Più tardi, Sakura cerca di utilizzare le arti mediche per annullare il genjutsu che ha stregato quelle persone, senza però avere successo. While Hashirama's words fail to inspire anyone, Naruto's senjutsu-enhanced Tailed Beast Mode combined with Ino's telepathy caused his emotions and personal memories to be conveyed to everyone, during which Chōji sympathised with Naruto over the loss of Asuma. By the time they arrived however, Urashiki was already defeated. Although reluctant to use the pills, Jirōbō's constant mocking of Shikamaru as a worthless, selfish, and uncaring leader convinced Chōji to take all three pills. Having fallen for Shikamaru's trick, Chōji joined the team to retrieve Sasuke. Chōji was later seen with the rest of the Konoha 11, hearing Naruto's decision about Sasuke. While Ino didn't have enough time to use her clan techniques and the scorpion overpowered Chōji, Sakura surprised everyone by defeating the creature with a single punch. Shortly after Shikamaru's promotion to chūnin, the team celebrated at Yakiniku Q. When Naruto explained that it would not be easy to defeat Sasuke, even at his current level, Chōji asked what he meant by that. Ciò gli permette di acquisire un notevole vantaggio negli scontri fisici. He seems to have stopped wearing a forehead protector. However, the argument started with Omoi implying that she is flat-chested in comparison to their other teammate, Samui. La ragazza scende così in prima linea a guidare l'attacco con la sua devastante potenza, affiancata da Sasuke e Naruto. SUBSCRIBE US AT( https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-BYLb3IJdTXOjvbx_Vw2qQ ) AND TURN NOTIFICATIONS ON FOR MORE FUNNY VIDEOS EVERY DAY! Though his blubbery appearance may insinuate weakness, he has proven time and again that he is worthy of being called ninja, capable of expanding his … While the Suna-nin openly admit defeat and offer their scroll, Sakura notes that it is unneeded as they already have two matching scrolls. Like most of the Rookie Nine, he had reached the chūnin rank. He and most of the world fell prey to the Infinite Tsukuyomi. Chōji meets up with Shikamaru, who is trying to think of what to get for Naruto and Hinata, and the two have lunch at Yakiniku Q. Chōji reveals that he's gotten Naruto and Hinata a complimentary meal at a nice restaurant. Nonostante questo però Temari riesce a farsi raccontare dall'hokage cosa sta realmente minacciando l'Unione, e raduna Ino e Choji per aiutare Shikamaru nella sua pericolosa missione. Returned to his normal size and hungry, Mirai decided to make him all the chips he wants. His peers would always berate him, telling him that any team that he was on was bound to lose. Durante l'Inseguimento di Sasuke viene rivelato che Choji, quando era una bambino, era spesso messo da parte dagli altri bambini perché non era bravo a giocare ai "Ninja". Chōji and his comrades attacking Obito with Naruto's Rasengan. Ino chiede al padre di metterla in contatto con Sakura, e scopre che anche lei è impegnata in uno scontro con il giovane, tuttavia nella discussione entra Kiba, che rivela di star di fronte ad un altro Yota molto arrabbiato. As Boruto realised what was going on and helped even the playing field, one of the promoters used a technique to make their dumplings grow to immense sizes. 'I'm sorry Sensei, but I must use it.' During this time, Chōji confronted a reincarnated Kumo-nin and used his colossal fists to battle the shinobi. Choji activated a storage seal from underneath his bracer. Tadaichi viene colpito con un shuriken, ma improvvisamente inizia ad espandersi. Successivamente esibisce con fierezza anche la sua nuova tecnica, ancora più potente, la Tecnica dello Sconvolgimento Spirituale, che ha lo stesso effetto, con l'importante differenza di controllare l'avversario a distanza, permettendogli di rimanere nel proprio corpo. Main article: Kaguya Ōtsutsuki Strikes Chōji first appeared with his friends battling several White Zetsu clones disguised as deceased Akatsuki members. Main article: Naruto Shippūden the Movie: Bonds With the accompanying increase in strength, he was able to kill Jirōbō noting that while it was fine for people to mock him and even eat his food, it was unforgivable to speak ill of his best friend. At the start of the match, Ino Yamanaka yelled to him that he was fat, so that he would be spurred into fighting. Taking so long to arrive, Ino and Sakura got into another heated argument. Chōji then uses his Partial Multi-Size Technique to immobilise Sora but soon after the chakra cloak begins burning his hands. Naruto aggiunge ad esso con un Rasengan. To Chōji's horror, Shikamaru fell victim to the tree's attack and drained of nearly all his chakra, Shikamaru collapsed in Chōji's arms. Madara is later resurrected and absorbs the Ten-Tails to … "Whoa, it's as if she afraid of Choji or something!" Sora fa conoscenza di alcuni compagni di Naruto e conversa con Asuma dal quale riceve informazioni riguardo al padre che, proprio come Asuma e Chiriku, faceva parte dei dodici ninja guardiani. With graduation exams nearing for his daughter's class, Chōji met up with Chōchō, who was still annoyed with her father's choice of potato chips. Food can also make him over-react about silly things, such as who gets the last chip, or when Akamaru tried to take his chips, and he refuses to let anyone else eat the last chip in the bag, even in battle-situation. Tramite le sue abilità sensoriali, Ino percepisce immediatamente che c'è qualcosa di molto strano nel chakra dei suoi nemici. Chōji undergoing treatment and observation in intensive care. This gave Chōji a little hope, although, in the end, they still refused to let him play. Main article: Past Arc: The Locus of Konoha. Quando si trova in questo stato la forza fisica di Choji aumenta ulteriormente, anche se non è noto sapere se le ali gli concedano la capacità di volare. Well, as it turns out, he did. Gli racconta che il suo clan poteva manipolare il tempo, controllarlo e venderlo, e pur essendo bravo a farlo egli morì poiché il suo corpo era fragile. Ready to begin the final stages of his plan, Obito unleashes the Ten-Tails' tree form. Because of this, Chōji has unwavering faith and loyalty to Shikamaru and, if necessary, would give his life for him, which nearly happened during his battle with Jirōbō. Soon after, the Ten-Tails launched an attack, Chōji and several other Akimichi stopped its tails. Nella sala d'attesa, Shikamaru e Temari discutono della situazione e il ragazzo ammette di non essere tagliato per quella vita, ma viene rimproverato dal padre che lo chiama "codardo". Chōji's hobby is buying and eating snacks. Hashirama Senju has Ino everyone link-up telepathically to inform them of what his original had learned of the Eye of the Moon Plan as well as try and rally them. Sbattendo le ali molte velocemente però, è sicuramente in grado di creare raffiche di vento molto potenti. Even though the Summit could end with the outbreak of war, Chōji is unconcerned. [20], Ultimately, his team were among the first 30 teams to make it. [23] Later, Team Asuma was caught in a massive sandstorm. Main articles: Naruto Shinden: Parent and Child Day and Parent and Child Day Arc Chōji supporting Shikamaru as Sakura heals him. Chōji has a long-standing friendship with Shikamaru. [8] He is easily motivated by the prospect of food, and becomes highly agitated when somebody calls him "fat" (he refers to himself as "big-boned", "chubby") Asuma would say that he is just "pleasantly plump". Poco prima di lasciare andare Shikamaru, Temari gli dona una delle lama del maestro Asuma. However, a preliminary round was issued to lessen the many partipants, involving a race to Sunagakure where only the first 30 teams to arrive at the destination would qualify for the second exam. La squadra ha il compito di trattenere i Fratelli Vento e Fulmine, per consentire a Naruto di raggiungere Mizuki, il ninja traditore evaso di galera. Chōji is part of the team of Konoha ninja assigned to provide security at the Blood Prison. He later wondered just what exactly was going on across the battlefield when they saw meteorites falling from the sky close by. After smoking one last cigarette, Asuma died, leaving Chōji, Shikamaru, and Ino to set out in an attempt to avenge him with Kakashi as their temporary leader. Their bickering was quickly ended by the attack of another giant scorpion. Main articles: Boruto: Naruto the Movie and Versus Momoshiki Arc Subito dopo era arrivato Shikamaru e Choji si era accorto che lui era la stessa persona che lo aveva difeso poco prima. Quando la dedacoda si prepara a distruggere gli eserciti alleati con un'unica e potentissima sfera di energia, Ino mette telepaticmente in contatto Shikamaru con Kitsuchi per insegnare all'intera alleanza ad erigere un muro di Terra e contrastare l'attacco. Alla fine verrà sconfitto da Naruto con il suo Rasenshuriken. Along with his team-mates, he is part of an Ino–Shika–Chō trio, just like their fathers were before them. Una mattina, lui, Ino e Choji partono per scovare il duo di Alba e, nonostante le proteste di Tsunade, al trio si aggrega anche Kakashi. He almost called Chōji fat, but Naruto covered his mouth to prevent him doing so. Viene scoperta la fuga di Sasuke. As a reward to Chōji for getting so far in the Chūnin Exams, and as a bribe to help with Shikamaru's training, Asuma takes Chōji to a buffet, but Chōji ends up eating too much and gains stomach pains, forcing him to spend some time in the hospital. É la madre di Choji Akimichi e la moglie di Choza Akimichi.Come suo figlio e suo marito, sembra essere piuttosto grossa. Ino then rallies her own team together, for them to perform Formation E. While Chōji uses his Multi-Size Technique, and Shikamaru uses the Shadow Clutch Technique on him, Ino uses her sensory abilities to lock onto all of the clones in the surrounding area, before using the Perception Transfer technique on Shikamaru. Terminato il toccante racconto Yota si ricopre di neve e si colpisce volontariamente con un fulmine, lasciando scioccati i suoi amici. Later, when Urashiki Ōtsutsuki was spotted in the area, Chōji joined several other Konoha-nin in pursuing him. In the anime, Chōji was assigned to lead a team of three Academy students on a survival exercise. Chōza and Chōji attack the Demonic Statue. Tuttavia non sembra essere particolarmente portato per le tecniche di tipo elementale. He and his teammates later mobilsed when Naruto called for them via their telepathic link. But he quickly sobered after finding out that Kakashi died protecting him. He acted fast and attacked Kakuzu with his colossal fists but Kakuzu easily managed to stop his attack and knocked him out. Le venti squadre continuano la ricerca ed il team composto da Asuma, Shikamaru, Izumo e Kotetsu giunge al tempio del Fuoco dove trovano i cadaveri dei monaci, eccetto quello di Chiriku. Afterwards, gaining enough chakra, Sakura was able to propel herself out of the sandstorm and defeat the enemies with a single strike. Chōji gets up soon afterwards, having finally recovered from his blood sugar overload, and he praises both of their soldier pills. Main article: Birth of the Ten-Tails' Jinchūriki EX 3, Naruto Shippūden: Gekitō Ninja Taisen! He was later shocked to see Sasuke arrive on the battlefield as well, and went along with his teammates to where they were. And it scared him, because Shikamaru is never broken. Chōji is a very kind, polite, and caring person. Main article: Akatsuki Suppression Mission. Poco dopo, uno degli uccelli d'inchiostro di Sai fornisce un rapporto al Sesto. His father told him that few peopl… 7 Sakura Tells Naruto She Loves Him. This gave Ino the chance to take over Obito with her Mind Body Switch Technique to deflect an attack launched at them. Fortunately he was saved by Kakashi who dealt with Hidan himself with Kakuzu appearing before him. During the Fourth Shinobi World War, he becomes able to form the butterfly wings on his own, bypassing the pills' dangerous side effects. Due anni dopo la guerra, l'Unione Shinobi fu in grado di inaugurare una nuova era di pace, che non conosce precedenti, sopratutto grazie all'instancabile dedizione di Shikamaru. After running into Temari, Chōji forces Shikamaru to ask her instead and decides to excuse himself to get desert. Shikamaru si offre di affrontare da solo Hidan, lo immobilizza con l'ombra e lo porta in una foresta. Asuma treats Chōji and the rest to lunch. When Naruto and Sakura left the village to rescue Kakashi, Chōji, and the others left to stop him. Mentre Naruto e Sasuke stanno combattendo Obito, un alone di chakra della volpe avvolge tutti i presenti per dare loro nuove energie. Chōji samples each of their soldier pills and finds them so delicious that he starts putting them into his mouth by the handful. Main articles: Konoha Hiden (novel) and Konoha Hiden (anime) In the following years, Chōji would marry Karui, whom he had a daughter with named Chōchō. L'ultimo incontro dei preliminari del terzo esame vede come sfidanti Choji Akimichi e Dosu Kinuta, ma il ragazzo verrà purtroppo sconfitto dal ninja del Suono rivale. After Hinata defeated the second of the three ninja, and was badly injured in the process, Naruto sent her away with Chōji. Quando Naruto accorse, venne colpito alle spalle da uno degli ANBU. Noticing her father's slim figure, Chōji was soon distracted by her admiration for his technique. Like the last exam in Konoha, the teams were each given either a Heaven or Earth scroll and were required to within three days to obtain a matching set. Lo stile di combattimento di Choji è puramente fisico e dunque basato solo sul taijutsu potenziato dalle tecniche Akimichi per l'espansione del corpo analogamente agli altri membri del suo clan. Shocked that it had reappeared, he noted that it was even stronger than before. Returning to his regular size, Chōji bunkers down with the rest of his team as Statue goes on a rampage. Feeling himself get hungry, Chōji plans out how he'll consume all the food. Naruto's animation is usually very well done and the show also does a great job of making us love the characters on the show, but let's face it what we love most about Naruto is the battles. Sora, now having four tails, attacked Chōji and the others, but Yamato was able to shield them with his Wood Release: Wood Locking Wall. Naruto Extra: Il Settimo Hokage e il Marzo Rosso, https://naruto.fandom.com/it/wiki/Choji_Akimichi?oldid=62865. In the anime, deciding to get rid of old clothing that they no longer used, Chōji and Chōchō decided to sell them at the flee market. Main article: Power The intruders turn out the be Konoha ninja who are being controlled, and furthermore blow up when damaged. He has spiky, brown hair that sticks upward in Part I and grows to waist-length in Part II. With the efforts of the Nara clan's medical encyclopaedia which they had listed their research on their comrade's pills and their effects along with Tsunade's medical expertise allowed Chōji to evade death, and make a full recovery. Choji, pensando a questo evento ed al suo giuramento fatto davanti al padre come 16º capo del Clan Akimichi, si riprende ed assume un atteggiamento fisico e psicologico diverso dal normale: si trasforma, infatti, in farfalla senza l'ausilio della pillola calorica diventando magro ed alto e, con grande determinazione, riesce, finalmente, a colpire in pieno Asuma spedendolo alla squadra di sigillo. Chōji attacked the two from above with his Spiked Human Bullet Tank when Shikamaru distracted them, with its effectiveness increased with his new ability to grow and sharpen his hair, creating a huge crater in the ground on impact. Infondendola di chakra, Shikamaru la utilizza per farsi strada verso Gengo. Main article: Naruto the Movie: Blood Prison. I redivivi si presentano più forti e con un segno maledetto molto più potente rispetto a quello che possedevano durante la vita. Prima di essere sigillato, Asuma afferma che la squadra Ino-Shika-Cho è completa e che non ha più niente da imparare. When this happens, Chōji enters Butterfly Mode and uses the form's wings to direct the explosion away from the village. Later, he, Ino and Shikamaru battled a snake clone of Hidan made by Kabuto Yakushi, but Hidan's body died out just as Hidan was gaining the upper hand. Ultimately, the world was freed from the genjutsu by Naruto and Sasuke after they ended the war. His outfit is mostly the same, but he wears larger wrist-guards and his boots reach his calves. Main article: Shikamaru Hiden: A Cloud Drifting in Silent Darkness He uses Butterfly Chōji Mode to create butterfly chakra-wings without the aid of the Three Coloured Pills, a feat which amazed his father. Chōji and his family then enjoy a meal together at the end of Parent and Child Day. As Sakura and Ino went after him, they were all attacked by a giant scorpion. Chōji and his team congratulate Naruto and Hinata. In the anime, about two years after Naruto left the village with Jiraiya for training, Konoha decided to host an early Chūnin Exams alongside Sunagakure. Afterwards, Ino healed Sakura's hand from the attack. Chōji moved over to give him space. With that Chōji sends a fist crashing into Jirōbō's stomach, killing the Oto-nin. Divenne amico di Shikamaru: i due si fidano completamente l'uno dell'altro. Jirobo utilizza il segno maledetto di livello 2, battendo Choji e lasciandolo in fin di vita. He asked Shikamaru and Ino to back him up while he ended the battle. As they prepare to face him yet again, he points out that he is not the only ninja to have been reincarnated: Asuma is on the battlefield too. In the anime, Chōji began teaching his daughter their clan's more advanced techniques, including the maxed out calorie control skill, only to be disappointed that she was more interested in watching a TV drama featuring a handsome lead actor Tomaru. Near death, Chōji was found by members of the Medic Corps and rushed back to the village for emergency treatment. Hidden Leaf Village Grand Sports Festival! Il suo nome è un contrasto ironico con quello della sua compagna di squadra Ino, il cui nome significa "cinghiale selvaggio", dal momento che è due volte più magra di lui. Poco dopo, gli Anbu di Konoha arrivano sul posto per prendere Gengo in custodia. Choji Dies!? This delighted Chōji, and he eagerly asked Shikamaru if he wanted to eat some snacks that he had brought. Asuma, however, knew that he wouldn't make it back to Konoha, and gave some parting words to his team. Shikamaru agrees to this and leaves. After a brief argument over the meat, Asuma told Chōji that he should eat less and train more. Chōji then appears with Shikamaru while Sora and Kiba were arguing, telling them not to fight. Later, it was revealed that Chōji was helping in an investigation of missing girls from the Land of Hot Water by helping Kakashi and Guy gather intel. Shikamaru is impressed by how thoughtful the gift is until Chōji mentions it's a meal for three and that he intends to accompany them; he'll get a separate table so as not to be rude. In the anime, Chōji was teamed with Naruto in fighting a water-user, and the two were frequently able to save the life of the other. Meanwhile, the grown-up Sasuke and Boruto were sent back in time to shortly after Sasuke's defection. Sakura, ricordando gli eventi passati del Team 7 e di come si fosse sempre affidata a Naruto e Sasuke anziché a sé stessa, raggiunge la massima potenza, attivando lo stesso sigillo Yin delle 100 Forze di Tsunade. I suoi membri sono capaci di convertire le calorie in chakra, che usano per eseguire le loro tecniche segrete come la Tecnica dell'Ingrandimento e i vari jutsu correlati. Il Jonin sviene ed ha una visione dei suoi vecchi compagni e di suo padre. Chōji had also improved his skills during the time-skip, and was now able to enlarge various parts of his body without much concentration. Sai was surprised to see them after his encounter with them. Naruto was born on the night of October 10th to Minato Namikaze (the Fourth Hokage) and Kushina Uzumaki (the second jinchūriki of the Nine-Tails). Thought Choji. Chōji takes Chōchō to Yakiniku Q to meet Karui for dinner. Fu riportato in vita da Orochimaru alla presenza di Kabuto per testare l'Edo Tensei e rilasciato nei pressi di Konoa dove incontro' per la prima volta gli 11 di Konoah. He tells Chōchō that Shikamaru will be there, and that because of Shikamaru's presence the war will be averted. Recentemente anche senza le pillole, Choji riesce a far spuntare dalla sua schiena due ali di chakra simili a quelle di una farfalla con grande stupore di suo padre Choza. However, Chōji survived thanks to the Nara clan's medical book and Tsunade's medical expertise. Durante la missione Choji si scontra con Jirobo, permettendo così ai suoi compagni di raggiungere gli altri membri del Quartetto del Suono. When the Ryūha Armament Alliance stages a prison break, Chōji helps round up the escaped prisoners. After Shikaku and Inoichi were killed by the Ten-Tails after relaying their final strategy, Chōji attempted to console Shikamaru, only to be reminded by his friend that they were in the midst of battle and did not have time to grieve. The only poll he placed in was the fourth where he was ranked 21st most popular character. He is a chūnin-level shinobi of Konohagakure's Akimichi clan and a member of Team Asuma. He soon collapses to the ground with blood running from his nose, causing Sakura to believe Ino poisoned the pills and vice versa. Kakuzu resiste all'attacco di Choji, ma viene colpito alle spalle da Kakashi che lo trafigge con il Mille Falchi. She assumed that he wanted them to get him more protein shakes. Is he enough to swing the tides by himself? Diplomatosi all'accademia, Choji entra a far parte del Team 10, composto da Shikamaru, Ino, e affidato ad Asuma. This Video is about Naruto/Shippuden Death scenes My 10 Saddest Naruto & Naruto Shippuden scenes ^^ 10 . Main article: Graduation Exams Arc Following Sakura's decision, they went for an oasis to replenish themselves. During which, past-Chōji and his friends helped Boruto and Naruto clean up a bathhouse after the commotion Naruto and Jiraiya caused. Porta i tuoi fandom preferiti con te e non perdere mai un colpo. After discussing a plan created by Shikamaru, they located Hidan and Kakuzu. Chōji can be seen at the Third Hokage's funeral alongside the other villagers, mourning his death. He and the other shinobi subsequently found themselves on the outside of the barrier, escaping the near-fatal attack thanks to Naruto and Minato's action. Chōji then reminisces his memories with Asuma like the day when they were assigned to him as students and he treated them for a meal and Chōji had ordered a banquet, which hurt Asuma's economy. Chōji then cried. Shikamaru e Ino comprendono che il reale scopo del test è individuare chi riesca a barare senza farsi scoprire dagli esaminatori. Chōji and his teammates using Formation E to assault the Ten-Tails' clones. I compagni di Shikamaru inizialmente litigano, ma poi riescono a trovare il punto debole della prigione di roccia e si liberano. Chōji recognised him as the one who had defended him earlier, and asked Shikamaru why he wasn't playing the game, to which Shikamaru responded that it was too troublesome. "Ah," Shikamaru avrà però bisogno di aiuto per la missione, ma il ragazzo non vuole ne coinvolgere i suoi migliori amici Ino e Choji in questo, ne vuole raccontare a Temari di cosa stia succedendo. Special, Naruto Shippūden: Ultimate Ninja Heroes 3, Naruto Shippūden: Ultimate Ninja Storm Generations, Naruto Shippūden: Ultimate Ninja Storm Revolution, Naruto: Ultimate Ninja Heroes 2: The Phantom Fortress, https://naruto.fandom.com/wiki/Chōji_Akimichi?oldid=1376790, The name "Chōji" is made up of the kanji for "butterfly" (. Days later, Konohamaru, Moegi, and Udon approached Chōji and his friends for help, telling how Naruto and Boruto were battling a dangerous foe. Chōji then grew his wings to an enormous size, catching the attention of nearly everyone in the battle. Later, Ino telepathically contacted him and Sakura to make sure their score would be even. In un flashback, che mostra Choji quando era appena un Genin nel momento in cui aveva ricevuto gli orecchini secondo la tradizione dal suo clan, Choza, parlando con Asuma, gli confessa che il figlio è troppo debole e codardo e che verrà sconfitto subito in missione; il maestro, però, lo smentisce dicendogli che Choji è un ninja colmo di gentilezza e che, un giorno, questa si trasformerà in forza e sarà indispensabile per la protezione del villaggio. In seguito viene soggiogato dallo Tsukuyomi Infinito insieme ai suoi compagni e agli eserciti alleati. Suo padre viene quasi ucciso e il giovane Akimichi corre da Tsunade per informarlo dei poteri dell'avversario. Chōji quickly engages Jirōbō, who notes Chōji's much slimmer built. As she fights, Chōji reflects on his duty as an Akimichi, only coming back to his senses when his father shields them from Asuma's attack. Afterwards, Sakura healed her teammates, to which Chōji and Ino voiced their pleasure in having Sakura for a teammate. While Chōji was briefly depressed, Shikamaru convinced him to be himself. Determined to have Chōji come with them, Shikamaru and Naruto Uzumaki ate some of Chōji's favourite snacks in front of his house. Subito dopo arriva Sasuke, desideroso di voler proteggere il villaggio e diventare Hokage; lui e Naruto, seguendo le direttive del Primo Hokage, si preparano, quindi, ad attaccare il Decacoda, assieme a Sakura ed a tutti i loro compagni. Chōji and Chōza enacting Kakashi's strategy. Appare solo nell'anime dopo la morte di Asuma, quando conforta Shikamaru. Seeing that his teammates and his own father have the will to fight despite the circumstances, Chōji finds the resolve he needs. Chōji is later seen celebrating amongst the villagers after hearing the worldwide announcement of the Moon crisis being averted. è un personaggio della serie anime e manga Naruto, scritto e disegnato dal mangaka Masashi Kishimoto.Il nome "Choji" significa "farfalla". Naruto e Sakura vanno immediatamente a indagare: cinque sconosciuti stanno attaccando il personale di sicurezza dai cancelli. Ino, Shikamaru e Choji non trovano un modo per neutralizzare il potere di Yota, e continuano a schivare ogni suo attacco. This lead Chōji to comment that if it hadn't been for the cloak, they would be no different than pigs roasting on a spit. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. His attack however didn't phase them since Kakuzu was able to protect himself and Hidan merely endured it. Così mentre Shikamaru inizia ad inseguire Gengo per uno scontro faccia a faccia, Ino e Choji si preparano a lottare contro Hinoko, Rou e Sai. Mentre Shikamaru, Naruto e Rock Lee escono illesi dagli scontri, Kiba, Choji e Neji vengono ricoverati all'ospedale di Konoha. He was named after the protagonist of Jiraiya's first book, which made the Sannin his godfather. As he headed through the forest, suffering the effects of the pills and severely emaciated, Chōji sees the arrow left by his comrades, he collapses beneath it, and tearfully mused to his father that he had finally found good friends. After the Deva Path launched a counter-attack at them, Chōji and Chōza tried to distract the Path so Kakashi could land a finishing blow. Chōji's nature transformations include Fire and Earth Release, though he almost exclusively uses the Yang Release for his body-expanding techniques. Choji and Akaamaaru: Its not that I hate them but their death could be very impactful for the plot rather than Neji. Main article: Fourth Shinobi World War: Confrontation. Main article: Fourth Shinobi World War: Climax This would almost certainly have meant death for Naruto and Sakura, and he ultimately doesn’t do it, but the fact that he considers letting his friends die is awful. Il team 10, per vie delle abilità sensoriali di Ino, viene schierato in prima linea. Choji Akimichi è un ninja del Villaggio della Foglia amico di Naruto e appartenente al Team 10. A (First Raikage)- Died during the war 3. Main article: Chūnin Exams Chōji, Sai and Kiba guarding the Kaminarimon Company. He was seen with his team as they look at how popular Naruto is now with Ino noting many people, mostly women, are drawn to him as a hero. Shikamaru can at most hold down Shukaku, but not for very Long. Il Team 10, insieme a Kakashi, tende un'imboscata ai due membri di Alba. Alcuni anni dopo la fine della guerra, Choji sposa Karui, da cui ha una figlia, Chocho Akimichi. Kakashi ingaggia in battaglia Deva-Pain al quale si unisce anche Asura-Pain. Al fine di trovare una chance di vittoria, Choza, padre di Choji, offre una mano a Shikamaru e ad Ino per sigillare il maestro Asuma mentre Choji è ancora bloccato e traumatizzato dal fatto che non riesce a sfoderare la sua rabbia contro il suo avversario. Choji and Neji should've died there. Presumibilmente, se Choji riuscisse ad acquisire maggiore velocità di movimento sarebbe in grado di diventare uno dei ninja più potenti del manga nel campo del taijutsu. Naruto, Choji and Hinata are sent to help some peddlers move out of the Land of Greens. Ino rimane sconcertata nel realizzare che il signor Tadaichi è appena morto, mentre, su suggerimento di Shikamaru, Choji si espande, e crea delle ali di farfalla di chakra per sbattere via l'esplosione creando un violento tornado. Shikamaru è impopolare e Choji è un ciccione, ma col passare del tempo si creerà un forte legame tra i ragazzi. Though believing his father to be dead, Chōji did as instructed, and was delighted to learn from Tsunade that his father was alive. [Naruto] Shikamaru, Ino, Choji, and Asuma vs Zabuza and Haku. ... strange is present during the attack on hogwarts by the death eaters. Chōji, Shikamaru, and other members of their division are later sent to provide support for the First Division. Choza e Choji raggiungono Kakashi con alcuni rinforzi, ma questi ultimi vengono subito abbattuti. Come ninja del clan Akimichi può usare delle pillole speciali che potenziano alcune delle sue capacità, diventando in grado di espandere parti del suo corpo e di ingrandirsi diventando anche gigantesco quanto un bijuu, Gamabunta, Manda o Katsuyu grazie alla Tecnica dell'Espansione Parziale o la Tecnica del Gigantismo. 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