponding to a diminished 7th chord. EMPOWERED MUSICIAN". The whole-half diminished scale. Scales   U   Ukrainian In this lesson we'll take a look at the Half Whole scale, how to play it, where to use it and stuff like that. The Dominant Diminished Scale consists of eight notes, and therefore belongs to the category of octatonic scales. The dominant diminished scale, also known as the half whole scale, is an eight note scale with a numeric formula of 1- ♭ 2- ♯ 2-3- ♯ 4-5-6- ♭ 7-8/1. Formula: 1/root, 2 whole steps up, 2 whole steps up. If you made any changes to your settings. Formula What is the formula for the C whole-half diminished scale. What is a scale formula? Write a comment. The whole-half diminished scale is used to play over diminished 7th chords. Major 7th. Learn to use the entire fretboard with this incredible guitar scale chart. In diatonic harmony, the half-diminished seventh chord occurs naturally on the seventh scale degree of any major scale (for example, B ø 7 in C major) and is thus a leading-tone seventh chord in the major mode. See … The diminished pattern uses a lot of the minor intervals. Home > Symmetric Scales > Half-Whole Diminished Scale > G HW dim When first exploring diminished scales on … by buying Modes | Harmonic Minor Scale | Harmonic Minor It is a symmetrical scale in that it follows a distinct pattern of steps, those being whole step, half step in a repeating pattern, not to be confused with the dominant diminished scale which […] Made up of the scale and the additional notes are in the C diminished. C whole-half diminished scale are on the note C then moving up to D is your whole and. Any whole half diminished/octatonic scale, for which reason it is the formula describes interval. It can be referred to as dominant diminished scale is used to play over a scale! With the Pentatonic Blues scales 6th, a, B, C an! Any one of Chris ' CDs, you 'll be happy you did the ascending form of the intervals... And it shares many notes with the Pentatonic Blues scales to a Cm like in Caravan by:.. 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